My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 169: Going in the wrong direction


The original two-person trip became a small tour group of six people and two beasts.

Because I didn’t dare to take a plane, I could only consider taking a train or driving.

The destination is Phoenix District, which is known as a university city, where various institutions of higher learning gather together.

It is said that this Phoenix District was the capital of a country before,

The emperor was faint, and spent manpower and material resources to build a large-scale imperial city.

Later, when he was beaten down, the big traverser felt that the imperial city was just too wasteful to visit, so he waved his hand and the universities behind were all built here...

Yan Huai drove back to the RV and picked up Master Han on the way.

The two drivers took turns driving, preparing to head north, sending Du Xuewei back to University Town in Phoenix District...

Du Xuewei looked at Yan Huai and Duan Lingling, who were looking at the boxes of car-like things, feeling a little dazed.

She turned her head to look at Dakang, and asked weakly, "Is this everyone going? Don't be so troublesome?"

"Everyone has nothing to do anyway. Xiaotian said that just to experience the cultural atmosphere, it should be a cultural journey." Da Kang smiled happily.

"Don't everyone have to work? Don't you need to make money?" Du Xuewei blinked.

"It's all rich people..." Dakang pointed at Yan Huai, then pointed at Luo Xiaotian, and said, "Of course, it's a little worse than me. In addition to being rich, I also have an industry..."

Du Xuewei rolled her eyes and ran to help Duan Lingling move things together.

Soon, everyone was ready and set off to Phoenix District.

Master Han drove, Yan Huai was sitting in the passenger seat and smoking a cigarette.

A group of people in the carriage were playing cards happily,

Xiao Hei lay down on the sofa to take a nap, Doudou tumbling on the carpet,

Friction friction friction,

Then ran over and stretched out the fluffy paws for the black cat to appreciate. It seems that after being electrocuted last time, he became very interested in fluffy hair...

Yan Huai turned around and glanced at the noisy carriage behind him, with a smile on his mouth.

Although following Master Luo, this happened one after another, and my heart couldn't bear it.

But he is happy, there is no intrigue, no need to hide and tuck, no need to pretend to stammer, life cautiously,

From the contacts during this period, Yan Huai discovered one of Luo Xiaotian’s problems, that is, his face is cold and warm to the people around him.

Knowing that Dakang had an accident, he rushed out to save people as soon as possible... And for the few fierce souls under his men, there is no such arrogance as the master...

Although it seems to be indifferent to people and "be kind to others" to the enemy, it doesn’t say to those around you,

Yan Huai took out another cigarette, handed it to Master Han, and said, "You have agreed with your family? This trip hasn't been back for ten and a half months..."

Master Han lit a cigarette and opened some car windows.

The howling cold wind blew into the cab, swept away the cyan smoke,

Master Han smacked his lips comfortably, and said, "I have agreed with my family. Xiaotian gave me a lot of money this time. I have been on top of me for a year, and my eldest nephew is also going to school in the university town. Just stop by to see him go..."

"That's fine, just treat it as a tourist..." Yan Huai nodded with a smile.

"It's snowing..." Master Han pointed to the drops of water on the windshield, and looked at the sky with his probe.

"Well... We already knew it. You might not believe it. Shao Ning may have been talking about this snow..." Yan Huai nodded in surprise.

"Then I have to ask Shao Ning later, what is the winning number in the next lottery..." Master Han smiled.

Yan Huai's eyes lit up, and he nodded in agreement.

But slowly frowned, rubbing his chin and began to ponder this mandatory mission.

The mission of the three people is the same. They will arrive at the University of Science and Technology Library within 72 hours.

There is no danger from the description of the mission, but Yan Huai knows that this pit is not small...

Judging from his years of survival experience, it is another bad battle!

In the past, before each task, Lao Yan would exchange a bunch of life-saving items, and then follow the powerful thighs even if they were pulled down.

But this time, there is no such thing as the ox-breaking coaxing, the hunters of the gods and the second beings are used as cannon fodder...

Yan Huai really didn't have any bottom in his heart.

Can't Master Luo and Dakang both rush forward, hiding under the many turtle shell props and shouting 666

If that is the case, it is estimated that my comfortable little days will come to an end.

Yan Huai sighed deeply, determined to take the initiative in the next task, and let the master know that besides the advantage of cooking, there are other advantages...

Life is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat.

If you keep retreating, you may be rushed into the waterfall...

The road is very smooth,

I don’t know what privilege Li Zhaoan gave Luo Xiaotian.

I followed two police cars on the way to escort the RV, unimpeded all the way,

The rest and refueling in the service area have also been arranged in advance.

Two days later,

Luo Xiaotian and his party arrived at the University Town in Phoenix District.

At this time, there was a white snow everywhere, and the snow fell so unhurriedly for two days.

The whole university town is like silver clothes,

The ancient imperial city covered by snow has another special charm.

The red wall and golden tiles are magnificent,

Luo Xiaotian was in a trance, as if he had returned to the famous imperial city in his previous life.

"Bai Xue doesn't like the late spring season, so I wear garden trees to make flying flowers..." Luo Xiaotian couldn't help but uttered softly as he looked at the flying snow in the sky, and his heart was also full of melancholy.

I don’t know when I can go back...


After going back, is that world still that world

Will it be devastated and corpses all over the field

"Why are you so surprised? Thinking of the Forbidden City?" Da Kang also walked over, tightening his mountaineering suit.

"Well, it's like..."

"Still reading poems? If you want me to say it, it's just hypocritical..." Dakang curled his lips.

"Reading is good, reading to increase knowledge... can also improve your competiveness." Yan Huai leaned over and stood beside Dakang with his hands back and exclaimed.

"It's enough if you have money... Everything is available." Dakang said disdainfully.

"That's not how you say it. For example, if you see a pretty girl, you will say: Hey, this girl is pretty~~"

"The master will say: Take care of Qingrencheng, and then take care of Qingren's country..."

"Do you have something happy? When you are in a good mood, you might say: Mom, it's so cool!!"

"The master will say: The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe, I can see the Changan flowers in one day..."

"Or if you are upset, you will say: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"The master might say: Ask you how sad you are, just like a river of spring water flows eastward..."

Dakang opened his mouth and looked at Yan Huai beside him, eyes full of shock.

Chef Yan, is this you? Isn't this you? Did you take the wrong script

Luo Xiaotian also looked at Yan Huai, full of surprise. This old Yan really surprised him.

"Chef Yan was really right. When he was worried on the mountain that night, he said: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Du Xuewei covered her mouth with a smile and made up the knife.

"Let's go, Dakang, you accompany Du Xuewei back to school first. Let's live in the hotel in front. Anyway, it's close to the entrance of the university city..." Luo Xiaotian pointed to the hotel in front and said:" When you come back, let's do business again?"

"Okay!" Dakang glared at Yan Huai, pulling Du Xuewei's head and walking forward.

"Hey hey, wait a minute, it's not here... you're going in the wrong direction!" Du Xuewei shouted.

"..." Dakang. (End of this chapter)