My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 172: Shake it up


Luo Xiaotian’s watch has undergone high-tech restoration and is now very serious.

I won’t say any extra words, including and not limited to task reminders...

The orange iris flickered with the rhythm of breathing,

Right above the constantly jumping countdown on the dial, there was originally a 0/7 reminder,


Now I don’t know when it became 1/7...

Luo Xiaotian looked at the black mark on the wall and carefully recalled the process just now.

I kicked it vigorously and kicked the goods towards Shao Ning.

Then Shao Ning made a home run and took it away.

Immediately afterwards, the plasma cannon hits continuously...

What a brutal combo... Luo Xiaotian sighed.

Seeing the desperate Du Xuewei, Luo Xiaotian couldn't bear it. When a normal person encounters such a weird thing, it can't be an exaggeration to have such a reaction. If you don't go crazy, you will be strong.

"Don't be afraid, just treat yourself as playing another VR horror game. Those shadows are monsters. We are NPCs to help you..." Duo Duo comforted Du Xuewei again.

"Okay, okay..." Du Xuewei stood up, only feeling that her feet were a little soft, stepping on the carpet as if stepping into a pile of cotton.

Duan Lingling stepped forward to support her,

"Lingling, where did you put that bead? I'm useful..."

"I helped Lingling put it in the purple bag in the middle of the box... She didn't dare to touch the bead, she would shake her head and shake her head for a while after she grabbed it." Donya put on the heavy snow Fu, pointed to Duan Lingling’s box,

Luo Xiaotian ran over and searched for it, took out the bead, stuffed it into the ring, and said to a few people: "Follow me, go find Dakang and they meet...

Duan Lingling supported Du Xuewei, and several people rushed out of the hotel and ran towards the library of the University of Science and Technology.

Night sky,

The snow is bigger,

The violent wind swept icy snowflakes on the face, and could hardly see the road in front of him.

All around became a vast expanse of whiteness,

Luo Xiaotian marched hard in the snow with a few people. At this time, the snow was almost over the calf. Several people helped Du Xuewei to walk slowly.

I looked at my watch again, there were only less than 10 minutes left in the countdown.

Luo Xiaotian gritted his teeth, turned his head and shouted to Duan Lingling: "Put Du Xuewei on your back and go over!"

Duan Lingling nodded and put Du Xuewei on her back.

A few people quickly ran to the library of the University of Science and Technology,

At the entrance of the library, Yan Huai stood there waiting anxiously.

Seeing a few people running in the wind and snow, Yan Huai shouted: "Lord, Dakang has gone in. There is no one in the library now..."

"Go in, seven fierce souls, they killed one at the hotel just now!" Luo Xiaotian kept walking and rushed directly into the library.

"I just saw the prompt on the watch, and thought it was you who killed one..." Yan Huai followed Luo Xiaotian's footsteps.

Several people rushed all the way into the lobby of the library,

Dakang was arranging something on the ground. He turned his head and saw them rushing in. He pointed to some small squares on the ground and said, "These can be linked into a big enchantment... There are many good things in the ring that Uncle Fan gave me. "

"What about the librarian?"

"It made me faint... This will be sleeping." Da Kang lowered his head and continued to arrange the enchantment.

"What's the use of this barrier?" Luo Xiaotian took off his snow suit and wiped the melted snow on his face and asked.

"This thing can limit the speed of the evil spirits. The more evil spirits rush into the enchantment, the greater the restriction they are subject to, similar to a slowing trap..."

Luo Xiaotian nodded, took out the bead and asked Xu Qing in his heart: "How to use this bead, don't tell me to put it there..."

"Find an ordinary person to hold this bead, and then release a few fierce souls of their own here to release their evil spirits, and create the feeling that the beads are about to be robbed for those fierce souls..."

After a pause, Xu Qing added:

"Best, the ordinary person is so scared that he is so scared... It will make the beads look like a neon light effect in the eyes of the evil soul..."

Luo Xiaotian looked at Du Xuewei who was sitting on the ground in a daze.

