My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 372: Open the door!


Dakang's time of decline was very cleverly chosen!

The moment the two people landed is exactly the moment when the nearest diners put down the soup bowl, the heavy voice covered the sound of the two people falling on the table.

Dakang took out a dagger with his right hand, and with a stroke of his backhand, the rope was cut and hung weakly against the wall. The fan blades slowly rolled up the ventilation duct.

This series of actions is like an electric flint, almost completed in the blink of an eye.

After Dakang landed, he did not move in a hurry. Instead, he pulled Han Yu and squatted down, carefully observing the surrounding situation.

The suffocating diners didn’t notice any abnormalities, they still opened their mouths and quickly stuffed food into their mouths.

And the people pushing the carts didn’t notice the slowly rising rope on the wall not far away, and they ran around pushing the cart busily...

Dakang's nerves are highly tense at this time, and his muscles are like a full-winded clockwork.

He slowly stepped forward and walked forward in the middle of the table!

The sound of teeth tearing muscle fibers;

The sound of food being chewed or swallowed in the mouth;

The sound of tableware colliding;

Countless noisy sounds seemed to form a weird symphony, returning to each other around them,

The two of them held hands tightly, taking every step out of the ground very carefully,

Dakang observes the diners at the table up close,

Their eyes were wide open, and their eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, but their open mouths were covered with human-like teeth!

White and neat, but it makes people feel particularly uncomfortable...

The food on the table is also very strange, there are fish, but also some kind of animal-like hind legs... There are even dark red sausages mixed with hair...

Dakang just took a few glances and didn't want to look anymore, because he could clearly see the red muscle fibers between the guys' teeth!

Trying hard not to think about what kind of meat it is, the two are very careful every time they take steps. Basically, Dakang steps when the diners make noises to cover up the sound of their footsteps...

Bypass the plate,

Avoid the vegetable juice on the table,

Han Yu couldn't help but shudder at the big hand stretched out by the diners several times.

In the end, she only focused on Dakang’s back,

Dakang left, she left,

Dakang leaped up, and she leaped up...

Dakang’s heartbeat is getting faster and faster as the distance to the stairwell is getting closer and closer.

at this time,

A diner who just passed by behind them seemed to have swallowed a fishbone stuck in his throat, with huge eyes almost out of his sockets.

Two fat hands kept scratching his neck, and there was a painful roar in his throat.

It’s just that the diners around it don’t seem to be able to see them, still swallowing the food in front of them.

The eater's hands were getting harder and harder, and gradually he tore his throat.

Large chunks of skin and flesh were torn off by it, revealing the bloody throat,


He stabbed his hand abruptly into the throat,

Blood like a waterfall sprayed out of the wound, dyeing the dining table in front of it into scarlet.


Its big hand pulled out a bloody bone spur, and the whole person fell into the soup bowl in front of him like a deflated leather ball...

The huge arm fell in front of the diners next door,

The smelly blood seemed to irritate the diners next door,

It grabbed the fat hand, bit it down and shook its head, the fat on its face rolled like a wave...

Blood splashed all around!

Countless bean-sized drops of blood splashed on the optical cloak, and then slowly slid down the surface of the cloak...

The chewing around suddenly stopped,

Dakang's heart sighed, a cold chill rushed directly onto the top of his head along the soles of his feet, and all the hairs on his body stood up at this moment!

"Run! It's exposed!"

Dakang yanked Han Yu behind him and rushed forward quickly!

Countless huge palms grabbed them both!

The whole restaurant suddenly sounded like a wave of roar!

The diners on both sides of the table rushed to Dakang and Han Yu like crazy.

Some diners fell directly on the table, and countless food and tableware were smashed into the air!

Dakang gritted his teeth, grabbed Han Yu in his arms, stepped on the tableware and food on the table and ran forward!

There are too many diners around the table. When most diners raise their hands to catch them, their arms will collide!

There are not many hands that can really grasp the two!

This is also the only opportunity for Dakang and the others!

More and more diners rushed over, they roared and yelled in excitement,

The diners at the next table also gave up the food in front of them, turned around and rushed towards the two!

The whole restaurant was chaotic and turned into a pot of porridge. A dozen paper people wanted to maintain order, but they were stepped directly under the feet of the violent diners. They were drowned in the crowd without even screaming!

Dakang exhausted all his energy, dodge, jump, dodge...

Countless giant hands were overwhelmingly photographed, but they were all flashed past by Dakang!


With a loud noise, one of the diners in front of Dakang jumped directly onto the table, blocking in front of Dakang, and raised his hands high, trying to catch the two people in front of him!

Dakang leaped high, hugged Han Yu with one hand, and took out the rope gun with one hand. He raised his hand and shot it on the bulging back of the diners!

Pull the rope hard,

The two of Dakang jumped out almost next to the hands waved by the diners!

With a strong foot on its back, Da Kang's figure jumped up again and jumped high into the air!

