My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 367: Shock! He actually did such a thing in the dark


The wait is always long...

Especially in such a dark environment, every second seems extremely long,

Luo Xiaotian carefully adjusted his breathing, waiting for the bait of the fish!

Not long after,

The harsh rubbing sounded from the darkness,

Luo Xiaotian's heart suddenly lifted up.

He placed the bottle on the metal bridge in the middle,

I will definitely be hit by that guy, provided that... it can't be seen!

at last,

There was a sound of a bottle being knocked over, and then the sound of glass breaking!


A slightly puzzled voice sounded,

The guy dropped the cart and stayed there for a long time.

Luo Xiaotian couldn't see what that guy was doing, but from the voice that came, he could vaguely feel that it seemed to be checking the broken bottle...


There were a few crisp noises, like broken glass being pushed aside,

Then came heavy footsteps towards the house,

"Come!" Luo Xiaotian gritted his teeth and raised his left hand unconsciously.

With the light from the spotlight on the helmet, Luo Xiaotian saw a tall but thin person who was as thin as a bamboo pole walking into the room.

Its height is 4 meters, and it is terribly thin! There is almost no meat on the whole body, and the skin is as pale as paper!

A dirty brown cloth cover on the huge head!

Two slender arms fumbled around, turning a blind eye to the high heels and the lights in front of them!

"It can't be seen!!" Luo Xiaotian had judgment in his heart!

The thin and tall monster walked forward two steps and ran into the high heels placed by Luo Xiaotian in the middle of the room!

It grabbed the high heels, held it on its chest and stroked it carefully,

After a while, it seemed to confirm that the high heels in his hand were taken out of the refrigerator.

The whole person suddenly became manic,

There was a creepy roar in his throat, and he started searching in the room,

The metal bed in front of it was lifted and thrown aside,

The things in the whole room were thrown around by it, making noises,

Luo Xiaotian slowly crawled out of the corner, crawling and avoiding things flying around.

Just like a cheetah quietly following behind it, carefully approaching!

With a tall and thin weird four-meter tall figure, Luo Xiaotian is like a child behind him.

It's just that the child's left hand is burning with gray flames!

Luo Xiaotian couldn't confirm whether the flame in his hand could cause damage to this thin and tall monster, but now there was no way out!

At this moment in time, either give it a go or continue to wait for death!

The guy in front of him was still rummaging in the room frantically,

Waving his slender arms,

The shadow cast by the light seems to be a dance of demons,

Luo Xiaotian straightened his left hand and touched his hind legs little by little!

at last,

The flames from the fingertips touched the skinny weird calf...

Its pale skin seemed to be smeared with alcohol, and a cloud of gray flame suddenly appeared!

The flame quickly spread around its body,

A screaming scream came from the mouth of the tall and thin weirdo!

It raised its hand in a panic and wanted to slap its burning calf, but the next moment, a raging fire ignited on both arms!

Luo Xiaotian got up and turned around and ran back, dashed to the cabinet, grabbed the helmet and rushed out of the room!

In the room, the lanky weird roar echoed in the huge space,

Anger, pain, doubt...

Luo Xiaotian was standing outside the door, only to see the tall and thin weird in the room bump into the room, and finally lay on the floor, slowly curling up into a ball.

I'm afraid it doesn't know until its death, who attacked it...

Luo Xiaotian stopped silently for a few seconds,

It took a total of 50 seconds from when he touched the tall and thin man to when it fell and lost motion...

At this time, it can be proved from the side that the thin and tall man is much stronger than the monsters I encountered before!

If it wasn't for this guy who couldn't see things,

Luo Xiaotian would definitely be hit back before his death... For example, the paper chef should be more difficult to deal with than tall and thin.

The gray flame was slowly burning, and the tall and thin man on the ground had turned into a huge flame.

But none of the things in its room were ignited.

"In other words, these huge things and shoes are real... Can it be inferred that the real situation is that I have been reduced?"

Luo Xiaotian touched his chin, and a question flashed in his heart.

"So, when did I get smaller? The moment I stepped into the studio?"

After killing the tall and thin, there should be no other enemies in this garbage dump.

Luo Xiaotian put on his helmet again and began to explore in this garbage dump.

Although this space is very large, there is no fog that Luo Xiaotian is familiar with.

The fog is the most proof of the location of the barrier cracks. The closer you are to the barrier, the thicker the fog should be...

Barefoot, Luo Xiaotian searched the entire garbage dump.

This huge garbage dump is divided into four areas by four metal bridges.

Taking the metal bridge that Luo Xiaotian came over as the front,

Food scraps are piled on the front left,

The skeleton is the area on the front right,

At the back left is a dense pile of clothes and shoes. It looks like the shoes collected by the tall and thin are photographed from there...

The rear right is full of metal products, huge cans, broken metal barrels, and...

All kinds of firearms!

Luo Xiaotian saw huge pistols, rifles, bullets and magazines in the metal trash pile.

Looking at the weapons and equipment piled up into a hill, but none of them can be used, this made Luo Xiaotian a headache...

"I need weapons and equipment..."

Muttering in his mouth, Luo Xiaotian squeezed his head in the trash and started rummaging for things that he could use.

Hard work pays off,

After more than ten minutes of searching, Luo Xiaotian finally found a few useful equipment.

A dagger was like a long knife in his hand at this time, and two huge grenade was also stuffed into his backpack.

He didn't take the guns. One is because his body size has become smaller now, and he can't handle those guns. The other reason is that even if the gun works, it is estimated that the entire layer of monsters will have to be attracted when the gun is fired!

After doing all this, Luo Xiaotian returned to the tin room again. The tall and thin man had been burned to a large mass of ashes, and in the middle of the ashes

Luo Xiaotian made an accidental discovery (it should be out of chapter here),

That is a huge bunch of keys, and there are several rusty keys hanging on the huge key ring.

Putting the key into the bag, Luo Xiaotian left the tin room and walked on the metal bridge between the food scraps and clothes. At the end of the metal bridge, there is also a huge iron gate.

This space that exists under the studio looks very big,

But the strange thing is that the barrier fissure is not in this garbage dump at the bottom.

Luo Xiaotian walked through the iron gate all the way forward and found that there was still a freight elevator at the end of the metal bridge.

It's just that there is a huge metal door next to this elevator,

This is an ugly iron door studded with rivets, and under the huge door handle is a keyhole.

Luo Xiaotian took out the set of keys from his backpack, tried them one by one, and finally unlocked the door lock with one of the keys.

After pushing open the iron door in front of him,

A row of metal stairs clinging to the wall appeared in front of them, twisting and disappearing into the darkness,

It is said to be a staircase, but there is no handrail, and the steps seem to extend directly from the wall.

From Luo Xiaotian's perspective, there is no support at all under the steps...

Turning his head and looked at the metal pipes winding all around, and the steam spewing from some pipes from time to time,

Luo Xiaotian frowned,

"Where is this place?" (End of this chapter)