My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 183: Lord Dixi




Luo Xiaotian has been silent,

Scarlet was also silent,

"I'll think about the method, and I will tell you tomorrow!" Scarlet said abruptly and there was no more movement.

Luo Xiaotian smiled at the corner of his mouth and raised his head.

"Hello, what do you need, sir?" The beautiful and tall waitress finally raised her head when she saw the guest in the seat, and asked with a smile.

"Hello, do you have instant noodles..."

"..." The waitress.

Luxurious and spacious room,

The bright sunlight shines through the glass windows on the exquisite carpet,

There was a young man lying on a large and comfortable bed,


He opened his eyes abruptly, and threw aside the metal block in his right hand.

"He actually found me! He actually found me!" The boy jumped off the bed and stepped barefoot on the carpet.

Some excitement circled around the room,

"How did he do it? He can't guess it..." The boy's eyes flashed with excitement, and he turned his head to look at the metal block of sex.

Hearing the sound in the room, the door was slammed open.

A group of servants in cyan robes rushed in.

"My lord, you can't step on the ground barefoot..."

"My lord, your body can't stand it like this..."

"grown ups… "

"Shut up, shut up! Don't bother me thinking!" The teenager yelled dissatisfiedly, sitting cross-legged on the carpet, looking at the blue lake outside the window.

Muttering to himself: "Where is the problem? How could he find me... interesting, so interesting..."

The servants behind him looked at each other, sweat oozing from their foreheads.

One of them whispered to the person beside him: "Go and report the situation to the master..."

"Yes!" The Qingpao servant answered, turned and walked outside the door.


Without warning, the servant who walked to the door was shattered into flesh and blood.

There was a bloody smell in the air,

The boy turned his head and glanced at the people behind him, raised his arm that was bleeding beads, pointed at those people and said angrily:

"Today's affairs are absolutely not allowed to tell my father half a word. If not, I will tell him that you have broken my body! Then none of you will survive!"

"Yes... My lord" A group of servants in the green robe knelt down on the ground, shivering, not caring about the blood stains around them...

The boy lowered his head and looked at the body that kept leaking bleeding beads, and sighed: "This body is about to collapse again... Go get ready and get a new one!"

"Yes..." A group of people shivered and left the room.

The boy lay directly on his face, reached out his hand to grab the metal block, and played with it with a smile on his face.

"Although your progress is a bit slower, you have found me now. This is a big surprise for me... I am looking forward to it. What will you do next..."

To advertise, the book reading app I am using recently has a lot of books, full of books, and fast updates!

"Where is it? You found me? I did it very concealed. Could it be that the mysterious guy helped you?" The bedding next to the boy was blood red, and large pieces of flesh peeled off from his body.

The boy gritted his teeth, and the metal block in his hand disappeared after turning over.

With just this action, the flesh and blood on the right arm was scattered like broken tiles...

The young man panted, leaned on his head and turned his head to the side, looking at the sparkling lake outside the window...

"Absolutely! Absolutely! Don't let my father find out about your existence... Otherwise, what fun do I have? You wait, and I will find you!" The boy muttered, with blood dripping from his mouth.

"Do you want to feed the fish every day like a father? What's the point... I'm only fun like this..." The boy closed his eyes tiredly...

Yan Huai drove his RV along the highway all the way to Gaoyang District.

This time,

There is only one driver, Yan Huai,

Master Han was left in the university town by Luo Xiaotian and began to gradually take over the original industry of the Zhu family.

As his deputy, Lao Tian has been actively accompanying Master Han.

On the way back, the group of people stop and go, like an outing organized by the company, wherever they go, they will go to the famous local attractions.

Eat some special delicacies, buy some cheap souvenirs that are expensive and expensive,

Duo Duo played with Doudou so happily that she flew up. Every day she sleeps with her arms around Doudou, and in the middle of the night, he will laugh and cry in his dreams.

Shao Ning was very surprised by Luo Xiaotian's actions.

Until one day when he was resting in the service area, Luo Xiaotian took Shao Ning to buy some special products alone.

When she came back again, Shao Ning's eyes were red, carrying a few large bags of snacks.

From that day on, she also joined the ranks of accompany Duo Duo to go crazy...

this day,

They came to a ski resort,

When Yan Huai got off the highway before, he said that he would take Duo Duo to go skiing, which caused Duo Duo and Dou Dou to cheer in the carriage.

Luo Xiaotian just smiled and watched her and Doudou rolling around on the carpet.

The RV parked in the parking lot of the ski resort.

I bought a few sets of snow suits and ski equipment from the service center,

Yan Huai took Duoduo and the others on the cable car to the recreational snow trail...

Shao Ning and Luo Xiaotian sat in the rest area of the service center, watching Duo happily riding on the cable car.

"Do you have to send her away?" Shao Ning raised his hand and wiped the corner of his eye.

"Well... the rules of this world have changed. If you don't send her back, she will die..." Luo Xiaotian sighed.

"How sad did she know?" Shao Ning said softly with red eyes.

"I didn't think about it when I brought her here... It was all my fault. I never expected that after the random teleportation, I would come here..." Luo Xiaotian knocked on his head, a little annoyed.

"You said Duo Duo's actual age is only ten years old?"

"Is eleven years old? I am one year older than her. I should be considered twelve years old this year..." Luo Xiaotian leaned on the chair and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Well... I always think Duo Duo is like a child, but you are like an old man..." Shao Ning curled his lips.

"I have experienced too many things, I have long lost the heart of a child..." Luo Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, and the glass in his hand swayed gently.

"By the way, your novel has been updated for a long time... The people on the website are too lazy to scold you, only a few readers still post a reminder every day..." Shao Ning suddenly remembered something, and straightened up suddenly. ,

"The novel... I have forgotten it..." Luo Xiaotian slapped his forehead abruptly.

"Update quickly! I'm waiting to see it too... I want to know if Li wanted to be with Yu Zhixuan in the end."

"When I die, Li Xiang would still be as incomprehensible as a fool... At the most it is to pull the hand and dare not even kiss her mouth... How did he know that sister Zhi Xuan had already looked at him?" Luo Xiaotian squinted and smiled. ,

Shao Ning gave Luo Xiaotian a white look, with a vague expression in his eyes.

Li couldn't understand the style, how about you? What about you ? Do you still have the face to laugh at others

"Hey, Lao Tie! Can you hear it?" A scarlet voice suddenly rang in Luo Xiaotian's mind.

Luo Xiaotian was shocked, and the glass in his hand was smashed with a "click".

Shao Ning was also taken aback, and hurriedly pulled Luo Xiaotian's hand to help him check the wound.

"What's the matter?" Shao Ning distressedly helped Luo Xiaotian pick the glass shards from the wound.

Luo Xiaotian waved his hand, cursing in his heart: "Do you want to scare me to death so that I can inherit my millions of points?"

Scarlet snorted, and then said: "Today I finally locate the world when Duo Duo came..."

"Located!?" Luo Xiaotian's eyes burst into light.

"Yeah! It's located and can be sent back to you, but the system has some problems recently and it's not stable. You need to be as soon as possible..." Scarlet said.

"Should I call you, Scarlet or Zhuang Ming?"

"My name..." Scarlet hesitated.

"Dixi, you can call me Dixi... If you think this is not respectful enough, you can call me..."

"Lord Emperor Xi..." (End of this chapter)