And the diners who threw on the table screamed that the influx of diners stepped on mud,

Dakang once again pulled out a rope gun like lightning, and shot it on the crystal chandelier in mid-air!

Da Kang almost exhausted all his strength to grasp the rope tightly and yanked himself into the air!

"Shrink your feet!!"

With Dakang's roar, Han Yu hurriedly shrank into a ball!

Countless huge hands held high and almost grabbed empty against the soles of Da Kang's feet!

The two dragged the rope forward,

Dakang took Han Yu and jumped directly into the stairwell opposite the restaurant. The two fell heavily to the ground and rolled twice.

Dakang got up in a daze, ignoring the blood on his face, flipped his hand and pulled out three crystals of fear and threw it out of the stairwell!

The diners rushing from behind were directly blocked by these three yellow masks, and fell to the ground and fell into a ground gourd!

The huge body almost blocked half of the entrance,

Dakang took advantage of this neutral position and took out two burning grenades and threw them out!

Then he turned around and picked up Han Yu, who had just gotten up, and rushed down the stairs!

"Boom! Boom!"

Two loud noises came, and a heat wave rushed to Dakang’s side behind him.

The restaurant suddenly turned into a fire place!

Countless diners covered in fire stepped on the fallen guys and rushed into the stairwell, slapped their fat hands hard, and rushed down in big strides!

Ordinary chemical flames seemed too small on them, and they were shot out in just a few strokes!

Dakang ran all the way down without looking back,

The heavy footsteps coming from behind was like a urging drum, "Boom! Boom!", knocking on the hearts of the two of them.

As Dakang ran desperately down the stairs,

In the restaurant on the third floor, several diners heard the noise on the second floor and walked out to check the situation.

I raised my eyes and saw the two Da Kang rushing down the stairs.

They suddenly opened their eyes, screamed loudly, and rushed up!

Dakang had long thought that the third layer might be the same situation. He almost threw out two crystals of fear without even thinking about it.

The sudden appearance of the yellow mask tripped the diners who rushed over again. Taking advantage of this gap, Dakang directly stepped on them and jumped onto the steps leading to the next level!

Countless diners screamed and bumped into each other behind them and fell into a ball!

"How many floors are there?" Da Kang asked breathlessly.

"There is another floor in the restaurant, and there is a dangerous area underneath!!" Han Yu shouted without even thinking about it.

"Okay!! Hope the door to that area is open!"

Dakang hugged Han Yu and almost jumped down the stairs.

at last,

After turning a corner,

The stairs in front of them changed,

The stair railing on one side disappeared,

It was replaced by a dark abyss without a bottom,

And the stairs in front of them turned into wooden stairs snaking down on the side of the wall, and a familiar mist appeared all around...

Dakang did not hesitate, ran down the stairs in stride, and rushed into the mist!

The diners chasing behind had no time to turn, and several screamed directly and were knocked into the abyss by the people behind!

Listening to the screams lingering in his ears, he fell quickly, but in the end there was no sound of falling to the ground. Da Kang's heart was also secretly tight.

If this is stepped on empty in one step, it will definitely be dead if it falls down!

Turning his head and glanced at the diners who were stuck at the corner of the stairs and were afraid to come down.

Dakang slowed down and walked down carefully step by step.

"They won't chase, I can go by myself..." Han Yu whispered.

"it is good!"

Dakang put down Han Yu and moved his aching arm.

"Thank you for not leaving me, saving my life..." Han Yu lowered his head and said softly.

"It's okay!" Dakang smiled indifferently, looked back at his back, his face changed, and he slammed Han Yu and continued to run down.

Han Yu also looked back, but saw the paper men squeezed from among the diners and rushed towards the two of them along the stairs!

Dakang flipped his right hand and took out two burning grenades from the ring, and slammed them on the wooden steps behind him.


The burning grenade exploded, igniting three or four steps,

The paper people behind him hesitated and slowed down.

Immediately under Dakang’s gaze, he jumped onto the wall on one side and crawled over here slowly...

"Damn!" Dakang cursed inwardly, and rushed down even more desperately.

The two of them ran down for a certain distance, and the fog around them became thicker and thicker.

But the paper man behind him is gradually catching up.

Finally, the wooden steps in front of me came to an end,

A heavy metal door appeared in front of the two of them, and Dakang threw all the burning grenade in his hand in one breath. The raging flame burned, once again blocking the paper man’s footsteps.

There are no switches or keyholes on this metal door,

Dakang could only push hard to the metal door in front of him, hoping to push it open!

However, the metal door does not move,

Seeing the smaller and smaller flames and the paper man lying on the wall slowly approaching the two, Da Kang kicked the metal door hard and shouted unwillingly: "Open the door to Lao Tzu! Damn!"

For help, you can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for me.


There was a sound of mechanism operation from the metal door,


Slowly opened a gap... (End of this chapter)