My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 383: I know you would choose this way


From far away, I saw a figure quickly approaching...

Behind him were chasing three huge monsters!

Huge body size, but extremely light on the ground... Not even the ground shakes for a half!

At this moment, Luo Xiaotian thought of Xiaoxi! That kind of weird way of acting...

He looked back at Dakang.

His repair speed is very fast, he has almost repaired more than half of the cracks in the barrier, and he is still squatting there and busy...

"Dakang! Dixi is here! Something is chasing him!"

"I'm as soon as possible!" Dakang said without looking back, speeding up his hand!

"it is good!"

Luo Xiaotian turned around, and the silver-gray armor slowly appeared on his left hand.

At the same time, I called the center in my mind:

"They are here! Help me!"

"Give me 20 seconds to prepare..." the voice of the hub came.

The calm voice gave Luo Xiaotian a great sense of security...

"Xiao Tian!"

In the distance, Emperor Xi also saw Luo Xiaotian standing on the black rock pile. He seemed a little anxious. He speeded up and hugged the mangosteen in his arms.

"Quick! Go behind the barrier! I'll stop them!" Luo Xiaotian squinted his eyes and estimated the distance between the three giant monsters.

"You are not their opponent, run together!" Di Xi shouted,

"No... Dakang's barrier hasn't been repaired yet!" Luo Xiaotian said, taking a step forward, slightly raising his left hand and making a fist!

Di Xi gritted his teeth, stopped talking, and rushed towards the barrier with his head stuffed.

Directly rushing into the barrier, Emperor Xi placed the wounded mangosteen on the ground, then turned his head and rushed out again.

Dakang looked back at Di Xi who was running back, did not speak, just gritted his teeth and continued his work.

The three huge monster beasts that followed Di Xi had already arrived in front of Luo Xiaotian at this moment.

Without any pause, the giant monster beast rushing to the front waved its huge claws and patted Luo Xiaotian directly!

This is extremely fast!

Luo Xiaotian almost just blinked, and the huge claw shadow hit the top of his head!

It's just that at this time he was like he was in the cave, his left half was completely out of control, and he couldn't do it to avoid it!


A loud noise!

The strong wind pressure made Luo Xiaotian narrow his eyes.

The silver-gray armored arms were raised high, pushing the huge rock claws on top of the head!

The rock behemoth was taken aback, and the two monster beasts behind it couldn't help slowing down.

Just this dazed effort,

Luo Xiaotian's left hand burst into a cloud of gray flames, wrapping the huge claws of the rock behemoth in the raging flames!

"Relax your body! Open your heart..." The central voice sounded in his mind.

For some reason, Luo Xiaotian seemed to feel that the center seemed to be struggling...

He did what he said, letting go of his mind,

At the next moment, Luo Xiaotian only felt that his body was suddenly out of control, and his left leg suddenly lifted and kicked on the giant rock beast.

At the moment when he was kicking on the giant rock beast, Luo Xiaotian was in a daze when he saw that his left foot was also covered with a layer of silver-gray armor for an instant!

This foot has great strength,

Kicked the giant rock beast directly away, and slammed into the two monster beasts who followed behind him.

Three huge monsters rolled into a ball,

Among them, the monster beast that was originally like the six-legged giant wolf at the end reacted fastest, and it rolled away from the giant rock beast on the spot.

It rolled over on the ground, and it just got up and hasn’t seen the situation in front of it clearly.

I saw a figure suddenly leaped into the air and fell straight towards him.

The giant wolf grabbed the ground with six legs, opened its blood basin, and just let out a half roar.

The roar stopped abruptly,

Luo Xiaotian waved his left hand continuously in the air, and a series of black cracks cut a blood port on the head of the giant wolf, and the whole person plunged into the blood port above the wolf head like a cannonball!

The giant wolf shook his whole body, his huge head suddenly raised, his mouth opened, and he fell to the ground feebly, exposing a huge circle of smoke...

All this happened so fast,

Almost between the electric light and flint, the giant wolf lay on the ground and lost its breath...

At this time, Di Xi just ran back to the black rock pile, and the giant rock beast and another monster beast just got up...

"Fuck..." Emperor Xi stared at the giant wolf lying motionless on the ground and the other two beasts in a panic.

The giant rock beast pulled its burning right hand down and threw it into the distance, staring at the giant wolf on the ground with red eyes.

And the other red fox with eight tails behind him also reluctantly broke off a flaming tail...

"Stop them, don't let them run!" A group of blood-red figures suddenly rushed out of the giant wolf's brain, pulling out a red shadow and rushing towards the giant rock beast...

"it is good!!"

Emperor Xi waved his left hand again and again, and several large spatial cracks suddenly appeared around the giant rock beast and the eight-tailed fox.

At this time, Luo Xiaotian's eyes were filled with green light, and there was something like a stone in his right hand.

He rushed to the rock behemoth quickly,

A hideous smile appeared on the blood-stained face,

This smile only makes the rock behemoth feel a trace of despair! This must be a trap! It seems that the damn guy deliberately attracted himself...

The man in front of me is too strong!

A face-to-face!

The giant wolf was killed in seconds without even sending a decent attack!

I broke my arm! Yao gave up a tail...

Between this world, where did such a powerful guy come from

The rock behemoth and the eight-tailed fox on the side looked at each other, and both saw fear in each other’s eyes.

next moment,

The fur of the eight-tailed fox suddenly burned like a flame.

Immediately after the rock beast used his left hand to hammer hard against the ground beneath his feet,

In an instant, the surrounding ground shook violently, and their feet collapsed downwards suddenly.

The two monster beasts fell together, avoiding the criss-crossing black cracks beside them.

At this time, Luo Xiaotian had already rushed in front of them,

The sudden shock also caused Luo Xiaotian's speed to drop inevitably.

Just when Luo Xiaotian thought that the center would speed up to rush past,

The center controlled his body suddenly to the direction where he came, and at the same time he shouted to Dixi who was rushing up:


Di Xi suddenly changed direction, stepped hard on a raised ground, and flashed to the side!

In the collapsed pit,

A fiery flame rushed out, almost rushing into the air next to Luo Xiaotian and Di Xi's rapid retreat!

If the two of them were a little slower just now, they would be sprayed straight by this flame!

Luo Xiaotian and Di Xi retreated back to the black rock pile where they had originally stood, standing side by side...

"The special ability of the giant wolf is to manipulate thunder and lightning... It has been killed by you, but these two are not easy to handle..." Di Xi said, putting on the white-robed man's equipment, and pulling out a long knife with his right hand. …

"Wait..." Luo Xiaotian was expressionless, spit out a word.

Di Xi looked at Luo Xiaotian strangely, only to see the green light flashing in his eyes, he couldn't help frowning.

"This guy, it's not Luo Xiaotian..."

Not far in front of them,

The rock monster and the eight-tailed fox slowly walked out of the deep hole under the ground...

The two groups of people looked at each other, and the air around them slowly stagnated...

Luo Xiaotian raised his right hand, glanced at the stone in his hand, and said as if to himself:

"The time has come... However, this stone should be able to replenish some more energy... Is it to fight? Or to retreat? You choose..."

There was only two seconds of silence,

Luo Xiaotian smashed the stone in his right hand abruptly, and countless gray auras wrapped around Luo Xiaotian's right hand, and they were completely absorbed in an instant!

The green light in his eyes suddenly lit up,

A sneer appeared at the corner of Luo Xiaotian's mouth:

"Just know... You would choose this way! Then..."

"Fight!" (End of this chapter)