My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 220: Go down for a drink


As the sun sets, the night falls once again on the earth,

People who have been out to work all day are returning to their homes one after another.

Or sitting together as a family, or friends chatting with each other,

Everyone is relaxing their tired body and mind in their own way.


For Luo Xiaotian,

Tonight must be a sleepless night again,

He followed Donya’s direction to find the lost team of Wang Cheng alone.

Brother Lin took an agent who stayed behind and Donya back to the RV,

There is Xu Qing there, and at least things below the Guardian can't help them.

Luo Xiaotian found out along the small road in the town all the way to the north.

Soon he found the mark left by Wang Cheng on the side of the road. A simple wooden sign with the mark of a spiritualist was standing in the forest, with the pointed tip pointing in one direction.

This is the mark they have agreed in advance. This is just in case, if there is no contact,

Although this kind of mark is primitive, it is very effective in some cases!

The wooden sign refers to the north,

Luo Xiaotian swiftly ran forward along the left signs,

Several marks left by Wang Cheng were found on the road, some were on tree trunks, and some were on rocks.

After running forward for about an hour, the sky was completely dark.

After Luo Xiaotian squatted on a rock halfway up the mountain, he cautiously looked outside...

In front of him is a brightly lit village,

At this time, the voices are full of voices, the wine is overflowing,

Luo Xiaotian couldn’t help swallowing with the bursts of meaty fragrance that came with the night breeze.

This scent reminded him of one of the most famous late-night snacks in his previous life.

It is popular all over the country, and it is loved by young and old people!


That kind of fat and thin, tender lamb skewers sprinkled with cumin and chili noodles...

"Old Xu, come out soon... I can smell the skewers..." Luo Xiaotian widened his eyes and subconsciously called Xu Qing to his heart.

Then, he suddenly remembered that he left Xu Qing in the RV to look after the house...

For a while, Xu Qing’s sleazy voice disappeared in his mind, and he was a bit uncomfortable...

Luo Xiaotian leaned down and touched the village quietly.

He is not stupid,

The brightly lit mountain villages that appeared in such places were originally abnormal, not to mention where the electricity in this village came from.

Just say that in this remote mountain village in the dark night, the coveted crowds and the strange smell of meat in the air,

It's basically the beginning of a supernatural horror novel...

"Where did the accident happen?" Luo Xiaotian laughed self-deprecatingly. He was really the protagonist's fate, and his luck was overwhelming.

In the darkness, Luo Xiaotian sneaked into the village quietly like a ghost, and jumped along the mountain wall to the roof of a house at the entrance of the village.

Observing the surroundings carefully, Luo Xiaotian found that the village was ridiculously big.

Looking into the village from the roof of the village entrance, it is still brightly lit and can't see the side

There seems to be only one straight road in the village, and the wooden houses on both sides of the road are next to each other.

There are many banquets in the middle of the road, and all kinds of delicious dishes on the large round table exude warmth.

All kinds of guests sit around the round table,

Talking and laughing loudly, eating and drinking, pushing cups and changing cups from time to time, it’s very lively...

Looking down from the roof, red lanterns are hung under the eaves on both sides of the road.

The red light from the lantern reflected on the faces of the people sitting at the round table, a blood red...

"Wedding banquet? The wedding banquet in the middle of the night?"

Luo Xiaotian frowned and rubbed his body forward. The probe wanted to see what the guests looked like at the banquet.

Just now, he was far away and it was unrealistic. Now there is a table of people eating and drinking under him.

Luo Xiaotian slowly poked his head out and only glanced at him.

He shrank back silently, and lay down on the roof, thinking,

"Made, I remember that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was not allowed to be refined... This rule does not apply here?"

In the street,

At the banquet,

All sitting are "people" with animal faces!

Just a cursory glance, he saw foxes, cats, snakes,

There is even a big brother hedgehog with spikes on his back and tattoos on his shirtless arms...

Luo Xiaotian carefully took out the communicator and took a look, then silently shut down the phone.

He finally understood why Wang Cheng and the others couldn't get in touch...

It is estimated that it is either hiding in a corner shivering, or it has become a dish and served on the table!

