My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 288: Back road


When Luo Xiaotian saw the cute tailless mink, he was also dumbfounded by it.

Yan Huai looked at the tailless mink very vigilantly.

Secretly thinking:

"This guy is much better than himself in appearance... Although it looks stupid and cute, but it can't hide that he is always a demon! Under its cute appearance, there is a natural sinister and cunning hidden deep in his heart... I have to be careful of this guy! I can't be compared to him..."

Wutailed Mink saw Yan Huai's vigilant eyes and smiled contemptuously.

From ancient times to the present, when it comes to fighting for favor, I have never been afraid of anyone...

Led by the fallen civet cat, Luo Xiaotian and Yan Huai smoothly entered the abandoned farm...

This farm is very large, and at the end of the path is a warehouse-like building, but half of it has collapsed at this time, and countless weeds and plants have emerged from the collapsed wall, looking desolate.

Behind the warehouse is a two-story wooden house. Opposite the wooden house is a row of livestock stalls, which are also covered by weeds. Most of them can’t tell what they were raising before...

After passing through a few more buildings, the two came to the wine cellar.

This is an underground wine cellar. From the side, it looks like a small pyramid made of cyan stone bricks.

Two wooden doors are opened on the slope of the pyramid rushing to the west, and a deep passage extends diagonally downward.

Luo Xiaotian squatted at the entrance of the passage, turned his head and asked the tailless mink: "Why is there no one guarding this farm?"

"Who would like to stay here for a monster that can sneak out? It's gone..." Wutailed Mink said helplessly: "Youkai also want to eat. The more powerful monsters can transform into a human form and go out to find something. Eat, hunt other animals around if you don’t have the ability, but the animals around are not stupid, they have already run away..."

Luo Xiaotian nodded and told Yan Huai: "Old Yan, you stay here to meet me, I will take the tailless mink and the civet cat down to take a look!"

"No problem, leave it to me! I must guard this back road!" Yan Huai pulled a long knife from the ring, and then took out another crystal of fear and held it in his hand.

"Be careful! If you have something to do, you can run first!" Luo Xiaotian patted Yan Huai on the shoulder and stepped down the aisle.

The tailless mink jumped on Luo Xiaotian’s shoulder, and the little civet cat followed Luo Xiaotian’s feet.

Watching Luo Xiaotian's figure disappear in the passage,

Yan Huai took out the white mask and buckled it on his face. He looked at the black mist around him. Yan Huai felt a little uneasy and threw the crystal of fear at his feet.

A yellow mask appeared, covering the entrance of the wine cellar,

Hiding in the protective cover of crystallization of fear, Yan Huai breathed a sigh of relief. He sat on the threshold of the wine cellar, pricked his ears and listened to the movement around him.

Time passed bit by bit,

The surrounding black mist began to grow thicker,

Yan Huai raised his head and looked at the sky above him. Through the fog, he could only vaguely see a dim light cluster.

"Something's wrong, why is this fog getting bigger? Even the sun is almost out of sight?" Yan Huai stood up and looked around.

He found that the outline of the house could be seen more than ten meters away, now hidden in the black mist,

A few drops of cold sweat slid down the forehead, and the hand holding the handle of the knife trembled slightly.

Yan Huai decisively took out two more fear crystals and threw them on the ground. He seemed to feel uneasy. After hesitating, he took out the Gatling machine gun and placed it at his feet...

"Is this going down? Long range and short range are fine! There is also white robe defense blessing!" Yan Huai took off his mask and wiped his sweat, then quickly buckled back to his face.


In the fog directly in front, there was a very slight "click", as if someone stepped on a dead branch in that black fog...

Yan Huai was so scared that he stuck a long knife at his feet and picked up the Gatling gun.

He squinted at the mist in front of him,

There seems to be a dark figure standing vaguely ten meters away

"Who?" Stern Huai shouted, putting his finger on the button of the machine gun!

