My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 194: Woke up


The night is fairly safe,

The nineteen contributions that have just obtained temporary worker status here are indispensable

It returned to the ruins overnight. I don’t know what method was used, and a dozen fierce souls came back with it.

I feel that I have been working as a night guard,

Naturally, there are unwilling souls who want to come to play in the autumn breeze. After all, the entire fleet of humans, the delicious souls are always exuding the soft and silky taste of Dove.


These fierce souls became the name of nineteen of them,

Throughout the night, the wind gusts from the vulva of the tent of the convoy, and no one in the convoy with more than a dozen fierce souls in the 19th convoy had an accident...

When Luo Xiaotian woke up and opened his eyes,

In the tent, Donya was sitting beside him, and several electric balls shining with blue light were floating around.

"Is there a situation?" Luo Xiaotian stood up for the first time and pulled out the bone sickle!

"Sister Lingling was very worried last night. I think you are really tired, so I didn't wake you up..." Donya's eyes are two blue hues, as if she painted a smoky makeup.

It's pretty good-looking with a smile,

Luo Xiaotian nodded, pulled the tent and got out.

The desert temperature in the early morning has not yet risen, and the coolness of the night has not dissipated in the air.

Nineteen knelt down outside the tent with more than a dozen fierce souls, waiting for Luo Xiaotian's appearance...

"Master, the subordinates took a dozen brothers to complete the guard mission... Fortunately, no one in the convoy was injured!" Nineteen respectfully said.

Luo Xiaotian looked over,

The souls and souls of these dozens of fierce souls are wounded, and their souls are dim.

They don’t bleed, but there are some cases of missing arms and legs. Although they can be repaired with the soul body,

But, doesn't it seem less tragic

So, what was the fight last night, what it is now...

Luo Xiaotian suddenly felt that Nineteen had a sense of sternness on his body, and the corners of his mouth cocked.

"Thanks, take a good rest..." Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and put them into the Rubik's Cube.

In the Rubik's Cube,

More than a dozen new evil spirits stared at everything around them dumbfounded,

The environment here is so good, it is a hundred times stronger than the tattered ruins!

Green mountains and green water ten miles of peach blossoms,

Isn't the thin layer of white mist permeating all around just the first-class evil spirit

An elegant courtyard is located on the edge of the peach forest.

The courtyard door opened,

Curly Tingting walked out of a beautiful woman in flag costume,

The nineteenth came forward and saluted, respectfully saying:

"Ms. Ning Bi, fortunately, her subordinates brought back more than a dozen brothers and completed the tasks assigned by the master to keep the team safe..."

Ning Bi smiled slightly, and said to a dozen stunned souls: "Follow me..."

Nineteen stood up, looked back at them and said solemnly: "Now you know what I said is true? If any of you want to go back, you can leave now..."

A dozen fierce souls shook their heads and said in unison: "If you don't go, you won't be going to die!"

"Come with me, and meet the chief executive..." Nineteen turned and walked towards the courtyard.

Suddenly he stopped and turned around and said:

"By the way, Master Qinglong is also training in this world, you guys should be careful when talking!"

The fierce souls nodded like garlic,

"Also, Master Qinglong also respects the master's will... You need to be careful in handling things in the future..."

The fierce souls nodded more...

Nineteen walked to the small courtyard with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's stable now!

Helped the owner to pull back a group of subordinates, completed the guard task, and then performed hard and survived.

Damn, there will be people who can hold thighs in the future.

No longer a lonely ghost...

Nineteen raised his hand and wiped the corners of his eyes, and walked into the courtyard with a calm mind...

In the convoy,

Everyone got up one after another and began to prepare breakfast.

The guard on duty last night also went to catch up.

After a night’s rest, Wang Xing’s expression worsened.

The face that was originally black now has a faint cyan color...

He basically didn't sleep peacefully all night. He vaguely heard the wind gusts outside, and was always frightened. At last he fell asleep and dreamed of a dozen bloody evil spirits fighting desperately...

"Are you... Didn't sleep well? Or are you poisoned?" Luo Xiaotian was also startled when he looked at Wang Xing with a haggard face.

"I had a nightmare all night and didn't sleep soundly..." Wang Xing scratched his head and sighed.

"It was safe last night, no one in the team had an accident." Luo Xiaotian comforted him.

Wang Xing nodded, then took out the map again and frowned.

"Captain Wang... shall we continue to escape today?" Professor Yuan walked over tremblingly.

Last night, he didn’t sleep well, and he was terrified all night. He always vaguely heard strange noises coming from outside the tent.

"Run, run after breakfast!" Wang Xing nodded.

"But, this ruin is right in front of my eyes..." Professor Yuan pointed to the ruins not far away, and said unwillingly.

"If you miss, you can go in! Me and my people, don't go! After breakfast, we will evacuate and leave this damn desert!" Wang Xing didn't care much anymore, and shouted directly.

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Professor Yuan was taken aback by him, and quickly explained: "We won't go in, we won't go in, even if we just go and take a look, take a look? This is a long way here, just take a look and leave!"

"Just look at it here, I'll give you a telescope!" Wang Xing refused to give in.

Professor Yuan pulled off his glasses and wanted to say something.

"Old Yuan, we agreed before we set off. We went into the desert and listened to me. The one who saved you was okay! Now I just lost one and injured three! Are you still going to do something?"

Wang Xing stood up quickly, pointing to Professor Yuan and said: "I still said that, you have to go in, you go in by yourself, this time I don't refund all the money to you, I will treat you as buying a coffin. …"

At this point, Wang Xing's face suddenly became ugly. He stared blankly at the direction of the ruins in the distance, muttering in his mouth: "It's over... It's too late to run..."

Professor Yuan also turned his head and stayed where he was...

Their camp is pitched on a relatively flat sand dune,

The ruins are about 500 meters ahead of the sand dunes.

At this time, in the sky above the ruins, in the originally clear sky, a huge black cloud appeared at some point.

The clouds are spinning slowly,

Every time it rotates, the black cloud rises by a point, but in a few breaths, the black cloud covers the sand dunes here from above the ruins...

Suddenly Wang Xing jumped up, grabbed the walkie-talkie and ran and shouted: "Quickly, everyone gets in the car and nothing is left. How far can you run!"

Yuan Hai also turned around as if waking up from a dream and rushed to his car, running and greeted his students to get in the car.

But the two of them stopped after only two steps.

The black clouds above my head covered the convoy, and the entire sky suddenly darkened.

The air around the convoy camp darkened with the sky, as if the temperature had been pumped away...

In this desert, the breath faintly brings out white air...

And around the dunes, as if countless figures came out of the air, quietly surrounding the convoy in the center...

"Such a big battle? What's the background..." Luo Xiaotian touched the ring on his left hand, preparing to sacrifice the magic weapon-Rubik's Cube.

"The fierce soul occupying this ruin has awakened..." (End of this chapter)