My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 270: Weird place


Luo Xiaotian carried a knife and walked towards the tall and thin man on the ground.

At this time his appearance is very miserable,

Both hands were cut off, and one foot disappeared,

But he was still supporting his body with his broken limbs, trying to stand up again,

He stared at Luo Xiaotian with blood-red eyes and let out an unwilling roar in his throat.

Luo Xiaotian squatted in front of him, slowly raising his left hand, the gray light flickering in the palm of his hand,

The thin and tall man went crazy, the only one left kicked hard, and the whole person slammed into Luo Xiaotian.

Luo Xiaotian moved to the side and avoided his impact.

He got it,

This guy hates not himself,

He hates the person who came here to do the task last time, who also wears a white robe, carries a long knife, and can emit light in his hands...

That person is probably the old bastard in Dixi’s mouth... the true ruler of the world of the dead,

What did he do

Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and took off his mask, took off his hood, and said to the thin and tall man on the ground: "Look at it clearly, I am not that person!"

"I'm not the one you hate!"

The thin and tall man lay on the ground and raised his head hard, staring at Luo Xiaotian's face with blood-red eyes.

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes,

"Oh ... Oh ... Oh ..." under the dirty bandage, lanky chin crawling around, I want to make a sound,

Seeing the response of the thin and tall man,

Luo Xiaotian squatted in front of him again, enduring the terrifying smell and said again: "Did you see clearly? I am not that person, I am also his enemy!"

The thin and tall man’s eyes flickered, his jaw squirming, just unable to say a complete sentence.

Luo Xiaotian looked at the tightly wound bandage on his face and asked tentatively: "I will help you untie the bandage so that you can speak?"

The thin man hurriedly shook his head, making a whine, then he turned to look at the severed hand lying on the side.

Luo Xiaotian followed his gaze, and understood a little.

He walked over and grabbed the severed hand in his hand, then placed it next to the tall and thin man.

Then he walked around and helped the thin and tall man sit up.

The thin and tall man bent down and brought the severed limb to the side of the severed hand.

A terrifying scene appeared in front of Luo Xiaotian,

There was no blood flowing from the root of the thin and tall severed limb, and the section was flat and smooth, as if it weren't flesh and blood at all!

When the severed limb got to the side of the severed hand, countless small threads suddenly appeared at both ends of the severed position.

Then the broken arm was slowly pulled back to the arm,

There was a creepy "creak" in the passage,

The whole process lasted about half an hour, and the thin and tall left hand returned to its original shape...

He did not rush to connect his other arm and broken leg, instead he was writing something on the ground with his fingers.

But the dust on the ground was basically wiped away by the two people. He wrote for a long time without writing anything.

He raised his head and looked at Luo Xiaotian, with a little helplessness in his eyes, while Luo Xiaotian turned his head and looked at the iron gate on the side.

Crimson blood is slowly flowing under the iron gate...

The thin and tall man rubbed his hands and feet, stretched out his left hand, soaked in the blood flowing out of the ground, and wrote a sentence on the ground:

"Is that demon dead?"

"He's not dead, he's alive..." Luo Xiaotian shook his head.

The thin and tall man sat on the ground blankly, his left hand clenched into a fist,

After a while, he wrote: "Who are you?"

"His enemy, if I don't kill him, he will kill me..."

The tall and thin man raised his eyelids and glanced at Luo Xiaotian, a bit of envy appeared in his eyes.

"Sometimes death is also a relief..."

The thin and tall man slowly wrote a few words, but Luo Xiaotian felt a deep despair.

"For me, letting the enemy die is the real relief..." Luo Xiaotian touched the bridge of his nose and whispered.

The tall and thin man beckoned to Luo Xiaotian, and pointed to his right hand holding the long knife.

Luo Xiaotian looked at him and didn't understand what it meant for a while.

He was stained with blood and wrote two words on the ground: "Poke me!"

Luo Xiaotian raised his eyebrows and looked at the tall and thin man incredibly.

"There is such a requirement?"

