My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 202: north


"I am a good person… "

Luo Xiaotian sighed and said quietly: "I am always good to others..."

"Heh~~~~~~TUI!" Di Xi’s voice sounded in Luo Xiaotian’s mind.

Luo Xiaotian chose to ignore,

Xu Qing lowered his head deeply, as if he was moved by Luo Xiaotian's words.

Sixteen and a group of fierce souls watched intently at the kneeling eliminators,

"Are you not afraid that I will take your supplies and chase you down with the Demon Hunter?" Ange's expression relaxed a little, but he still said with a sneer.

"Chasing me?" Luo Xiaotian shrugged his shoulders and waved his hand to collect the fierce souls in the house.

Take a deep look at Ange,

A gray light on his left hand began to flicker, and an aura no less than a blue dragon began to wander around.

"Have the three 10th-level Great Spirit Eliminators disappeared for a long time?" Luo Xiaotian looked up and looked at the sky.

"Hi..." Ange took a deep breath and couldn't help taking a step back: "Could it be..."

Luo Xiaotian glanced at him, with a warning in his eyes.

Ange nodded, and quickly closed his mouth.

I dropped a tortoise. No wonder the three 10th-level spiritual eliminators suddenly disappeared. The feeling was this one who did

No wonder,

That fat man saw him as if he saw a ghost!

He also took away his nephew and daughter-in-law Donya!

"Move fast! Otherwise I would think you are incapable..." Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and threw a few oars on the ground.

Ange looked at Luo Xiaotian's movements strangely, and then at the oars on the ground. It seemed that these oars were familiar

"This is the oar of the blood sail. It can be used as a weapon when it is broken off when it is alive. It is also given to you..."

"This... Is this the blood sails in the foggy city?" Ange only felt his heart beat a few times.

"Um... use it." Luo Xiaotian walked to the window and looked out the window with his hands behind his back.

"Thank you..." Ange put away the oars, and felt that it was still a bit unreal for a while.

"Let's go, I will continue to stare at you, hurry up and pull out a team to help me kill the Demon Hunter..." Luo Xiaotian said without looking back, continuing to look at the sky with his hands behind his back.

"Yes... Master, take care!" Ange bowed to Luo Xiaotian, winked at the other demon hunters, and quickly left the room.

The room became quiet for a while,

Luo Xiaotian stood by the window and watched silently as Ange took the person out of sight, and then slowly said:

"They are gone..."

Wang Cheng sat down on the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with some excitement:

"Mr. Luo, you can count as coming back..."

"Are the days of the Spirit Elimination Association so miserable?" Luo Xiaotian walked over and stretched out his hand to support Wang Cheng, and the fierce souls beside him also helped other Spirit Elimination agents up.

"The three great spiritual eliminators have disappeared, and a large number of middle-level and high-level spiritual eliminators have also disappeared inexplicably..., all of a sudden..." Wang Cheng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Let's go, this place is no longer, it is meaningless..." Luo Xiaotian said to Wang Cheng.

"it is good!"

"But maybe I have to wrong you a bit, who knows if anyone is staring here?" Luo Xiaotian said apologetically.

"It's okay, how do you do it?" Wang Cheng patted his chest.

"Sixteen, knock them out... and then go out."

"..." Wang Cheng and a group of agents,

At the corner of the street,

Anger put down the telescope silently,

He just saw Luo Xiaotian leaving the Association of Spirit Eliminators with a group of fierce souls, carrying Wang Cheng and others who were stunned.

As for where they are going,

Anger doesn’t care anymore,

He specially spared him just now to see how Luo Xiaotian would deal with Wang Cheng and his party. When he saw them being carried out like dead dogs,

A stone fell to the ground in Ange's heart,

No matter how you look at it, Luo Xiaotian is really fully supporting him.

But what makes him uneasy is that Luo Xiaotian didn't ask for his contact information at all. It seemed that he didn't care what he would do...

But thinking of those great spiritual eliminators who suddenly disappeared, Ange still felt cold all over.

He turned around, ready to leave here,

But he saw the former demon hunters who were standing behind him standing in place and swinging, while Luo Xiaotian was smiling and looking at him not far behind him.

Ange only felt his scalp numb,

He had just seen Luo Xiaotian leading people to leave the Association of Elimination of Spirits, why did he turn around and ran behind him

This is not a supernatural novel,

It will be scary!

"My lord..." Ange knelt on the ground with a soft foot. Luo Xiaotian's smile at this time was like a devil's smile, making him feel that his breathing was not smooth...

"Are you still looking for me?" Luo Xiaotian asked calmly.

"Ah, there is nothing special... I just want to ask the adult's contact information..." Ange knelt on the ground, his voice very respectful.

"No, I will contact you if I have something..." Luo Xiaotian waved his hand indifferently.

"Yes… "

Luo Xiaotian nodded, his figure suddenly disappeared into the air.

Ange gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground.

After looking at the demon-faced former demon hunters, he took a deep breath and said, "Let's go! Get out of here, and then develop our own power... Only in this way can we survive..."

The other side,

Luo Xiaotian drove these people back to the hotel after hitting four cars.

I opened two more suites next to my own suite and threw people in,

Then I returned to my room,

Donya saw him come back with a look of expectation on her face.

"I haven't had time to ask..." Luo Xiaotian told Duo Duo about what happened just now.

Donya covered her mouth in surprise, and asked anxiously: "Aren't you afraid that the bad guy will collude with the Demon Hunter to deal with you?"

"The Demon Hunter won't believe him anymore, and he now has points, resources, and fear crystals in his hand... He won't be willing to give up all of this. Anyway, it's death, why not try it? ?"

"I suddenly felt that the bad guy named Ange was a bit pitiful... Why was he betrayed by you?" Duo Duo blinked.

"You mean I'm bad?" Luo Xiaotian touched Donya's hair, with a smile in his eyes.

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"Haha, you are a demon~" Donya pointed to the fortune-telling card on the table and said happily: "Father is not dead, I did the divination three times, and it was the result!"

"So, where can I find him?" Luo Xiaotian sat cross-legged on the coffee table,

"Go north! In the north!" Donya raised her finger to the south.

Luo Xiaotian's smile solidified on his face. He turned his head and looked at the direction Donya was pointing. With some doubts, he raised his hand and pointed it there and asked: "Go north?"

"Yes, going north, you can find my father!" Donya firmly pointed to the guide...

"But the side you are referring to is South..."

"..." Donya blinked her big eyes, looked at the direction of her finger, and mumbled: "Where is South?"

"Definitely and definitely!" Luo Xiaotian nodded,

"Go north to find my father!" Donya turned her head and raised her finger in the other direction.

"The side you are referring to is East..." Luo Xiaotian raised his forehead. (End of this chapter)