My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 234: Where did all go?


"Where is the enemy?"

Sixteen's face was gloomy, and his body was tight.

"No enemy, I fell by myself! Give me a shot!" Luo Xiaotian gritted his teeth and moved his arm, throwing a shot of the therapeutic agent into the snow in front of him.

Sixteen was stunned,

But he quickly injected Luo Xiaotian with the treatment needle into his body, and then helped him up.

"Master, do you want to go to the hospital?" Sixteen asked cautiously.

"No, it's just a broken bone. It will be healed soon after the injection!" Luo Xiaotian looked around, and snorted at a small restaurant next to him.

Sixteen understood, and cautiously helped Luo Xiaotian walked into a small restaurant next to him.

Luo Xiaotian looked at Sixteen, and said with some delight:

"Sixteen, when did you reach level 5?"

"The soul aura in the Rubik's Cube is very strong now. Since... Since the last time Master Qinglong burned ourselves, Shishi and I have all upgraded." Shishi said Xu Qing with a sad expression.

"Okay! This is a good thing!" Luo Xiaotian nodded and sat down at a table.

This small restaurant is long and narrow. It is not a meal at this time, and there are no guests.

"What do you want to eat?"

A middle-aged woman walked out of the room, wiped her hands at the bar, then walked over and asked with a smile,

"Come on to a bowl of plain noodles..." Luo Xiaotian glanced at the price list hanging above the bar, and said casually.

"Okay, please wait!"

The woman nodded, turned around and walked to the back of the bar, and shouted to the chef: "A bowl of plain noodles!"

Luo Xiaotian was taken aback at this moment.

Lifted his eyes and looked at the price list above the bar again,

I sit on the right side of the door, at least a dozen meters away from the bar.

As for the price list above the bar, the fonts are in ordinary fonts, and people have to approach the bar to see them clearly.


At this moment, in Luo Xiaotian's eyes, those fonts were very clear, and even a damaged place at the bottom of the price list could be seen clearly!

As Luo Xiaotian focused on the damaged area,

The fiber texture next to the hole can be seen clearly!

Luo Xiaotian raised his head and looked around.

After a while,

He turned his head and glanced at Sixteen standing beside him, swallowed and asked:

"If you want to judge the flight path and landing point of a flying insect based on your eyesight alone... can you do it?"

Sixteen shook his head and said: "I can't do it... I can lock the shape of the flying insect, but the subordinates can't do it to judge the landing point and track..."

"Mad, I seem to have an amazing skill..." Luo Xiaotian blinked, a faint gray light flowing in his eyes.

Just now Luo Xiaotian discovered that when his sight and attention were completely focused on a small flying insect in the air,

A feeling came out inexplicably in his heart. Vaguely, he seemed to be able to guess where the little flying insect was about to land.

And a gray dotted line appeared very vaguely in front of the little flying insect...

In the end, the little flying insect actually flew along the dotted line, and landed exactly where it felt like!

This discovery made Luo Xiaotian ecstatic.

If this feeling is to predict the future, it will give him an extremely powerful advantage in future battles!

At this time, the middle-aged woman came towards him with a bowl,

Luo Xiaotian once again focused his attention on the people coming here,

Only this time,

That strange hunch did not appear

"It doesn't work for people?" Luo Xiaotian frowned, somewhat puzzled.

"Your face is ready, please use it slowly!"

The steaming noodles were placed in front of Luo Xiaotian, and then the woman turned and walked towards the bar.

Luo Xiaotian did not believe in evil, and continued to concentrate and tried again, but that feeling still did not appear.

"It really doesn't work for people?" Luo Xiaotian sighed and wanted to raise his hand to eat noodles.

The pain made him grinning.

He forgot that his arm was still broken,

Although the blood on his face was cleaned by Sixteen before entering the restaurant,

Nothing is wrong except for a pale face,

However, the injection time of the treatment needle into the body is too short, and it is impossible to restore the fractured arm to normal in such a short time.

"Master, shall I feed you?" Sixteen guessed Luo Xiaotian's plight at this time, and asked tentatively.

"Uh..." Luo Xiaotian looked at the noodles in front of him.

After tossing for so long, he was really hungry. In addition, the bowl of plain noodles in front of him was well-made, and the aroma made Luo Xiaotian swallow.

"Okay!" Luo Xiaotian was heartbroken, gritted his teeth and nodded.


Sixteen sat next to Luo Xiaotian, picked up his chopsticks and fed him noodles bit by bit.

The middle-aged woman who was sitting behind the bar didn't pay attention to the situation here, but she inadvertently raised her head and saw this scene...

If it is a small couple who feeds noodles like this, she may still feel warm and sweet, and it is good to eat dog food occasionally.

Insert a sentence, really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, complete books, and fast updates!

But the two elders are so intimate, feeding noodles bite by bite...

That picture is so spicy...

The middle-aged woman hurriedly lowered her head, sipped gently, and muttered: "Hey, the world has changed... In the future, girls will have to grab boys from boys..."

Luo Xiaotian almost finished the noodles at the fastest speed.

Then he stood up and dropped a hundred-dollar bill on the table as cooking money, and left the restaurant in the eyes of the middle-aged woman.

"Take a taxi and go home!" Luo Xiaotian said to Sixteen.

"Okay!" Shizuo stopped a taxi by the side of the road, and the two got into the car and drove to the safe house...

In the taxi,

Luo Xiaotian threw the phone out of the ring and said to Sixteen: "Call Shao Ning, Yan Huai and the others, and tell them we are going back!"

Nodded at sixteen and started calling,

The first call was made, and Sixteen turned to look at Luo Xiaotian: "Master, Master Shao Ning did not answer the call..."

"... Fight Yan Huai!"

"Master, Yan Huai didn't answer either..."

Luo Xiaotian's left eyelid jumped suddenly,

He gritted his teeth and said, "Dakang, Du Xuewei, and Li Zhaoan all fight again!"

After a while, Sixteen looked at Luo Xiaotian with a tangled face and shook his head.

"Drive faster, the driver, and the car's money will be doubled for you!" Luo Xiaotian suppressed the anxiety in his heart and said to the driver.

"Good!" The driver's eyes lit up and he stepped on the accelerator.

The taxi rushed out,

Speeding in the wind and snow!

"They didn't answer the phone, could something happen? Why didn't Li Zhaoan answer the phone?" Numerous terrifying thoughts flashed through Luo Xiaotian's mind.

"Sixteen! Give me two more therapeutic injections!" Luo Xiaotian threw out two more therapeutic injections and said in a low voice.

"Master, you forgot about half of your face last time..." Sixteen grasped the treatment needle and made a gesture on his face: "Did you say that it was a sequelae of the treatment needle?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Call me quickly!" Luo Xiaotian glared at him.

Sixteen hurriedly put the therapeutic injection into Luo Xiaotian’s neck again.

Feeling the heat flowing in the body, the pain in the ribs and arms is also getting better.

"Call each of them again!"

"Yes, master!" Sixteen hit them one after another, swallowing and spitting: "It's all through, or no one answers all of them..."

Luo Xiaotian’s eyes were a little red, and he began to breathe desperately, forcing himself to calm down.

"It should be fine! If something goes wrong, the phone will be shut down or destroyed as soon as possible, because the location function in the phone may reveal your location!"

"So, it shouldn't be Liu Heyi doing the trick, so where did you all go? Why didn't you answer the phone?"

Luo Xiaotian stared at the phone in Sixteen's hand stubbornly!

Where are all the people? (End of this chapter)