My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 164: There is a kind of you don't go


In the dark night where I can't see my fingers,

The rustling branches and leaves play a movement called madness,

Slowly dripping blood smeared on the canvas covered with fallen leaves,

There are still panic and despair in the lost eyes...

Everything is like a horror shot in the movie. In the dark woods, a terrifying cold-blooded killer is harvesting one life after another.

As a killer, Dakang was leaning against the tree and panting with his head up.

At his feet is a breathless night watchman,

Not far away lay his four companions...

"Mad, I must be crazy... I actually started killing the night watcher?" Da Kang wiped the blood from his face, staggered to the rock where Du Xuewei was hidden, and put her on his back again.

The 5-person standard exploration team, all rookies,

Under Dakang’s deliberate sneak attack, 5 people were successfully killed.


He knew that his position had been exposed and he had to leave here quickly, otherwise the squad that swarmed around would surround him...

Dakang gave himself a shot to strengthen his physique and ran quickly in the forest.

Fortunately, it was late at night when I could not see my fingers!

Fortunately, it is in the dense forest!

Fortunately, most of the technology equipment is not used, otherwise he may be surrounded in minutes,

The fight just now made Dakang realize that

Those five people are all rookies, not veteran night watchers, it is very likely that the opponent did not send an elite hunter team...

There is no hunter to show a possibility,

Dakang was comforting himself, but the old butler did not attack him.


The actions of the old housekeeper made Dakang somewhat unpredictable...

It stands to reason that after something goes wrong, the old housekeeper should come to save himself as soon as possible. With his ability, he should have been able to find himself soon.

Then I hid behind the old housekeeper and watched him show his power and kill those who attacked him.

However, it has been nearly an hour since the crash, and Dakang did not see the old butler descending from the sky to save himself.

What is the old housekeeper doing?

Dakang ran, took out his phone from the ring, and pressed the power button.

He knew that his mobile phone was probably located, but he felt it necessary to call Luo Xiaotian.

He had to remind Luo Xiaotian,

This is probably a trap against Luo Xiaotian and him. Passing this news to him, with his mind, he can definitely figure out what happened.

When he called Luo Xiaotian before, Dakang knew that Luo Xiaotian must have heard his overtones.

So now even if you are risking exposure, you have to remind him that you can only rely on Luo Xiaotian to make a comeback...

The call was quickly connected,

"Dakang! I'm on my way to the crash site! I'll be there in half an hour!" Luo Xiaotian's voice came.

"Someone from the night watch was chasing me! I just met 5 newbies and they were killed by me... Besides, my hole card, our old housekeeper did not show up..."

"...I see, in which direction are you running?"

"Big brother, how do I know that it's black, I'm not you, I'm panicking now!"

"Locate your safe house and hide in!" Luo Xiaotian reminded.

"I forgot, let's not say, I lost the phone, it may be located!" Dakang said, hung up the phone, and threw it out.

Then he located the location of the safe house, turned his head and started running there...

5 kilometers south of the crash site,

The two figures are facing each other,

The old housekeeper looked at the opposite woman with a gloomy expression...

"Suzaku, let go..." the old butler said solemnly.

"Uncle Fan, don't go there anymore... Although I can't beat you, there are ways to hold you back. Even if you want to kill me, you won't be able to kill it for a while..." The woman's face revealed A look of difficulty,

"You have been pestering me for an hour... Do you really think I can't kill you?" Uncle Fan squeezed his fist.

"I just said that we didn't want to kill the young master..."

"Fart!" Uncle Fan's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The woman disappeared at the same time,

There was a sudden burst of air in the air, and the trees on both sides were uprooted,

In the middle of the air wave, the two figures suddenly separated,

The woman waved her hand and took two steps back.

Uncle Fan's figure also shook,

"Uncle Fan..." The woman smiled bitterly.

"What benefit did Liu Heyi give you?" Uncle Fan walked forward slowly, the light in his eyes brightened.

"He gave me the truth..." The woman's face also became serious, she slowly backed away, trying to adjust her breathing,

Uncle Fan walked step by step like this, and the pressure on her was immense...

"Do you believe his nonsense?"

"Xu Qing is not dead... I saw his soul..." The woman nodded.

Uncle Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh?"

The woman nodded again, waiting for Uncle Fan to speak,


With this sound, Uncle Fan’s figure suddenly rushed up, almost in front of the woman in the blink of an eye.

At this time, she bluffed the woman so hard that she retreated sharply, and subconsciously wanted to distance herself from Uncle Fan.

But Uncle Fan’s figure suddenly turned, turning into a meteor and rushing into the distance.

The woman was stunned, she couldn't help cursing the old fox in secret, and hurriedly chased after her.

Waiting for the figure of the woman to disappear into the distance,

The surroundings became quiet again,

There was a twist in the air, and Uncle Fan’s figure gradually appeared.

He looked at the direction the woman was disappearing and frowned.

Xu Qing's soul body is still alive? So Liu He Yicai betrayed the night watcher without hesitation

Is he afraid of Xu Qing's revenge? Or is there another reason

Uncle Fan sighed and started to run away. Dakang must be waiting for him to save him. I don't know if he hides in that corner and wipes his tears, right

The most terrible thing is that the newly selected wife of the young master is also on the plane.

If something happens to both of them, where will his promise be fulfilled

He can only walk quickly through the mountains and forests, and he doesn't even dare to use his abilities, for fear that the crazy woman will come back to haunt him...

Like a brown candy, it can’t be shaken off, and it can’t be bitten...

Oh, woman...


Dakang ran out of breath, his lungs were burning with pain at the moment, and his mouth was full of blood.

Not far behind, a white man was chasing behind him unhurriedly.

"I see how far you can run with this woman on your back?" The white man smiled, his voice extremely arrogant.

"I dug your family's ancestral grave? Am I, your wife? Why are you chasing me?" Da Kang really couldn't run anymore, and put Du Xuewei on his back on the ground, leaning against a tree.

"Master, don't run away, how good is it to go back with me?" The white man stopped and said to Dakang with a smile.

His face is full of complacency,

As a veteran rebirth who can upgrade the Guardian by one step, he now chases the eldest master of the night watch and runs like a dog.

It's the pinnacle of life...

"I saw you, you are from Old Man Liu..." Dakang sat on the ground panting, took out a bottle of water and took a sip.

The white man raised his eyebrows and glanced over the girl behind Dakang.

Snorted softly,

"Master, your vision is not so good... This woman is really average..."

"I see, Suzaku is blocking Uncle Fan..." Da Kang nodded again.

"Come with me..." the white man said again.

"This time Liu Heyi wants to use me to cause a conflict between the night watchman and the upper-level boss, and then he can profit from it..." Da Kang took another sip of water and said in a deep voice.

"..." The corner of the white man's eyes twitched.

Two people talk about their own things, they are not talking about one channel at all!

Dakang took out a crimson crystal and threw it under his feet.

A crimson mask covered him and Du Xuewei,

The white man sneered and said, "Can this mask block me for 10 minutes or 20 minutes? What about afterwards?"

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, you can change the source of the book \Mi\MiRead\\!

Dakang took out a cigarette and lit it in his mouth, took a deep breath, looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and muttered something softly.

"What are you talking about? Loud!"

"I wonder if you have watched Kung Fu?"

"What?" The white man had a grim face.

Dakang took out a strange-looking flare gun from the ring, raised his hand to fire a red flare into the sky, and a dazzling red pattern exploded in the night sky.

"A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops and horses will meet each other!" Dakang pointed at the man, smiled and said:

"There is a kind of you don't go!" (End of this chapter)