My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 235: No need for us to do it


The cellphones stacked in a row on the table were beating slightly,

In the noisy music in the KTV private room, it is impossible to tell whose cell phone is beating.

Everyone is sitting around the table, everyone’s face is serious,

This is a luxurious KTV called Xi Le Hui in the center of Gaoyang District.

Today is Yan Huai’s birthday, everyone decided not to let him cook by himself in the villa.

Come out and relax for a night!

Therefore, Dakang deliberately ordered this largest private room, and deliberately ordered a buffet outing in a star-rated hotel, so that everyone could sing and eat.

Du Xuewei called her classmates, and Dakang also called a few good buddies.

Li Zhaoan even called a few young men and women in his group to join this party for the first time.

You know, this kind of opportunity is rare,

You can have a good relationship with this group of people openly, and when Luo Xiaotian comes back,

I was surprised to find that my men actually chased Du Xuewei’s classmates, and my own girl hooked up with Dakang’s men.

It’s not that you have me in you, I have you in me, kiss and kiss

Wouldn't his career be stable in the future

Most of the private rooms are young people, and people of the same age are very happy!

Master Dakang suggested,

Collect everyone’s mobile phones and buckle them on the table,

Who can't help but look at the phone first, then the wine in the extra-large glass on the table must be drunk all at once!

Dakang drank too much, his face was flushed, and his valuable shirt with a button was torn open by him.

He held Du Xuewei with one hand, and screamed with a beer in the other:

"Hey, old Yan, I saw your phone jumped?"

"Shao Ningchan, I saw your phone jumping for a long time!!"

"Hey! Old Li, your phone has jumped too!"

"Boom!" Dakang put the wine bottle on the table, squinted his eyes and scanned the people in front of him, and smiled: "My phone jumped too! But I just don't look at it! Brother is so domineering! "

"You guys... if you can't help it anymore, you can watch it!" Da Kang laughed, raised his finger across the crowd, and then greeted a little beauty on the side and said: "Don't be stunned, go to the chef over there to get it. Order chili noodles, add it to the wine, and add more ingredients!"

The little beauty giggled, and went to the chef who was in charge of making the buffet to ask for chili noodles.

Yan Huai shook his head, took a sip on the ground, and said, "Who, who is the grandson!"

Shao Ning kept frowning, staring at the phone on the table, muttering something in a low voice.

Dakang did not hear clearly, he shouted, "Shao Ningjiang, what are you talking about? Brother did not hear clearly!"

Shao Ning also shouted, "I said, I have no friends here except you, who will call me?"

"Cut, who else? Isn't it..." Dakang laughed loudly, and took a sip of wine with his head up.

One second later,


Without warning, the sip that Dakang had just drunk was sprayed on the face of Yan Huai on the opposite side.

Yan Huai's face turned green.

But he indifferently wiped the drink off his face, rushed to the table and searched for his phone among the many phones.

He cried out:

"Music is turned off! Music is turned off for his mother!!!!"

"Ah!!!" Shao Ning also screamed, rushed to the table and started looking for the phone.

It's just that there are too many mobile phones on the table, and there is nowhere to be found at this time!

Li Zhaoan also understood at this time.

He turned his head and looked around, and jumped to the chef nearest to him, almost shouting through gritted teeth:

"Where's the phone? Did you bring your phone? Give me the phone!"

The chef was startled by Lao Li, and quickly took out his mobile phone and handed it to Li Zhaoan.

Today, Li Zhaoan specially wore casual clothes, but the strong and righteous spirit on his body can be seen at a glance even if he is not wearing military uniforms.

Li Zhaoan trembled and typed in Luo Xiaotian's phone number.

He knew this number by heart a long time ago.

At this time, the music in the private room was turned off,

There was silence all around,

Dakang and the others didn’t even bother looking for their mobile phones, they all surrounded Li Zhaoan...

Li Zhaoan took a deep breath and pressed the dial button.

After the phone was connected, Shao Ning took Du Xuewei’s arm and put one hand tightly on her mouth, tears swirling in her eyes.

The phone call means that the guy is back in this world!

He's okay! !

"Hey!" Luo Xiaotian's voice came from the phone.

Yan Huai and Dakang breathed a sigh of relief.

He is back!

"Where are you?" Old Li's voice became hoarse, his voice trembling a little.

"Where are you?" Luo Xiaotian asked coldly.

"Xilehui KTV, Suite 888!" Lao Li said hoarsely.

"Click..." The phone was hung up,

Li Zhaoan frowned, turned his head and glanced at Dakang and Yan Huai next to him, and said with some confidence, "Xiaotian is this angry?"

Yan Huai shivered. He didn't know whether it was sweat or drink. He cried and said, "Let's sing here. The Lord will not be able to find us when he comes back. I must be angry... And it was my birthday that I came out to play today. This time I’m dead... My spine is about to be pulled out..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiaotian is not that kind of person! He must be angry that we don't tell him to sing! It's okay!" Da Kang patted Yan Huai on the shoulder and comforted.

Li Zhaoan was holding his mobile phone, and always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"I'll wait for him at the door!" Shao Ning jumped up, yanked the door open and rushed out.



Shao Ning fell heavily to the ground, clutching his forehead and groaning in pain.

Du Xuewei hurriedly stepped forward to help Shao Ning, and asked anxiously: "What's the matter? Is it okay?"

A trace of red blood dripped down Shao Ning’s fingers.

There was a hole in the corner of her eyebrows, and half of her face was instantly red with blood.

"Fuck, is it blind? Dare to hit Laozi?" A group of strong men at the door helped a young man up.

Insert a sentence, really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, complete books, and fast updates!

A broken wine bottle on the ground,

Shao Ning rushed out just now and ran into a group of people. The wine bottles they were holding smashed to the ground.

At this time, the young man was also full of blood, grinning with pain, raised his hand and pointed at Shao Ning and others and cursed, "Fight Lao Tzu!"

The strong man closest to Shao Ning lifted his foot and kicked over.

However, one foot kicked the brawny man’s chest, kicking the person out, and hitting the opposite wall fiercely.

"Don't be a grandmother! I'm anxious to pick someone up!" Shao Ning put his foot down, and rushed out with an angry face.

"Come on, give it all to Laozi! Kill them!" The young man picked up half of the wine bottle on the ground and rushed up.

A group of brawny men behind them all rushed forward.

Yan Huai and Dakang also rushed out of the private room with people at this time, and without a word, they directly fought with the group of brawny men.

Li Zhaoan winked at the police officers under his hand, and said in a low voice, "Come on! Help! Don't use guns!"

For a time, the entire corridor became a mess,

The young man didn’t know what his identity was. His strong man took advantage of the chaos and ran into a private room next door.

As soon as the private room door opened, another group of people rushed out and joined the battle group directly.


Will this group of people be Shao Ning's opponents? Not to mention a group of professional policemen under Li Zhaoan

Soon the person lying on the floor in the corridor,

Shao Ning panted and wiped the blood off his face, and was about to walk downstairs.

However, he saw the young man get up from the crowd and stopped in front of Shao Ning with a grinning smile:

"Small! You are pretty cruel? Let me see if you dare to take a step forward?"

Speaking, he pulled a pistol from behind his waist, pulled the sleeve to load it, and pointed it at Shao Ning...

Yan Huai and Dakang stepped forward and stopped in front of Shao Ning.

Dakang shook his hair and asked Yan Huai, "You do it or I do it?"

Yan Huai smiled, pointing to the back of the boy and saying:

"No need to do it..." (End of this chapter)