My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 177: Antivirus


Slowly opened his eyes,

Luo Xiaotian until he dreamed again,

Seeing everything in front of him, he just felt a little funny.

Luo Xiaotian never knew that there are still episodes of dreams, and the dreams he had previously woke up, but now they are renewed...

The surrounding scenes are constantly changing,

Zhuang Ming's figure keeps appearing, disappearing, reappearing...

Until the end, Luo Xiaotian saw Zhuang Ming lifting the seal on the entrance of the little black cat, and then he crashed into a car that was speeding up on the highway...

"I understand that Zhuang Ming is playing tricks behind his back, then?" Luo Xiaotian asked. He didn't believe that this was a simple dream. It must be someone who wanted to tell him something...

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, you can change the source of the book \Mi\MiRead\\!

The surrounding scenes collapsed,

Luo Xiaotian thought he was about to wake up again,


Things went beyond his expectations again,

The darkness around him continued, Luo Xiaotian just stood in the darkness like this,

Wait, wait...

When the flowers are gone, nothing strange appears...

"Um... Did you forget me? If there is nothing wrong, you can wake me up?" Luo Xiaotian asked cautiously.

This time I finally had a reaction in all four weeks,

The surrounding darkness gradually dissipated and gradually became transparent,

A figure appeared opposite Luo Xiaotian,

The figure here is not a vague description, it is really a shadow, as if you are standing not far from the wall with a strong light source coming from behind.

Cast his shadow on the opposite wall,

Luo Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, looked at the figure on the opposite side, and waited for him to speak quietly.

"It's been a long time..." the figure said, but the voice was ethereal but could not tell the man or woman...

"Have we met?"

"You are really dull enough..." The figure raised his finger and pointed to Luo Xiaotian, and said in a voice that hates iron and steel.

"..." Luo Xiaotian scratched his head, a little confused.

"Those guys' systems didn't do anything to me, but you sucked it out with the Rubik's Cube..." The figure shook his head and sat down.

"Are you the soul in that safe house?" Luo Xiaotian also sat down and looked at the figure with interest.

"As a central system, although the armor system is ruined, please don't compare me with those souls..." The figure snorted disdainfully.

"..." Luo Xiaotian looked at him, his face gloomy.

If this figure is the central system, then what is the central... in Scarlet

"So I said that you are very slow, that thing is obviously a fake, you still stupidly contribute points to it?" The figure continued to mock,

"Let you look at the scene before you die, and you believe it? Are you still weak? Still homesick? Ha ha..." The figure sneered.

"You two, I don't believe anyone..."

"Oh, my God, I swear I will kick your ass with pointed shoes!"

"..." Luo Xiaotian raised his forehead,

"You saw Zhuang Ming got Xu Qing on you, right?" The figure coughed lightly.

"Ok… "

"Think about why?"

"Isn't it to let me release Xu Qing?" Luo Xiaotian said in silence for two seconds.

"Why did he get Xu Qing on you? There was Dakang at the time. Is it better to possess Dakang? They are the young masters of the Night Watcher."

"..." Luo Xiaotian was silent, and had to admit that Dakang's conditions were more suitable than his own.

"You know, after Xu Qing entered the Rubik's Cube, did the two of us fight?"

"you win?"

"Then guess why Xu Qing wants you to send him away again?" The figure did not answer, but asked again.

"..." Luo Xiaotian subconsciously rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Because when Xu Qing was attached to you, Zhuang Ming asked him to deal with me, and then occupied your body, but he overestimated the strength of Qinglong, Xu Qing was rubbed on the ground... by me Banned"

"Otherwise, why do you think Qinglong will help you? Guardian, who is not the proud lord? But if he doesn't help you, I will be killed... Do you think you are lucky? The protagonist halo Overburdened? Qinglong bows to you as soon as he sees his love for you? Ha ha... "The figure smiled.

"You are so good, why don't you come out and help me? What does it mean to hide behind?" Luo Xiaotian asked.

"I am not a pure soul, and I don't know how to explain my existence to you... You can treat me as a high-level ideology. Although I am strong, I can't get out? There is no way to get on your body. If it weren’t for you to collect so many souls in the Rubik’s Cube this time, I wouldn’t be able to communicate with you so smoothly now..."

"As a carrier, your body and soul are too scumbag..." the figure added,

"The soul I've collected is gone again, right?" Luo Xiaotian glanced at the figure bitterly.

"Hahaha... hiccups." The figure smiled.

"Are you just calling me in this time to talk about this?" Luo Xiaotian asked, staring at the figure.

"You have your own guesses, why ask me, everyone is smart, you don't have to guess."

"The Scarlet System is Zhuang Ming, right..."

"Well, it's not too stupid... The appearance of Scarlet System Misfire and Zhuang Ming is a coincidence..." The figure nodded and pointed to Luo Xiaotian and said, "You don't need to worry about finding a way to get home. , I can't go back for a while..."


The figure waved, and a blue sphere appeared in his hand.

Then the space under the feet of the two suddenly turned into a cosmic galaxy that was constantly rotating.

The figure was thrown away, the blue sphere was thrown in, and it disappeared into the vast galaxy in an instant...

It said to Luo Xiaotian: "Come on, you find me where is the blue sphere that I just threw down?"

Luo Xiaotian blinked his eyes and looked at the constantly rotating universe and galaxy under his feet, curled his lips and said nothing.

"Scarlet, you don't need to care about it, you won't be able to find any waves if you don't upgrade it. It was originally the watch you grabbed. If you are happy, you can reset it directly..."

"But, I called you in today, the main thing is not to tell you my true identity, because so far, I can't help you much, I can only hide in the Rubik's Cube and eat some soul..."

Luo Xiaotian nodded, this is true.

"Xu Qing, if he insists on leaving, just let him go. Anyway, as a soul body branded with the system's mark, his combat effectiveness is just like that..."

Luo Xiaotian raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

But he was not convinced, how strong Xu Qing was, he could see...

The figure seemed to feel the dissatisfaction in Luo Xiaotian's heart.

Its body shape changed rapidly, and it turned into a humanoid armor in the blink of an eye. The dark green streamlined armor shone with gleaming gleam...

"Boom..." Countless cyclones spouted from its mask,

Luo Xiaotian only felt that all the hairs on his body were standing up, and an unspeakable excitement filled his whole body.

"This is really strong..." After the armor said to Luo Xiaotian, he changed back to the shape of a human figure.

Luo Xiaotian sighed with some regret, and said, "Then what do you want to say when you ask me to come in?"

"Your biggest crisis right now comes from the world of the dead, which is where you call it hell..." The figure said in silence for a while, seeming to be organizing language.

"The system treats stowaways who have touched part of the truth as a threat... Emmmm, for example, stowaways are equivalent to a virus, because you broke the rules of the game..."

"So now the system has turned on the anti-virus mode... Ordinary rebirth, if he dies during the mission, the system can let him continue to rebirth... But as a stowaway who has played the restart mode once, he is really dead if he dies..."

"So, the next tasks will only be more difficult one by one... Until all the stowaways..." The figure walked forward two steps and stood opposite Luo Xiaotian.

"All dead..." (End of this chapter)