Walked next to Dakang and pulled him slightly,

"What?" Dakang placed the metal block on the ground without turning his head.

"I know this might not be good... but I still have to ask for your opinion..." Luo Xiaotian said to Dakang with some embarrassment.

Da Kang turned his head to look at Luo Xiaotian, waiting for his next words,

Luo Xiaotian quickly talked about Xu Qing's plan to Dakang. Dakang's brows wrinkled and he looked at Du Xuewei, took a deep breath and said, "I think if she is really allowed to do this. , She may be overwhelmed by her psychology... Can’t do this to her... "

"We have no ordinary people here..." Luo Xiaotian said.

"Yes, and me..." Master Han raised his hand tremblingly behind them.

Luo Xiaotian found out that he had forgotten Master Han... It was because of him that he kept following behind.

"Then, Master Han, can you come?"

"Okay, okay..." Master Han swallowed and spit, when Luo Xiaotian just explained the plan to Dakang, he also heard it.

"Here! Hold on to this bead, there may be many, many weird things appearing... You better close your eyes?" Luo Xiaotian stuffed the bead into Master Han's hand.

Master Han shivered, and glanced at the eyeballs in his hand, only to feel that a chill of freezing cold on the extremely slippery beads in his hand spread all over his body in an instant...

"Sitting in the middle of the barrier, we will protect you... Don't be afraid!" Luo Xiaotian helped Master Han to sit in the middle of the barrier.

Dakang walked over and hugged Du Xuewei directly, stepped into the middle of the barrier, placed her next to Master Han, and said softly in her ear: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you..."

Du Xuewei looked at Dakang with blank eyes, and there seemed to be some glamour in her eyes.

Dakang held Du Xuewei's cold hands in both hands, stared into her eyes and said again: "Don't be afraid! I will protect you!"

The warmth from the warm big hands just got into Du Xuewei's heart like this, taking away the fear and confusion in Du Xuewei's heart...

"Okay..." Du Xuewei nodded gently.

"If you are afraid, close your eyes... If we do this, we can save the entire school."

"Um..." Du Xuewei closed her eyes obediently, her long eyelashes trembling.

Dakang gently rubbed Du Xuewei's hair, turned and walked out of the barrier.

Took out a red metal block and put it on the ground,

"Om..." There was a low whisper, and the whole enchantment was activated.

Luo Xiaotian shook his hand to release all the evil spirits in the Rubik's Cube. Xu Qing, who was thrown out, looked at Luo Xiaotian blankly.

"Why did you get me out? I'm not a fierce soul..." Xu Qing was shirtless, standing beside Luo Xiaotian wearing a big pants.

"You are the fiercest here. Give some of them a sample..." Luo Xiaotian glanced at his three fierce souls and found that they were all staring at Master Han in the middle of the enchantment.

Xu Qing glanced at Master Han in the enchantment, squinted his eyes and took a breath: "I really have blinded my krypton dog eyes... An ordinary person is already a neon sign, and you deliberately got two people. A male and a masculine collocation, you are alive and well equipped with a searchlight that goes straight to the sky..."

"Is it flashy?" Luo Xiaotian looked at Master Han, he couldn't see it.

"Do you want to see?" Xu Qing glanced at Luo Xiaotian, a trace of joking flashed in his eyes.


Just say you want to see,

I'm so that you can experience the feeling of a bright blind dog's eyes!

Luo Xiaotian nodded and said:

"No interest... I don't want to be blinded, I am a human..."

"Pretty mom... Don't you want to see what you nod?" Xu Qing turned her head, squinted her eyes and took a deep breath.

A cold suffocating air filled the whole surroundings,

Trapped by this momentum, Luo Xiaotian's three evil spirits followed and exploded...

The whole library was filled with bardos and wind gusts, suffocating to the sky...

Xu Qing raised his hand to Master Han, and shouted:

"Master Han, raise your hands! Shake them up!!!"

"..." Shao Ning, Donya, Duan Lingling

"..." Luo Xiaotian, Yan Huai, Dakang. (End of this chapter)