My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 233: Where is the enemy?


In the end, the scene of the overthrow did not happen,

After all, this is a serious novel...

Luo Xiaotian chose to leave that evening.

In his own room, he told Wang Cheng and Old Wei a few more words, and then went to see the already energetic Suzaku.

When she turned to Donya’s house,

They found that Ryan and Yuan Feiyao were comforting the little girl in the blossoming room,

Luo Xiaotian knowingly did not go in and disturb their family...

He walked out of the cave alone, sitting on the big rock he likes,

Looking up at the sky full of stars, Luo Xiaotian took a deep breath and said:

"Dixi... I'm ready, take me back!"

"it is good!"

This time, Di Xi did not slept lazily, but replied simply and neatly.

"Do I need to locate the Scarlet Safe House? Do you want to teleport?" Luo Xiaotian asked.

"The process of going back is not the same as before. The safe house was remodeled by Liu Heyi and the others. Many of the teleporter's coordinates are incomplete, uh... it is similar to a pirated system, without the permission to update the coordinates, I said. Do you understand?"

"Understood! My own safe house can't be used, and that safe house is a pirated copy with incomplete coordinates. Does that mean?"

"Yes, that's what it means, so this time you go back. The method I took is to bypass the safe house system and use Scarlet to post a mission to you! Then when you complete the task, you can send it back! Because the Scarlet safe house is located. The coordinates of the world plane are the world before you!"

"The whole simple task! Don't make a troublesome one!" Luo Xiaotian nodded.

"Good drop! Wait for me to find it!" Dixi said with a smile.

Luo Xiaotian sat on the big rock, holding his chin, holding a lollipop, waiting boredly...

"Yes, this task should be possible!"

With the words of Emperor Xi,

Luo Xiaotian's system voice popped out of his mind:

"Trigger a hidden task... The task starts counting down: 5..., 4..., 3..."

"Wait! What about the mission objective description? What about the mission time limit? Does it start without anything?"

The blue veins on Luo Xiaotian's forehead jumped, suddenly he wanted to choke Emperor Xi to death.

"Shut up, or you come!" Di Xi said impatiently, "Don't beep if you don't understand!"

Luo Xiaotian shut up,

He had to shut up,

Because after the mission started, I was in a trance,

Then came a strong sense of weightlessness, and then...

The whole person fell face down severely on the hard ground!

The powerful impact made Luo Xiaotian snorted, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. When the lollipop was slapped on the ground, he didn't know where it fell...

The pain from all over his body made him realize that he was not lightly thrown.

The ribs and arms should be fractured...

Luo Xiaotian moved his body with difficulty, yelling from the bottom of his heart: "Dixi, I will tell you..."

It's just that before Luo Xiaotian finished shouting, he heard the system prompt sound in his mind:

"Arrive at the evacuation site, the hidden escape mission is completed... The reward will be issued soon, do you receive it?"

"..." Luo Xiaotian lay on the ground, his eyes widened, and he didn't care about the pain in his body. At this moment, his mind was a little confused.

The task is completed

Did not do anything, fell violently, and then the task was completed

This, this is cheating!

"What are you going to tell me?" Dixi's lazy voice sounded.

"Dixi, I'm telling you, this kind of task, please be sure to give me a few more times!" Luo Xiaotian turned over with difficulty, and lay on the ground panting, but he couldn't help but pull out a mouth from the corner of his mouth. Smile,

"Hmph..." Di Xi smiled triumphantly: "Is it wrong to fall this time?"

"No injustice, not injustice at all..." Although Luo Xiaotian hurts, he feels very happy in his heart.

Sure enough, there are people up there who are good at handling things!

"The mission is over, it will be transmitted in 10 seconds, 9..., 8..."

Listening to the countdown of the system, looking at a black sky, Luo Xiaotian coughed up blood and smiled.

Go home!

Although there was a little accident in the process of going home, shouldn't it be thankful that you can go back this way

Luo Xiaotian's figure disappeared, leaving only a big hole that was smashed out...

What he didn't know was that in a misty forest far away, three rebirths were standing in place with a dazed expression.

"What's the situation?" Lu Renjia turned to look at the person beside him.

"I don't know? Why is there a prompt here just now that someone has arrived at the evacuation site, and the teleportation will begin in 10 minutes?" Long Taoyi raised his hand and knocked his head.

"As soon as I entered the mission world, there is no one to prompt the mission to be completed..." Pei Juebing turned to observe the surroundings, but his eyes sparkled: "Did we trigger some hidden mission? Anyway, there are ten minutes, we Look around?"

In addition, the reading app I am using recently has a lot of books, full of books, and fast updates!

"It makes sense, let's look around?"

"Go! Look around, maybe there will be something good!"

The three of them walked into the misty forest depths side by side, holding hands.

Not long after,

There was a huge roar,

The three of them ran out in horror and rushed to the distance!

Behind them, a huge monster chased it out, hitting numerous thick tree trunks all the way,

It rolled over like a giant bulldozer!

"How long is the teleportation?"

"There are 3 minutes left, run!"

"But there is a cliff ahead!"

"Jump! Don't hesitate! If you go down, you will be able to survive until the start of the teleportation!" A figure passed by him, jumping off the cliff without hesitation, and fell into the thick fog.

"Made, what kind of shit task is this really cheating! Is this the system deliberately tricking us? Is it giving points to a certain senior VIP customer?"

"It must be the one who completes the task after entering the task! He cheated!"

The other two looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and jumped off the cliff, disappearing into the thick mist.

On the edge of the cliff,

Puffs of dust are falling, like snowflakes falling from the sky...

Crystal clear snowflakes fell on Luo Xiaotian’s forehead,

He stared blankly at the white flowers that kept falling down,

Listening to the sounds of car engines passing by,

The big rock in my heart finally fell,

Finally came back without incident!

Except for a few broken ribs and a broken arm, there is basically no major problem!

All you need is a therapeutic injection!

Luo Xiaotian struggled to sit up, and a burst of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth...

At the same time, he coughed violently a few times,

"It seems that the ribs hurt the lungs..." Luo Xiaotian shook his head slightly, and then he looked at the surrounding situation weakly.

The sky was overcast, the goose feathers and heavy snow were disturbingly falling, and the sky and the earth were white.

Luo Xiaotian was sitting on the sidewalk on the side of the street. The snow removal vehicle in the middle of the road drove slowly, making a buzzing noise.

Looking at the time, it was more than three o'clock in the afternoon,

There are basically no pedestrians on the street, even if someone passes by Luo Xiaotian, he hastily glanced and walked over.

Most people regard Luo Xiaotian as a young man who accidentally fell.

No one pays much attention to his situation,

And Luo Xiaotian likes to wear black clothes on weekdays, even if there are blood stains on his chest and arms, it is not obvious.

"Sixteen! Come out and get me an injection, my hand broke!" Luo Xiaotian summoned Sixteen to come out.

After the fierce soul came out, he glanced at Luo Xiaotian.

His whole body suddenly exploded, gritted his teeth and said:

"Where is the enemy?" (End of this chapter)