My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 381: Two bullshit!


Luo Xiaotian's mind was blank!

He looked at the burning man on the ground incredulously,

Under the thick black smoke, it turned out that such a big secret was hidden!

"What the hell is going on?" Luo Xiaotian muttered to himself, watching the people slowly collapsing on the ground.

The impact of the half-armored man in front of him was really too great. He never expected that his opponent was such a guy!

Luo Xiaotian knocked his head fiercely.

You should have reacted when you saw the silver eyes just now! Isn't that kind of silver eyes characteristic of biological armor

"What's the matter?" Dakang looked at the guy who was burned to the point where there was only a mass of human ashes, and looked at Luo Xiaotian strangely.

"A word is hard to say..."

Luo Xiaotian squatted down and looked at the ashes in front of him, feeling a little regretful that he should have done some more words just now...

"What is this?" Da Kang said, kicking the ashes on the ground.

"It's not a creature in this world... The level of civilization is much higher than ours!"

"..." Da Kang raised his eyebrows, aliens

Luo Xiaotian adjusted his mood and looked at his left hand.

At this moment, the gray flame on his left hand has been completely extinguished, and no trace of it appeared on his arm.

The gray flame on the bandage also disappeared,

But a strange feeling appeared in his heart, it seemed that something on the left hand came alive, wandering in the meridian of the left hand...

"Dakang, do you still have a Molotov cocktail?" Luo Xiaotian wrapped the bandage back on his arm and turned to look at Dakang.

Dakang was squatting in front of the pile of ashes, reaching out and pulling something inside, and replied without raising his head:

"Yes! There are many more..."

Suddenly his movements stopped, his right hand was pulled out among the ashes, and a silver crystal was squeezed out, and he shouted:

"Xiaotian, rely on it! This guy has exploded equipment! A gem dropped!"

Luo Xiaotian, the boss with a long mouth, fixed his eyes on the crystal, only feeling that all the blood rushed to the top of his head...

"Crystal! This guy actually has a crystal in his body!" Luo Xiaotian trembled violently, and raised his hand to take the crystal from Dakang.

Familiar shape, familiar weight...

"This thing is very valuable?" Dakang swallowed and smeared, and asked cautiously.

This was the first time he saw Luo Xiaotian's gaffe...

They went north and south, what kind of situation he had never seen before, he really had never seen Luo Xiaotian like this!

Luo Xiaotian nodded,

He tremblingly pinched the crystal in his right hand, and said to Dakang: "Give me a bottle of demon blood!"

"it is good!"

Da Kang took out a bottle of pre-poured demon blood from the ring and sent it to Luo Xiaotian. He noticed that Luo Xiaotian not only was shaking his arms, but even his whole body was shaking slightly...

Luo Xiaotian raised his left hand and took the bottle of demon blood.

Dakang’s eyeballs were also round at this moment.

The demon blood did not ignite a gray flame!

"Xiaotian, the flame in your left hand is gone!" Dakang's tone became serious.

"Yes, it's gone on the surface... but in fact... it seems to be controlled by me!" Luo Xiaotian took a deep breath and stared at the demon blood bottle in his left hand.

An extremely thin gray flame drilled out of Luo Xiaotian's hand, spiraling upwards around the glass bottle containing the demon blood. Although there was only a thin layer of glass, it did not ignite the blood in the bottle.

The gray flame, like a submissive snake, climbed up the Molotov cocktail docilely, then got in from the mouth of the bottle and ignited the whole bottle of demon blood...

"Pretty!" Dakang couldn't help but waved his fist fiercely.

Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and threw the bottle of burning monster blood to Dakang.

Dakang hurriedly caught it with his right hand, stretched out his left hand flat, and stayed away from the bottle of monster blood as much as possible.

"This flame can burn without you!!" Dakang exclaimed in surprise, this time the gain is simply too great!


Luo Xiaotian nodded slightly and looked down at his left hand.

The gray flame is controlled and can be sent and received freely. It is definitely more powerful than before!

When the ring menu of the safe house system appeared in front of him again, Luo Xiaotian couldn't help tears in his eyes...

