My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 37: People behind


After hearing this, Cao Ziqian was taken aback, and did not answer Luo Xiaotian's words for a while.

"Let's go! I'm going back, tired!" Luo Xiaotian said to Mu Qing, raised his hand and touched the little milk dog in his arms, this little thing actually fell asleep in his arms!

"Mr. Luo walk slowly..." Qin Tianrong bowed to salute, and several people beside Cao Ziqian hurriedly saluted Luo Xiaotian.

Mu Qing winked at Qin Tianrong, and hurriedly followed Luo Xiaotian's pace.

"Oh, by the way, did Wang Cheng crystallize that fear for you?" Luo Xiaotian suddenly stopped and looked back at Qin Tianrong.

"Ah? Mr. Wang didn't give me anything?" Qin Tianrong looked puzzled.

Luo Xiaotian thought for a moment and waved to Qin Tianrong.

Qin Tianrong hurried to Luo Xiaotian's side, only to see Luo Xiaotian say to Mu Qing: "You help me take off the backpack."

Mu Qing hurriedly took off the backpack to help Luo Xiaotian and hugged it in his arms.

Luo Xiaotian held the snoring puppy in one hand, fumbled with the other in his backpack, and then took out a crystal of fear and handed it to Qin Tianrong.

"This was borrowed from you last time, now I'm returning it to you!"

"Ah, no, no need..." Qin Tianrong waved his hand quickly.

Luo Xiaotian frowned, patted the fear crystal on his chest, then turned his head and continued to take a fear crystal in his bag and patted him on his chest: "This is for you! As a thank you for helping me authenticate!"

Qin Tianrong looked at the two heavy black metal blocks in his arms, his mouth wide open and he didn't know what to say.

"I met Wang Cheng in Kajik City, and asked him to return you a crystal of fear. I don't know why he hasn't given it to you. If you have time, you can ask him." Luo Xiaotian smiled at Qin Tianrong.

"When did you go to Kajik City?" Qin Tianrong felt that his brain was not enough.

"It should be yesterday..."

"Then you are back to Area 5-2 today?" Qin Tianrong took a step back, the scar on his face trembling.

"Let's talk about it later, I'm tired..." Luo Xiaotian vaguely felt a little wrong, and hurriedly shifted his words, turned his head and walked to the car coming by.

"Mr. Cao, what are you doing!" Mu Qing, who was standing opposite Luo Xiaotian, suddenly changed her expression. She rushed to the back of Luo Xiaotian and opened her arms to stop Cao Ziqian who rushed over.

Cao Ziqian pushed Mu Qing away and rushed to Luo Xiaotian who had just opened the door.

Luo Xiaotian just turned around and saw a figure rushing in front of him, his right hand quickly pulled out the oar from the space ring, and raised his hand to shoot Cao Ziqian on the head!

"Mr. Luo help! Help me!" Cao Ziqian knelt on the ground with a thud, hugged Luo Xiaotian's right leg, and shouted heartbreakingly.

"Pop!" The oar patted Cao Ziqian's head firmly.

The Cao family didn’t say a word, fell to Luo Xiaotian’s feet and fainted...

Luo Xiaotian's face was cold, holding the oar in his right hand, looking at the people on the ground speechlessly.

"What did he call just now?" Luo Xiaotian turned his head and asked Mu Qing, who was pale.

"I heard him calling for help, and then calling for help..." Mu Qing raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Luo Xiaotian was silent, as if this person didn't want to attack him, but wanted to ask him for help... Is this way too enthusiastic

"Let's go, take me home first, take him with him..." Luo Xiaotian pulled the car door and sat in.

The group of people went back to the seaside wooden house without worrying about the Cao family who was still in a coma. Luo Xiaotian went straight back to his house.

The entourage who followed the Cao family silently lifted Young Master Cao out of the car and placed it on the platform in front of the cabin, where there was a recliner, just enough for Cao Ziqian to lie down.

"What is it? Mr. Luo gave Cao Ziqian a stick and fainted..." Qin Tianrong stood beside Mu Qing and hit Mu Qing with his elbow.

"You should report the truth first... Just say that Cao Ziqian is rude to Mr. Luo, after all, the Cao family dare not act rashly..." Mu Qing whispered with a headache.

"Why is Cao Ziqian going crazy... How do you rush to hug someone's thigh? The last second he said Mr. Luo was a liar" Qin Tianrong shook his head.

"I don't know, I won't know until he wakes up and ask..." Mu Qing said stupidly. Today is so exciting that the little heart can't stand it.

"This unsettled case is solved, have you reported it?" Qin Tianrong suddenly reminded.

"Fuck, I forgot..." Mu Qing hurriedly took out the communicator and began to report.

In the safe house.

Luo Xiaotian set an alarm clock, and then lay down in a drowsy state and fell asleep.

I slept very sweetly during this sleep, and didn't wake up slowly until the alarm clock rang.

Before he got up, he felt that his chest was heavy. When he lowered his head, he saw that the little milk dog was lying on his chest and was sleeping soundly.

Two paws on his chest, chin on his paws, two hind legs stretched flat, the whole dog stretched out, a small pink tongue drooped out of his mouth, still drooling...

Luo Xiaotian squeezed the tongue of the little milk dog and gently pulled it out, but it went on to fall asleep unconsciously.

"Sleep worse than me, hahahaha." Luo Xiaotian stretched out his hand to move it aside, jumped out of the bed and stretched himself, sitting on the carpet and began to examine his own harvest this time.

There is no picture of a two-headed dog in the camera gallery, only a huge sailboat with a broken oar, named "Blood Sail"

Eight broken oars lie quietly among the saleable options. Each oar has "1" points

Luo Xiaotian rubbed his eyes, did he miss a few zeros? Legendary item, 1 point

"I'll keep it as a weapon... It's easy to shoot people." Luo Xiaotian curled his lips and opened the system menu.

The safe house has been upgraded, and the mission hall and reinforcement can be opened.

First, I turned on the enhancement, and found that the two choices are body enhancement and item enhancement. As the name suggests, it should be the props to strengthen the body and hands

Among the physical strengthening options, it really is subdivided into physical, agility and spirit.

And in the item enhancement options, nothing is empty

"It seems that there should be no items that can be strengthened..." Luo Xiaotian muttered to himself, and opened the task hall.

The menu in front of me suddenly went black, and then two groups of blood-red words on the left and right emerged from the darkness, floating quietly in the air...

For help, you can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for me.

Difficult task: people behind

Task description: Fear is no longer following me all the time, I can feel him whispering behind me, I can feel him slowly blending into my body, with rotten blood blending into my body, I am no longer Me... Are you still you

Task reward: 2000 points.

Luo Xiaotian frowned and looked at the blood-red font floating in the air. Just when he was reading this text, the surrounding temperature was a few degrees lower, and an indescribable feeling filled his heart.

It seemed that I heard a slight breathing sound behind me, the cold breath passing over my neck only made people chill, and there was a layer of goose bumps all over my body.

When Luo Xiaotian's gaze swept across the blood character on the right, the whole person was as if struck by lightning, his whole body froze... (End of this chapter)