My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 229: Come here?


Luo Xiaotian didn’t do the finishing work after the war.

He just sat quietly on a big rock at the entrance of the cave,

Holding the stone behind him with both hands, looking up at the sky full of stars...

No one came to bother him, just walked past him in a hurry, busy with his own affairs,

The monsters who fled, all returned at this time,

Under the leadership of the hedgehog, digging the collapsed rock wall,

Yuan Feiyao is still in doubt about his life or death...

"Boss! These are just animal carcasses found in that pit... I buried them?"

Wang Cheng took a few animal carcasses covered with white cloth, and walked to Luo Xiaotian to ask for instructions.

"Ask Lao Wei and their names. I can win this time thanks to their help... Let's build a monument here..." Luo Xiaotian glanced at Wang Cheng and said gravely.

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded, and took some people to find Old Wei on the other side of the mountain wall.

Old Wei is the hedgehog,

Luo Xiaotian gave him the name, and he always called him the look of the hedgehog...

Luo Xiaotian didn't think these monsters would help before.

It's just that Old Wei slapped his chest and promised that these monsters are more honest than humans! Even if you know that you will die, you will undoubtedly rush forward without hesitation!

The plan was successful,

In the melee between the three, a dozen snakes and rat monster brothers lurked beside them with their stand-in dolls in their mouths.

First, taking advantage of Luo Xiaotian's entanglement with the white-robed man, two hanging on the white-robed man in the chaos,

Immediately after Yuan Feiyao smashed it down, they desperately got into the robe of the other person and hung up the doll.

In the fierce fight, neither of the two white-robed men realized that there was a small stand-in doll under their white robes.

Maybe they are too confident in their equipment,

In a few minutes, none of the dozen monsters survived...

Yuan Feiyao, who was a frontal attraction for firepower, was also smashed into the mountain wall.

Donya helped the wounded and monsters deal with their wounds,

Ryan brought a few monsters to help Luo Xiaotian pull out the robes and full sets of armors of the two white-robed men.

The sixteenth class fierce souls were also released by Luo Xiaotian, to help do something within his power...

The center only supported it for a while, then went back to fall asleep again,

Xu Qing sacrificed all of his soul body and only lasted less than 10 minutes.

Luo Xiaotian sighed and thought of Xu Qing.

Xu Qing is really dead this time...

The cyan gemstone also lost its luster at this time, shattered into two pieces, and was carefully placed in the ring by Luo Xiaotian.

Xu Qing used his own life in exchange for everyone's chance of survival...

All the people here owe Xu Qing his life,

"Xiaotian, I'm back!" Di Xi's breathless voice sounded in his mind.


"Here I don't know about Pu Lao's death! I guess even if I know it, it will take a few months. After all, it will cost too much for them to come once! Will they come back for a while!"

"That's good! Is my trouble gone?"

"It should be considered no more! If you want to take over again, it should be me!"

"Then, last time you put the white-robed man back...?"

"He is already mine, and I am also secretly cultivating my own power!"

"Struggling for power..." Luo Xiaotian chuckled.

"No, this is a war that concerns me in the future. Not only you are fighting, but I am also..."

"Have a chance to come down to find me to have a drink at a bar... We can't make a phone call like this." Luo Xiaotian was in a bad mood and didn't want to talk to Dixi about power struggles.

"There should be a group of people in white robes going down recently, but these people are mine..."

"Help me kill Ange!" Luo Xiaotian said,

"Okay! I'll look for you for a drink in a few days!" Di Xi said excitedly: "I'll go ahead and be careful!"

Luo Xiaotian didn't answer Di Xi's words.

He knew that Di Xi was also a smart man, terribly smart!

When the center controlled his actions just now, Di Xi’s perception was blocked.

He didn’t know how Pu Lao died. He didn’t see that Luo Xiaotian could use the power of rules.

When Luo Xiaotian told him about Pu Lao’s death,

Di Xi laughed there for three full minutes, and finally laughed almost crying.

Regarding how Luo Xiaotian killed Pu Lao, and what happened during the last time he was blocked, Di Xi didn't ask a word!

Because Dixi knew that even if he asked, there would only be one more trouble.

It’s not as good as everyone pretends to be confused, it’s better to get along with each other,

Just like Luo Xiaotian never asked Dixi’s identity, but could say things like fighting for power,

Di Xi also had an intuition, Luo Xiaotian had guessed his identity a long time ago!

at last,

There was a commotion behind him,

Yuan Feiyao was dug out, the female demon monkey just fainted, and did not suffer too much injury. When it was dug out, it would show that the prototype was sleeping...

