My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 209: Stop him!


Hearing what Wang Cheng said, Brother Lin, who was originally in charge of observing the monitor, suddenly turned his head, glanced at Wang Cheng and said:

"Do you think something is wrong?"

"Huh? You think something is wrong?"

Wang Cheng looked at Brother Lin,

This guy usually doesn't show up in the office. Did he see something wrong

"These fierce souls come suddenly. Although the fierce soul who took the lead is saluting, he is only saluting. It does not mean that everyone is the soul of a spiritualist..."

"And the other fierce souls are low-level fierce souls of chaos and chaos. I can't see any trace of their identity as a spiritualist..."

"In addition, he is calling you an adult, but it seems to me like a cliché. What he said is that he and you are colleagues, but he did not say that we are very colleagues..."

"And when you said next: You are all spirit eliminators, he did not admit or deny..."

Brother Lin glanced at Wang Cheng who was thinking, sighed and continued:

"In other words, from the beginning to the end, the evil soul didn't say that these evil souls are all spirit eliminators... You are preconceived and confused..."

"That fierce soul, didn't say a word about the key things..."

"In my opinion, this is a trap... If we are a demon hunter, the evil spirits will go to the demon hunter's etiquette just now, and what you say will also make you mistakenly believe that the evil spirits around are all demon hunters. …"

Wang Cheng's expression changed, turning his head to look in the direction where Luo Xiaotian was leaving, and said anxiously:

"Mr. Luo knows this is a trap, but did he follow it?"

"Mr. Luo must have also found something wrong, so we all stayed in the car and don't move... He is a brave man, so he won't be in trouble!" Lin Ge looked at the monitor and said.

Wang Cheng's face was gloomy, clutching the pistol tightly and looking at the monitoring screen in the cab,

This time, I was still too impulsive, and I didn’t even realize that this might be a trap.

Actually, no ordinary agent can see it thoroughly,

"I am really ashamed of my trust in Mr. Luo..." Wang Cheng sighed and turned to look at the darkness outside the window...

in the dark,

There was silence all around,

Luo Xiaotian walked in the woods,

The only sound in my ears is the click of shoes on dead branches and leaves,

The fierce soul has no footsteps,

The fierce souls floating around in the air are even more quiet and terrifying,

The two evil spirits leading the way did not say a word, but led him to the depths of the woods.

"Xiaotian, this is a trap..." Xu Qing couldn't help reminding him in his mind.

"I know..." Luo Xiaotian replied.

"Then you are still here? Is it possible that you want to find me some food? Make up my shortfall?" Xu Qing said with some joy.

He didn’t dare to move the evil spirits in the Rubik’s Cube, because the mysterious character hidden in the Rubik’s Cube hadn’t eaten yet.

"I want to find out whether they will be robbed if they pass by, or are they staring at us for some other reason... This is very important..." Luo Xiaotian said,

"After you have asked, can I..."

"Okay..." Luo Xiaotian nodded,

He walked out of the forest with the fierce soul that took the lead and came into a mountain col.

There is a dilapidated little courtyard here,

In the dark,

A few dim lights came out from the cracks in the wooden wall where people could be drilled.

"My lord, it's ahead..." The fierce soul looked back at Luo Xiaotian, with no extra expression on his face.

Think about it too,

What kind of expression can you make a fierce soul make

Can't let it make you a conspiracy to succeed, want to laugh but don't dare to laugh, right

"Where is your body imprisoned?" Luo Xiaotian smiled, turned his head and looked at the fierce soul surrounding him.

"It's in the house..." The lead fierce soul seemed a little surprised and Luo Xiaotian's reaction,

It has seen a lot of people, basically after they come here, they will be more or less nervous and scared.

The first sentence of most people is: "Where is this place? What are you going to do?"

Then ran away,

Or a smarter person will yell: "This is a trap!"

Then ran away,

Today this guy doesn't seem to worry about his safety at all

Instead, he asked where is the body imprisoned

Is he really stupid, or really powerful

Luo Xiaotian ignored the silly fierce soul on the side, stepped towards the small courtyard, pushed open the tattered wooden door and walked in.

He knew that these evil spirits outside were puppets at best,

The real person behind the scenes may be hiding in this house...

The small courtyard is not big,

Except for a set of dilapidated wooden fences, the yard is just a random pile of debris.

In the middle of the yard is a wooden house with some dried mountain products hanging under the eaves...

Luo Xiaotian didn't knock on the door, so he pushed open the door directly.

A cold breath came upon his face,

This small wooden house is divided into two rooms inside and outside. The same dilapidated wooden door on the door leading to the inner room is now hidden.

A dimly yellow oil lamp was lit on the table in the outhouse, although red flames were also burning in the fireplace,

But there is a bitter coldness in the whole wooden house, which is unstoppable.

"I didn't expect it? Some guests actually came here..."

It seems that I heard the creak of the door, and a hoarse voice came from the open door.

Luo Xiaotian did not answer, and walked slowly to the table and sat down.

Turning his head to look at the furnishings in the room,

Dilapidated wooden tables and wooden chairs, in the corner of the room, a wooden wardrobe that looks almost the same color as the wall,

There are some sacks stacked on the floor next to the closet. These sacks are open, and you can vaguely see some slightly shriveled potato-like food...

On the table above the fireplace, a black lacquered bowl was placed, and a faint smell of medicine penetrated into Luo Xiaotian’s nasal cavity.

"The black hand behind the scenes looked miserable..." Xu Qing laughed.

"Did we make a wrong judgment? Is this a refuge for the down and down?" Luo Xiaotian also frowned. He always felt that besides the evil spirit, it seemed that this place was not full of evil and evil as he imagined. Bloody breath

"I bet that if you turned around and ran outside the door just now, those fierce souls would roar and rush forward!" Xu Qing snorted, "I can feel their killing intent!"

Luo Xiaotian nodded, he also felt the hostility of those fierce souls to him just now, but he didn't know why, they didn't do anything, instead they let themselves go into this hut.

Behind the concealed door, there was a noise,

Immediately after the door was pushed open, a person wrapped in sheets came out with a trembling body.

The fierce souls who originally surrounded the room also passed through the wall at this time and squeezed into the room...

The flame in the fireplace shook, it seemed that it could not bear the evil spirits of many fierce souls, and it was almost extinguished.

"Ahem, go out... If you all come in, the fire will almost be extinguished..." The hoarse voice sounded again.

The evil spirits around retreated one after another,

Only the two evil spirits who led the way were left in the house.

Luo Xiaotian looked at this crouched man,

He could see the black smoke escaping from this person,

That is a manifestation of damage to the soul,

The man moved a few steps forward, walked to the fireplace and leaned against the wall,

I also saw Luo Xiaotian's face clearly through the firelight...

Under the stained sheets, the eyes hidden in the shadows burst out with a burst of light,

Immediately afterwards, he turned around while holding on to the wall, staggeringly about to rush into the room!

"Stop him!" Xu Qing suddenly gritted his teeth and roared.

Luo Xiaotian's body suddenly disappeared,

Stopped in front of that person! (End of this chapter)