My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 175: It's now


Luo Xiaotian rushed to the lobby of the library in a few steps.

Just now he vaguely saw Yan Huai leading everyone up to the second floor.

"Yan Huai!" Luo Xiaotian roared.

"Yes, what's up with the master?" Yan Huai poked his head down the stairs.

"Come down here and give me some crystals of fear!" Luo Xiaotian shouted, rushing to Yan Huai's side in a few steps, grabbing his wrist and dragging him to his side.

"Yes, I'll give it to you..." Yan Huai saw Luo Xiaotian winking at him, reacted, and hurriedly responded loudly.

Xu Qing and Dakang also chased after him.

"What's the matter?" Da Kang asked Luo Xiaotian nervously.

Luo Xiaotian glanced at Shao Ning not far away and gestured to her.

Shao Ning came over, Luo Xiaotian grabbed her and said something in a low voice, Shao Ning's face instantly turned pale.

Then took a deep breath and walked back with Yan Huai.

Xu Qing pursed her lips and looked at Luo Xiaotian's movements, and seemed to understand what had come...

"Dakang, I'm afraid that the administrator who stunned you has a problem..." Luo Xiaotian fixed his eyes on a few people in the distance, and they were slowly walking toward this side at this time.

"A middle-aged woman, isn't it threatening?" Dakang said uncertainly. He looked down at his watch, and the red circle around it indicated that the mission target was near them...

"Unless you beat her to death, otherwise it's impossible to remain calm in this environment... The environment was so noisy just now, she could lie in the middle of the barrier peacefully, without changing her posture!"

"But when I asked them to evacuate, the woman quietly followed Yan Huai and them..."

"The only stranger who doesn't know the basics here is her alone... Or rather, she is the only ghost..."

"But, Xu Qing didn't mean that the evil soul is eating up the surrounding evil souls, and he is getting bigger?" Dakang pointed at Xu Qing.

"He was wrong... That evil soul did not swallow the other evil souls, and the surrounding evil souls were really all sucked away by us... Otherwise, if a big evil soul appeared, how could he not feel it as a blue dragon?" Luo Xiaotian looked at it. As everyone helped each other and slowly walked over,

Xu Qing touched her hair a little awkwardly, and muttered, "I just suddenly realized that the evil spirits around me are gone... That's why I have such a guess."

I stared at the librarian who was walking at the end...

She actually followed

Is it she

If it's a fierce soul, he can't see it, Dakang can't see it, can't Xu Qing also see it?

What kind of evil spirit is this? Doudou and Xiaohei did not respond to her either...

Seeing everyone walking in front of them,

Luo Xiaotian stepped forward and stopped in front of the librarian.

Raise his hand,

Throwing the beads to the fat middle-aged woman lightly,

The bead that shone like an eyeball drew an arc in the air and fell on the middle-aged woman,

Just for a moment,

Luo Xiaotian rushed up.

He clearly saw a hint of surprise flashing in the eyes of the middle-aged woman, although it was only a short moment,

But Luo Xiaotian clearly captured the surprise that should never appear in the eyes of a normal person!

"Do it!" Luo Xiaotian shouted loudly!

The white bone chain knife in his hand drew a white circle directly in the air and cut it towards the librarian's neck...

Dakang waved his hand and threw the red metal block to the librarian.

Xu Qing's figure suddenly disappeared, and he appeared directly behind the woman, pressing a hand on the woman's back!

"Boom!" With a muffled sound,

Xu Qing snorted and flew upside down, and slammed into the room behind the woman.

Luo Xiaotian’s bone chain knife passed over the head of the librarian,

A head grumbled to the side,

But there is not a trace of blood flowing out of my neck...

The woman's outstretched right hand grabbed nothing,

The bead disappeared out of thin air,

Immediately afterwards, countless cracks appeared on her body, and the whole body broke into a pile of parts and spread out on the ground...

Luo Xiaotian activated the same position apparatus, took away the beads, and cut the librarian more than ten knives...