In the following days,

Luo Xiaotian and others lived here,

Although there is no sunlight in the cave, there is at least one place to rest.

On this day,

Wang Cheng found Luo Xiaotian, who was sitting on the big rock at the entrance of the cave and basking in the sun.

"Boss, we're leaving. It's not short when we come out, and everyone in the family is worried about it..." Wang Cheng rubbed his hands and smiled embarrassedly.

"Ah... I have forgotten this, you are all people with a family and a career!"

Luo Xiaotian was taken aback, he completely forgot that Wang Cheng and the others were natives!

"There are some fear crystals and equipment supplies here. They are given to you. Can you help me divide it?" Luo Xiaotian jumped off the stone and took Wang Cheng's hand and handed him a ring.

Wang Cheng flushed with excitement, clutching the ring in his hand tightly, tears rolling in his eyes.

"Thank you boss! Thank you Mr. Luo!"

Luo Xiaotian waved his hand, Wang Cheng was really a good person, and he was also a person who had played together.

Luo Xiaotian has always been kind to others when he treats himself.

Of course, this has a different meaning from being kind.

"How are you going?" Luo Xiaotian scratched his hair. It seemed that there was a long distance from the nearest highway.

"People from the Association of Except Spirits will come and take us back!" Wang Cheng carefully put the ring away.

"Will it be upgraded?" Luo Xiaotian blinked.

"Hey, it should be upgraded, right?" Wang Cheng also blinked.

"I'll take care of things here in two days, and I will leave. You have to take care..."

Luo Xiaotian is here, on the one hand, waiting for the Vermillion Bird to wake up, on the other hand, waiting for the old Wei Gang Xu Qing and the sacrificed monsters to complete the stele.

Insert a sentence, really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, complete books, and fast updates!

"When will you be back?" Wang Cheng asked.

They don’t worry about the Demon Hunters anymore. These days they have exchanged news with the outside world. He knows that the Demon Hunters Association of the Southern Empire has lost a lot of money.

If Anger toss for a few more days, maybe he can really put the Demon Hunter Association to harm...

"I will come back to see you when I have a chance..." Luo Xiaotian swept his gaze into the cave.

"Ms. Duoduo won't go with you?" Wang Cheng is a personal spirit, and he naturally understood the meaning of Luo Xiaotian's look.

"Her home is here... and her relatives are also here..." Luo Xiaotian shook his head helplessly.

"It's okay, I will arrange someone to guard Miss Donya for you! I'll be fine when you come back next time!"

"Thank you!" Luo Xiaotian smiled at Wang Cheng.

At this moment,

There was a hustle and bustle in the village below,

Old Wei brought a few monsters to Luo Xiaotian's side and said, "Brother Xiaotian, there is a team below, saying that they are from the Association of Elimination of Spirits!"

"Come to pick Wang Cheng, let them come up!"

"Good!" Old Wei nodded, and cast a look at the little demon beside him.

The little demon jumped up and ran all the way to the village,

Shouting while running:

"Don't do it, don't do it! The master said, let them come up!"

"..." Luo Xiaotian looked at Old Wei dumbfounded.

Old Wei touched his scalp and grinned, "They are used to calling them, but they can't change it... I just let them call it."

Not long after, a team came up from the village horribly,

Wang Cheng and several agents greeted Luo Xiaotian and stood by the entrance of the cave, waiting.

After seeing the team coming up, Wang Cheng hurriedly greeted him.

"Hahaha, you are here, hurry up, Mr. Luo has been waiting over there, and he didn't do business!"

Wang Cheng smiled and talked to the spiritual eliminator who led the team and made a guiding gesture.

"Is this Luo Xiaotian such a big score? I am the head of the North District of our Association of Spiritualists. If he doesn't come to visit me, he wants me to see him?" A shrill voice in the crowd said strangely.

Wang Cheng’s face suddenly collapsed, and a trace of doubt flashed across his fat face.

what's going on? Didn't send someone to pick them up, and meet Luo Xiaotian by the way

Why does this feel like it came from a smashing place

"Wang Cheng, come back, you guys don't go! Let them roll!" Luo Xiaotian jumped on the big rock at the entrance of the cave and sat down cross-legged.

"Hehehe, what a mighty majesty the 10th-level spiritual eliminator? Do you know that this is different now? The person who gave you the badge now has no bones left, and we need to re-certify you..." A thin young man stands out from the crowd,

A look of impatience appeared on her feminine face: "You hurry up, we are in a hurry!"

Luo Xiaotian smiled, smiling extremely happily, he waved his hand and shouted to the old Wei who was on the side:

"Little ones, surround me!" (End of this chapter)