The dark shadow gradually approached and stopped in the mist seven or eight meters away from Yanhuai.

"Who are you?" Yan Huai's voice was trembling slightly.

Sombra did not answer,

A pair of eyes with faint green light appeared in the mist behind him,

Then came the second pair, the third pair...

More and more eyes with different rays of light appeared in the mist, densely surrounding Yan Huai...

A rustling voice sounded, and various low roars lingered in Yan Huai’s ears.

"So many... Monsters?" Yan Huai swallowed hard and his heart beat violently.

Push the button firmly with your finger,

The muzzle exploded with a dazzling light, and countless miserable screams rang out in the fog, exploding a ball of blood,

Yan Huai gritted his teeth and clasped the button firmly, the Gatling gun in his hand was madly pouring rain of metal bullets into the fog.

"Boom!" A terrifying wolf was beaten to half of its body and slammed into the yellow mask.

Various monsters in the mist attacked Yan Huai,

They rushed madly against the bullet rain, the fangs in their big, hideous mouths shone with cold light!



More and more monsters rushed out of the fog, dragging their broken bodies hit by bullets and hitting the yellow mask...

"This is a trap! This is a trap! Master, come out soon!" Yan Huai shouted heartbreakingly, and the machine gun in his hand kept shooting.

"Such a big movement, the master can definitely hear it!"

"Since I haven't been out for so long, I must be in danger!"

"The master said, I can run if something happens! Should I run away before calling someone?"

Yan Huai's eyes were red, and he kept shooting with the machine gun, and countless hot bullet shells at his feet piled up into a hill.


The yellow mask shook, cracks appeared, countless bloody monsters threw on the mask and bite desperately.

Yan Huai threw away the machine gun that shot the bullets, took up a long knife and slashed it desperately!

He turned his head and glanced at the dark passage behind him, and various thoughts kept coming up in his mind...

One of the thoughts spread wildly like weeds, and it occupied his mind almost in the blink of an eye.

"Run away!"

His footsteps moved back slightly, and Yan Huai panted with knives in both hands, and looked at the beasts that were slowly surrounding...

The dark shadow in the mist also gradually walked to the front of the mask,

It was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man, wearing a simple white shirt and blue jeans, stepping on the ground with bare feet,

He stared at Yan Huai with deep eyes like a deep pool, with his right hand in his pocket and his left hand drooping. A red carp under his slender fingers was swimming slowly in the air!

"Get out of here! I won't kill you..."

The middle-aged man’s flat voice sounded, and fell into Yan Huai’s ears like a curse...

Yan Huai gritted his teeth and stared at the middle-aged man...


The back road was cut off, and the host who suffered from the enemy is probably dead...

The bits and pieces of life during this period flashed in Yan Huai's mind, and countless pictures flashed through his mind like a movie...

Dakang's expression of beating, unscrupulously sprinkled dog food in front of him...

Shao Ning's mouth is stuffed with food and looks like a little squirrel...

Doudou saw the stupid look of Dog Food's eyes shining...

The little black cat babbled at him, and kept babbling about him like an old mother...

In the end, the picture freezes on Luo Xiaotian's smiling face!

Yan Huai took a deep breath, then changed his hand to insert the long knife on the ground, the long knife swayed slightly...

He straightened his body, not too tall,

Looking at the middle-aged man,

"I don't care who you are or how capable you are... But don't even think of a word to scare me away!"

Yan Huai kept digging out the crystals of fear from the ring, and threw them under his feet one by one.

"I am really timid and weak in combat... but Xiaotian never abandoned me, left me and ran away alone..."

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Tears ooze from the corners of Yan Huai's eyes, running down her cheeks...

He lifted his foot on a crystal of fear, activated the yellow mask, took off the mask and wiped tears from his face.

"I'm Yan Huai, I'm standing here today... I won't retreat! If you want to go in, just walk on my body..."

Yan Huai held the knife in one hand and tremblingly pointed to the middle-aged man... (End of this chapter)