"Dixi Dixi!" Luo Xiaotian called Dixi again from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, he crawled forward on the roof with his hands and feet together, slowly crawling forward for a short period of time.

No matter what,

We must rescue Wang Cheng and the others!

"Huh? What about sleeping... Have you let people sleep?" Di Xi's lazy voice came again.

"Why do you sleep every day?"

"Made, I don't have any other entertainment here. What do you do without sleeping?" Dixi said suddenly and bitterly.

"Watch the live broadcast, live broadcast! The late-night wedding banquet in the mountain village! Also known as, I really don't want to marry a monster!"

"What the hell?" Di Xi's voice was a little surprised.

"Look, there is a big hedgehog guy with shirtless tattooed arms over there!" Luo Xiaotian lay sideways on the edge of the roof, quickly raised his head and glanced at the hedgehog before lying down again.

"..." Di Xi was silent for a while,

It took a long time to yell in my head:

"Aren't you looking at the scenery every day in your RV?? Why did I just sleep, did you enter the zoo?"

"Lao Wang, they are lost, I guess they are stuck in this village..."

"What are the things that were sitting down drinking just now? I didn't see it clearly, you let me take another look!"

"..." Luo Xiaotian was a little speechless,

"Hurry up, the look you just saw was too fast, I didn't see it clearly!"

"Can you help me find Lao Wang and them?" Luo Xiaotian slowly poked his head out and looked at the shirtless big man.

"It should be okay..." Di Xi said with some excitement, and suddenly his voice got stuck.

Luo Xiaotian's movement of raising his body also froze there.

He was lying halfway on the roof, propped up with one hand, and lifted his upper body slightly.

And beside him,

The shirtless hedgehog was squatting next to Luo Xiaotian, doing a probe motion with him to look down.

Luo Xiaotian turned his head and looked at the boss.

The hedgehog glanced at the street below, and shook the spikes on his back uninterestingly.

Turning his head and looking at Luo Xiaotian,

A pair of green eyes flashed with fluorescence,

"You lie here, what are you looking at?" The boss asked Luo Xiaotian in a low voice.

Luo Xiaotian pursed his lips, and then looked at the banquet in the street.

Still coveted, no one seemed to notice the condition on the roof,

"Big brother, I said my legs are numb, come up and show it for a while... don't you believe it?"

The big man’s green eyes flashed, and he approached Luo Xiaotian and smelled it.

"What the hell are you? Why can't I smell it?"

"Actually, I'm a Xuanwu... zombie spirit!" Luo Xiaotian responded indiscriminately, but he was quickly calculating in his heart.

You can kill this hedgehog by turning on the same position device directly. It should be able to kill with one blow.

I’m afraid it’s impossible to hack to death with a sickle, but it should be possible to pull the soul out of its body with the left hand, and then absorb it...

I just don't know if you kill it, will all the monsters in this village be alarmed

"Xuanwu zombie spirit? I have heard of Xuanwu, where is your shell?" A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the boss.

"The shell is so ugly, I turned it into a dress and put it on!" Luo Xiaotian pulled open the coat, revealing the white robe that was next to him.

He originally wanted to wear this robe outside before going out.

But then I thought about it, it was too easy to reveal my identity, so I put it in my jacket.

Anyway, it’s silky and smooth, and I don’t feel any discomfort in the clothes, I just feel that my butt is big...

To advertise, the book-chasing app I am using recently, caches and reads books, and reads aloud offline!

The big guy’s eyes lit up, lifted his right hand to eject a sharp claw, and stabbed Luo Xiaotian’s white robe.

I didn’t even leave a trace,

"Yes! Big brother, you have become like real! If it weren't for you, I really thought you were a person!" The boss nodded, admiringly stabbed again.

"You have a very personal thorn!" Luo Xiaotian simply sat up, but he was puzzled.

Nobody in your own body

"Actually, I want to get rid of this body too, but it's a pity! It's still a big brother, you have become good, how are you doing it? Teach me?" The big man shook his body.

Before Luo Xiaotian had time to speak,

I heard a sound suddenly and faintly in my ear,

"What are you two doing up there? Go down and drink?" (End of this chapter)