The thin man raised his left finger and pointed at his head, and clicked on his forehead.

"Are you sure?" Luo Xiaotian raised the knife and asked again.

The thin and tall nodded,


The long knife pierced straight into the thin and tall head.


The thin and tall one fell on his back,

The body quickly weathered and dissipated in the air like broken foam...

Everything around me began to distort,

Luo Xiaotian put on his mask again, leaned down with a knife, and looked at everything around him vigilantly.

"Pop..." The surrounding scenery shattered like bubbles, turning into a little brilliance and dissipating in the air.

Waiting for Guanghua to disappear,

Luo Xiaotian realized that he was still standing at the corner of the passage.

The channel is still the same, but there seems to be something different...

He turned his head and looked around, and finally found that the ground, the wall and the iron gate beside it seemed to have become new.

The rust on the iron gate also disappeared,

"Help me..." a face suddenly appeared behind the bars in front of Luo Xiaotian,

The man's face was normal, his eyes were full of pleading and hopeful look at Luo Xiaotian,

He grabbed his hands on the fence of the iron window, watching Luo Xiaotian whispered with excitement: "There is a devil here, please save me! I don't want to die!"

Although Luo Xiaotian's face was calm, there was a stormy sea in his heart.

This person, he is obviously dead, whether it is a human or a ghost, he is dead!


A sharp iron hook struck Luo Xiaotian’s face and slammed it against the iron door, making the person scream and disappear behind the door.

Luo Xiaotian turned his head and looked to the side.

The pupils in his eyes shrank sharply,

The tall and thin man stood not far from him, but his arms hadn't grown thick, and he wasn't that tall.

The head tightly wrapped in bandages is still faintly flowing with blood...

"You, are you alive?" Luo Xiaotian took a step back. He wasn't sure if the tall and thin man in front of him was the one who wrote and communicated with him just now.

It's a good news, it's worth installing, and even Android and Apple phones support it!

The thin and tall man beckoned to Luo Xiaotian, then squatted down in front of the iron door, stained with the blood flowing down his face, and wrote two more words on the ground:


"..." Luo Xiaotian was silent.

At this moment, he understood the meaning of being tall and thin, and what he meant by death was the real meaning of liberation!

He, including all the people in this institute, can't die!

"You are all in reincarnation?" Luo Xiaotian's face was ugly,

He couldn't imagine what kind of horrible feeling these people experienced in reincarnation.

The thin and tall nodded, pointed at himself, and pointed at his head.

"Are you the key to this reincarnation? When you die, reincarnation will be reset? But will your memory be preserved?"

The tall and thin man clutched his head in pain, and there was a scream in his throat.

"There is a murderer here, I want to find the murderer, and then kill him! Can you help me?" Luo Xiaotian sniffed, the smell of this guy has not changed, it is still very smelly...

The thin and tall man beckoned to Luo Xiaotian, and then he hooked the iron hook directly on his shoulder with a "click", and crawled away along the passage with his hands and feet. The iron hook hung on his chest and made a sound. The harsh grinding sound...

Luo Xiaotian followed him closely,

In the wards on both sides, there were people with faces on the bars one after another, looking at them with numb eyes.

Countless eyes stared directly at Luo Xiaotian, making his back chill.

The tall and thin guy crawled quickly, but he didn't make the slightest sound.

He took Luo Xiaotian around in the passage, turned countless passages, and finally came to the front of a room.

There is a sign on the iron door of this room that says "Doctor's Duty Room in Ward Ninth".

The tall and thin guy squatted on the ground, raised his finger and pointed at the room,

Luo Xiaotian found that it seemed that the entire passage was changing little by little. The number plates on the corridor and the door were getting old at a speed visible to the naked eye, and large pieces of rust slowly climbed up the iron door. the edge of…

He turned his head and glanced at the tall and thin man who was squatting on the ground, and found that his arms were getting thicker, and his figure was slowly getting higher, squatting on the ground was almost as high as he was standing...

"What a weird place!"

Luo Xiaotian took a deep breath and slowly pushed open the door... (End of this chapter)