Only if you have lost it will you know to cherish...

The biggest gain this time is not that the gray flame in his left hand can be controlled freely, but the crystal he is holding in his right hand at the moment!

With this crystal, I believe that it can provide greater help to the recovery of the center!

Luo Xiaotian suppressed his excitement, took the crystal into the space ring, and took a deep breath.

At this moment, he still has one more important thing to do, to get Di Xi in!

Dakang has already held the Molotov cocktail to repair the barrier.

Just leave a gap that can pass through, and then close it after Emperor Xi arrives!

There was silence in the black wilderness,

Even in the dark red river water, no human head fish appeared...

The surroundings of this barrier are terribly quiet,

The guy in the bust armor has been burned to fly ash... The surroundings are completely safe!

Luo Xiaotian climbed onto the pile of black rocks formed by many corpses.

Looking at the distant horizon, secretly calling out Dixi from the bottom of my heart,

Not long after,

There is a response in my mind,

Di Xi's voice sounded a little tired, but his tone was still as steady as before:

"Are you here yet?"

"We are here, the yellow barrier, there is no monster around... They are all dead!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect that you are so powerful, you can kill the things around the barrier..." Di Xi's breath was a little unstable, it sounded like he was running.

"We didn't kill them... They were all dead when we came." Luo Xiaotian looked around, trying to show Di Xi a direction.

"Who killed it?"

"A guy with black smoke all over... But he has been killed by me..." Luo Xiaotian couldn't help but groaned.

"Tsk tusk tusk... By the way, do you know where you are?"

"I don't know, but there is a dark red river next to us... There is a mountain range in the distance, and the clouds above the mountain range have several huge eddies! It seems that there is lightning passing by..."

"Okay, I see... Are the river and mountains parallel or perpendicular?"


"Well, I understand! I probably know your location! this mountain range!" Di Xi's voice was a bit rush, but still a bit arrogant: "I made those whirlpools and lightning..."

"..." Luo Xiaotian was stunned, wondering how to follow Di Xi's words.

"Stop talking, this mountain is too dangerous! Wait for me! Just leave me a small gap! Oh, no, leave a slightly larger gap. I have a companion!"

"Okay, be careful of everything!" Luo Xiaotian exhorted.

At this time, he also noticed that the whirlpool and lightning seemed to be moving slowly...

In other words, when Emperor Xi is in the mountains, he will walk along the end of the river to this side,

Hearing what he meant, there should be a lot of terrible monsters chasing behind him...

"Would you like to build a defensive position first?" Luo Xiaotian touched his chin and thought, then ran back to the barrier, dived into the crack and returned to the platform.

Han Yu was a little nervous and kept waiting on the other side of the fissure, holding two crystals of fear in his hand.

Seeing Luo Xiaotian come back, he hurriedly asked: "How about? Is the person waiting for come? Can he find here? Is he... my father?"

"I don't know how long it will be, but it should be soon. He is definitely not your father..." Luo Xiaotian kept walking, rushing to the edge of the platform, and stepping on the steel plate ground forcefully.

There was a burst of bubbles rolling on the surface of the water in front of me,

The giant human head fish floated up from the bottom of the water, looking at Luo Xiaotian,

Not far behind it, the giant crocodile monster also floated up, staring at Luo Xiaotian without blinking.

Luo Xiaotian pointed to the black wilderness behind the barrier and said, "Are you going back? It's safe over there!"

The mermaid followed Luo Xiaotian’s fingers and looked over, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

It sank most of its body in the water, only revealing a bald skull and a pair of eyes...

"You don't want to go back..."

Luo Xiaotian muttered and looked at the crocodile monster.

The crocodile monster also imitated the human head fish, sank, only showing a pair of eyes on the water.

"Two bullshit!"

Luo Xiaotian glared at the two guys who were soaking in the water, turned around and ran back to the barrier.

After pondering for a long time, Luo Xiaotian finally took out the Rubik's Cube from the ring and released the evil spirit inside... (End of this chapter)