Yan Huai had placed four or five crystals of fear on the ground long ago, and Shao Ning and the others were firmly protected in the golden mask...

"Dead?? No, it's not dead..." Dakang glanced at his watch subconsciously, still 6/7...

Luo Xiaotian's figure appeared next to Dakang. He held the bead and looked around and said: "It must be not dead... This woman is not right, not a fierce soul..."

Xu Qing's figure emerged from the opposite room, and said with a gloomy expression: "I know what this is... We've all seen it before!"

Luo Xiaotian glanced at Xu Qing, sighed and said, "Don't tell me I came out of hell..."

"Restrain my ability, restraint to death... What do you think it is?" Xu Qing appeared beside Luo Xiaotian, rubbing his right hand and gritted his teeth.

at this time,

The broken body shook slowly,

Luo Xiaotian didn't speak, as he went up there for another meal.

At this time, everyone discovered that it seemed that the corpse on the ground was not a real corpse. There was no blood, no bones, and no internal organs.

After being smashed by Luo Xiao, instead, he began to fill the air with a scent...

Luo Xiaotian's face changed a lot when he smelled this scent.

He jumped back, and looked at Xu Qing at each other.

Both saw the jealousy in each other's eyes...

Luo Xiaotian had indeed smelled this scent. It was the smell of blood-red flowers in full bloom in that black wasteland...

"Thump thump thump..." came a few times,

Luo Xiaotian looked back, in the yellow mask,

Several people lay on the ground in a random manner. Yan Huai didn't know when he put on a gas mask, shivering, pulling out props from the ring, and putting on gas masks one by one on the people on the ground...

The head that had been shaved off suddenly trembled,

Six very thin steps slowly protruded from the neck, as if a hermit crab protruded from its shell.

It’s just its shell, but it’s a hideous head...

"This is the kind of little black monster in the black wilderness..." Dakang said while holding a side wall and putting on a gas mask.

With a slight effort on the six steps, it stood up, and it turned around and faced Luo Xiaotian, the expression on its head was distorted.

A pair of blood-red eyes stared straight at Luo Xiaotian's left hand, seeming to be a little afraid...

The little monster gently moved a few steps to the side, and walked to the side of the smashed parts.

A very thin foot fiddled with the parts on the ground lightly,

Then it uttered an angry roar and slammed its body.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the little monster rushed in front of Luo Xiaotian, and six sharp thorny steps thrust straight into Luo Xiaotian’s face.

Luo Xiaotian, who had been guarding against it, did not hesitate to activate the isoposition apparatus.

Everything around should be in a static state,

This time there was a situation that Luo Xiaotian had never expected!

The little black monster was unaffected by the positioner, and rushed forward!

Luo Xiaotian could only fall backwards, a sharp step almost scratched his forehead...

At this moment, Luo Xiaotian understood.

This little monster is estimated to have its own isoposition instrument effect, which means that it can also enter the isoposition instrument interface...

Too late to think about it,

Luo Xiaotian waved the bone chain knife in his left hand sideways, and flew the little monster away!

"Dodge, you all hide! Stay away..." Luo Xiaotian only had time to roar again, and then activated the isoposition apparatus.

Only in this way can he limit the attack speed of that little monster!

In the eyes of outsiders, both Luo Xiaotian and the little monster disappeared at the same time, and then appeared on the other side at the same time.

The head on the back of the little monster has been scarred by Luo Xiaotian.

But the little monster is still jumping alive, not slowing down at all...

This guy’s shell and feet are extremely hard, Luo Xiaotian chopped countless times, but still couldn’t hurt it.

But after several fights,

Luo Xiaotian discovered that this guy's use of the isostat is also limited... For example, it will have a short pause after three actions, which seems to be accumulating power...

"Just grab this neutral gear! You can kill it!!" Luo Xiaotian held the sickle in his left hand, his eyes fixed on the little monster...


"Now!!" (End of this chapter)