My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 213: There is no way to start



The air waves are rolling,

A cloud of smoke exploded violently,

Countless fragments and steel balls splashed all around, hitting the tree pole in front of Luo Xiaotian with "boom boom".

The smoke cleared,

Standing in the same place, the white-robed man slowly lowered the sleeves blocking his face.

Except for a few black stains on the robe, there is not even a piece of skin on the whole body...

"This robe is a good thing..." Luo Xiaotian licked his lips and slowly came out from behind the tree trunk.

"Why don't you run away?" The white-robed man looked at Luo Xiaotian with a grin, slowly raised his hand and put on the hood of the robe.

He was also afraid that the young man in front of him suddenly appeared behind him and cut his head off.

Although I don’t know how the young man did it, he couldn’t do without the items exchanged in the system.

And this white robe on his body is the nemesis of those offensive props!

"I can't run, I can't beat you again... I gave up..." Luo Xiaotian sat down against the tree trunk and said dejectedly.

"Oh?" The white-robed man's gaze swept across the mines hidden in the depths of the weeds on the ground, sneered and turned out a white mask on his face.

Luo Xiaotian blinked and asked Di Xi in his heart: "Is this mask also anti-attack?"

"Yes... It comes with a neck guard, I guess he will also bring it..."

With the words of Emperor Xi,

The white-robed man on the opposite side really tied a red scarf-like thing around his neck.

The white mask under the white hood, the red scarf fluttering in the wind**,

The forced frame instantly improved by more than a star...

"Made, are you so careful?" Luo Xiaotian's heart jumped.

"You chopped off his companion's head in front of him, but normal people would be careful...?" Di Xi asked rhetorically.

"Is there any way to cheat him?"

"No, just now you sneaked off one that was considered lucky... Now you can only use hard steel. All the offensive items are useless on any robes..." Di Xi sighed and said: "Or else Do you think about running away?"

He didn't want Luo Xiaotian to clashed with the white-robed man now, Luo Xiaotian really couldn't fight at this time...

But it seems that I can't run away now,

"Don't run..." Luo Xiaotian shook his head, staring at the white-robed man thinking closely.

"There is also good news. This white-robed man is not from Pu Lao... I recognize him. His strength is considered to be the middle and upper reaches. If you run, you should still have a little hope..."

For help, you can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for me.

"I ran away, what about Xu Qing? What about Suzaku?" Luo Xiaotian asked.

"..." Di Xi was silent,

That's right, he won't leave, this guy is a Tie Han Han!

If he were to leave his friends alone, it would be better to kill him with a single knife...

"It's really pedantic..." Di Xi sighed, and began to secretly figure out how to survive this trouble.

"Thank you for the compliment... Just now you said that you know him?" Luo Xiaotian narrowed his eyes and asked from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes..." Di Xi responded.

The white-robed man saw that Luo Xiaotian was not running away, and Xu Qing was also standing on the branch and looking down silently.

It seems that both of them are waiting for the last moment...

He smiled,

It’s good to die a companion...

This time, all the credit goes to him alone.

The owner will definitely be satisfied with this fish food...

The white-robed man ended his thoughts and walked towards Luo Xiaotian in the distance. He took out a pistol in his left hand, raised his hand and fired repeatedly.

One after another mine was triggered,

The roaring sound of the whole forest is endless,

The leaves all over the sky were shaken down and rolled in the forest with the air wave,

The white-robed man walked in such a calm and light manner. For him who was fully armed, these low-level thermal weapons could not pose any threat to him at all.

"Let’s see what other waves you can make..." He grinned grinningly, approaching step by step.

Luo Xiaotian drew out his bone sickle and stood up from the ground, his eyes calmly watching the white robe man approaching.

Xu Qing also jumped down from the tree and walked to Luo Xiaotian's side.

"Do you want to fight?" Xu Qing asked in a deep voice.

"Be sure to fight... But you have to pretend to be forced..." Luo Xiaotian smiled shyly at Xu Qing.

