My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 373: New diners and new chefs


The metal door opened a gap, and Dakang pulled Han Yu into the gap.

Then the sound of gears turning sounded again,

The heavy metal door closed behind them, shutting the paper people outside...

Dakang looked around,

There were no organs around the tall and heavy metal door, nor did you see Luo Xiaotian.

"Huh? Not Xiaotian? Who opened the door?"

Dakang was a little confused, and glanced back and forth around the door.

A round ball-shaped object directly above the door frame caught his attention. It looked like an eyeball, but it was made entirely of metal...

At this moment the ball is slowly rotating,

"Will it be Xiaotian..."

Dakang raised his head, looked at the huge ball, and muttered to himself,

On the huge screen, Dakang’s slightly confused face can be seen...

"Dakang, can you hear me?"

Luo Xiaotian lay on a console, grabbing the huge microphone in front and calling out loudly.

But in the picture, Da Kang did not seem to hear Luo Xiaotian’s shout.

The two stayed by the door for a while, and soon disappeared in the screen area...

"What shit!" Luo Xiaotian kicked the console in front of him fiercely.

This room should be a place like a control room. In the middle of the room is a huge screen. Below the screen is a semicircular console...

The buttons on the console can switch the content displayed on the screen,

Each button has a number. Luo Xiaotian has a huge numbered diagram in front of him. Behind him, two large masses of ashes are slowly drifting away with the airflow.

When he opened the door just now, he happened to hit two paper men rushing out.

The two paper men were instantly ignited by the flames of Luo Xiaotian's left hand, and they screamed and turned into two masses of ashes.

And on the huge screen, it is the scene of Dakang and Han Yu making a big fuss in the restaurant.

Luo Xiaotian watched dumbfoundedly as Dakang took Han Yu to complete such an impossible challenge, and then led out all the diners on the second and third floors.

Until the end was blocked outside the metal door,

Luo Xiaotian tried to press several buttons according to the numbered diagram, and finally found the control switch representing the metal door.

Opened the door for Dakang at the critical juncture,

Unfortunately, the microphone in the control room cannot convey Luo Xiaotian’s voice...

He could only watch Dakang walk into the big red area.

Luo Xiaotian couldn't understand the text on the number sign, but from the illustrated book he saw the big red area that represented danger.

And in that big red area, there is no sign,

Luo Xiaotian held the huge diagram and desperately memorized the map drawn on it.

This is a building similar to a pyramid,

There are signs on each floor, but he can't understand such signs. Compared with the monitoring screen just now, Luo Xiaotian confirmed that the restaurant should be above the large red area in the middle...

In addition, the reading app I am using recently has a lot of books, full of books, and fast updates!

The logo of the restaurant is blue, and the area above the restaurant is divided into several sections, which are also marked with different colors.

The garbage dump at the bottom is the largest area and is marked as a gray area.

There are two passages in the middle of the pyramid, one in front and one behind, running through the entire pyramid up and down,

"These two passages should be elevator passages..." Luo Xiaotian rubbed his fingers on the map, slowly spotting where he was.

There is a large space between the red area where he and Dakang are located,

In the past, there were two ways, one was to take the elevator... the other was to go up the stairs on one side!

In theory, the elevator should be the fastest method, but it is also the most dangerous method.

If you are blocked in the elevator, there will be no way to the sky, no door to the ground...

Luo Xiaotian confirmed twice again, and he memorized the locations and marked points on the map, and then he jumped off the console.

He needs to get to the red area as soon as possible,

There, it is very likely that the barrier rift is located!

Now that he had a goal and a map guide, Luo Xiaotian did not delay anymore, and stuffed the logo diagram into his bag.

Ran out of the door on the other side of the control room,

Avoiding many big-headed monsters and paper people all the way to the red zone,

Luo Xiaotian did not look for the wooden stairs on both sides, but found a vertical upward passage according to the signs on the map.

The straight metal ladder goes all the way up,

Luo Xiaotian crawled and pondered a question.

In this weird building, it seems that many places have been reduced along with it. These places maintain the scope that normal people can use.

For example, the stairs he is currently climbing,

The spacing and size of this metal staircase are normal, and it doesn’t seem to be used by those three or four meters tall.

"The illustration should have been left by the person who built this building. He marked this passage that can be used by normal people. Is it possible to think that this place was originally a place where normal people and those giants co-existed? "

"For some reason, normal people are all dead? Only those terrible giants are left?"

Luo Xiaotian climbed a distance along the metal ladder and found a recessed part of the wall.

The depression is right next to the ladder, so you can walk in directly...

At first, Luo Xiaotian didn't care, but when he climbed a distance, he found that something was wrong.

There will be one of these depressions every some distance,

"This is the observation port?" Luo Xiaotian looked in the probe, the depression is not too deep, under the shining of the headlight, there seems to be something at the end of the wall.

Luo Xiaotian stopped climbing and walked over cautiously.

A small window on the wall showed a hint of light,

Luo Xiaotian leaned over and looked inside.

I saw a busy kitchen behind the small window.

Many paper chefs are busy, pushing carts of huge corpses in...

Seeing these corpses, Luo Xiaotian only felt his scalp numb.

He had seen these corpses,

In the monitoring screen, their previous name is "Diner..."

The huge fat body was quickly pulled out, clothes and belongings were thrown into a big bucket in a corner,

Then it was quickly processed like a livestock in a slaughterhouse...

Who knows that half an hour ago, they were still the guests sitting at the table enjoying the service of the paper man

But at this moment, they are used as ingredients, cut, cooked, and some are even processed into sausages...

Luo Xiaotian moved subconsciously and walked to the second small window.

There is the garbage disposal area behind the kitchen,

A paper chef stood alone in front of a huge metal bucket. From Luo Xiaotian’s perspective, he could not see what was in that metal bucket.

But watching the paper chef waving his arms back and forth, he kept pulling things out of the bucket and stuffing them into his mouth.

There was a creepy chewing sound, followed by a dense creaking sound like fried beans.

The body of the paper chef swelled like a balloon,

The limbs and body quickly became fat,

In the blink of an eye, the paper chef turned into a diner.

The new "dinner" lifted his hand and tore off his chef's uniform and threw it aside.

Exposed the dirty and round clothes on her body,

As if turning a blind eye to the bloody scene in the back kitchen, it walked straight to a metal door in the garbage disposal area and pressed the button on the wall.

Not long after, the wall cracked, revealing a luxurious elevator car,

The new "diners" stepped in...

Luo Xiaotian only felt a tumbling in his stomach,

"The monsters here are lunatics, whether they are diners or paper chefs! Or they are just a thing..."

He turned his head, left the observation port, and quickly climbed up the ladder.

"Find Dakang, take Dixi out, close the barrier and leave here!! This ghost place is a hell!"

Luo Xiaotian didn't know that after he left,

The chef's uniform seemed to be alive. It rolled on the ground a few times, and got into a bloody metal bucket like a snake...

When the chef uniform stood up again, the torn marks on its body gradually healed, and the position of the collar, cuffs and hem slowly grew a new torso.

Immediately afterwards, the new paper chef crawled out of the bucket and dragged his bloody body into the kitchen... (End of this chapter)