"..." Xu Qing said, you are shy at this knot of heart

Luo Xiaotian suddenly knelt on the ground, his body convulsed violently.

At this time, the distance between them and the white-robed man was only 10 meters.

The white-robed man kept walking, but with a sneer, he quickened his pace. The long knife in his right hand pointed at the ground diagonally, and the sharp tip of the knife swept over the flying dead leaves, which actually cut the fallen leaves in the air in half...

Luo Xiaotian lowered his head and suddenly sneered:

"Lu Hui! Are you trying to commit a crime?"

The white-robed man shuddered all over, stopped abruptly, stood 5 meters away from Luo Xiaotian, stunned.

"You..." At this moment, his heart was overwhelmed. How could the young man in front of him know his name?

"Lu Hui, who gave you the courage to let you take the credit for me?" Luo Xiaotian slowly got up from the ground and raised his finger to Xu Qing who was standing on the side.

Xu Qing looked at Luo Xiaotian dumbfounded, and yelled in disbelief: "You! Who are you?"

Luo Xiaotian glanced at her and snorted coldly: "Noisy..."

A flick of the left index finger,

Xu Qing screamed, his body was hit by an invisible cannonball!

He flew out suddenly and slammed into a tree, the huge impact shocked the sky and leaves fell.

Xu Qing fell to the ground and struggled desperately among the falling leaves in the sky.

"Who are you! You are not Luo Xiaotian! Who are you on earth?"

Heart-piercing shouts echoed all around,

Xu Qing's hands and feet seemed to be tightly bound by invisible ropes, and could only wriggle and roll like a big caterpillar...

"You, who are you?"

The white-robed man looked at the situation in front of him and asked a little hesitantly, but the long knife in his hand was crossed on his chest, and he did not relax his vigilance...

Looks like this, the young man named Luo Xiaotian in front of him should be the arrival of a big man

Could it be acting to lie to me

"Presumptuous! Do you dare to be disrespectful to me?" Luo Xiaotian put away the bone sickle and snorted coldly, "Should you not call me Lord Dixi?"

"..." Di Xi,

"Emperor, Lord Dixi?" The white-robed man took a sudden step back when he heard the name, only feeling that the cold sweat on his forehead was flowing down.

He didn't dare to doubt that Luo Xiaotian was lying.

It is absolutely impossible to know the name of Lord Emperor Dixi, no matter the following rebirths or stowaways!

Just like some lower-level white-robed people don't even know the name of Lord Dixi!

How could a stowaway or rebirth know? ?

Did Lord Dixi come down

Is this going to catch Liu Heyi by himself and go back? What did I just do

Seeing Luo Xiaotian's increasingly icy eyes, the white-robed man felt aroused in his heart, and he quickly threw the long knife aside, kneeling on the ground...

"Subordinates, see Lord Dixi!"

"Master Pu Lao also brought someone here in person, do you know?" Luo Xiaotian turned his head and glanced at Xu Qing, who was squirming like a big worm, and cast a look at him.

Xu Qing understood, lying there and disappeared.

"Subordinates know..." The white-robed man only felt chills all over his body.

The person in front of me mentioned the arrival of Lord Pu Lao. This is just what happened!

So, this cannot be a scam!

It's impossible for someone above to vent to him! !

Sweat oozes from the forehead of the white-robed man,

This will be over... Just now, I actually wanted to walk in the world of Lord Dixi

"You have been chasing from B2 to B6? Why are you two left?" Luo Xiaotian walked to the white robe man step by step with his hands.

"Return your lord, the other three people in the group are in another place. Do you need to call them?"

"Summoned to take my credit?" Luo Xiaotian slowly circled the white-robed man,

"Subordinates dare not..." The white-robed man lowered his head deeply.

Luo Xiaotian sighed.

This guy is lying on his stomach too tightly. The white robe covers him tightly. He wears a hood on his head, a mask on his face, and a scarf around his neck...

There is no way to start! (End of this chapter)