My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 386: Haven't you seen a good temper in a few days?


In that space just now, Mangosteen’s injury was quickly recovering.

At this time,

When it saw Di Xi surrounded by the white-robed men who had chased up, it rushed out without even thinking about it!

Its thin body leaped forcefully through the dark red river,

His body was still in the air with a mouth sprayed out a large amount of white frost, and he smashed his head and face to a crowd of people in white robes!

Lu Hui was still thinking about how he could help Di Xi escape. At this moment, seeing a big puff of white frost sprayed down in the air, he roared and he slammed back.

In fact, this spray of mangosteen is not so powerful. Although it looks so powerful, it actually has no way to cause harm to those white-robed people.

It was just Lu Hui's reaction that jumped off the other people, followed by a few steps back, staring suspiciously at the mangosteen who jumped beside Di Xi...

"Captain Lu! What is this?" one of them asked cautiously.

"I don't know... It should be the same type of monster beast as that rock behemoth and Firefox..." Lu Hui gritted his teeth and replied in a low voice, his voice trembling slightly: "This kind of cub will not exist alone, we want Be careful around, don't get caught in their ambush..."

Mangosteen stood in front of Emperor Xi, his two front paws were firmly buckled in the soil, and he raised his hair and made loud noises.

The cry was terrible, and fluttered far away...

After the barrier,

Dakang also got out, and a rope gun hit the river bank and nailed it to Dixi’s feet.

Emperor Xi took possession of the mangosteen that was still roaring, and retreated cautiously to the river.

At this time,

The voice of the chief guard suddenly sounded not far away:

"Go! Kill him!"

Lu Hui's heart tensed, turning his head to look at the chief guard not far behind them, and rushing towards Di Xi with a gritted teeth!

When Emperor Xi raised his hand, there were several spatial cracks, and the criss-crossing black cracks appeared directly in front of the white robe man.

Abruptly blocked their path of travel,

It’s just that, he couldn’t jump over the river.

If he jumps in the air, he will directly become a living target for the white-robed man...

Behind the chief guard, more and more people rushed over.

The battle over there stopped. It seemed that the rock monster and the eight-tailed Firefox had been killed...

Although the white-robed people are all wounded, they rely on their numerical advantages and their rich combat experience, even if they are two ancient giant beasts, they are not opponents...

I hope it’s right in front of my eyes, but I can’t cross this river...

If he left Luo Xiaotian just now, he might still have a chance to get into the rift in the barrier, but he can't do it...

Just when Dixi's heart gradually became desperate,

Countless shrill roars sounded in the empty wilderness all around!

More and more roars one after another,

The head guard's expression changed.

He turned his head and looked at the wilderness in the distance,

Countless figures, large and small, are quickly approaching here...

The mangosteen in Emperor Xi's arms became excited, struggling to jump from Emperor Xi's arms, and raised his hair to make a louder wolf howling!

"How can this little demon beast gain inheritance?" The chief guard's eyes opened wide, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes.


His gaze was frozen on the slain giant wolf,

I suddenly understood,

I'm afraid that when this giant wolf was killed, the little monster beast was nearby!

The fierce soul of the giant wolf has nowhere to go with the inheritance, and can only be attached to this little monster beast, giving all the inheritance and imprints to this little bit!

If there are two, or even three ancient behemoths,

He is confident that he can kill,

But in the face of such a large number of ancient monsters, even if he fills in all the white-robed people, he will still die!

And at this time,

His gaze swept across the barrier not far away, and the whole person was stunned there as if struck by lightning...

After the barrier,

Han Yuzheng looked at him with horror,

"Why is she here!"

The chief guard only felt a moment of confusion in his mind, and subconsciously took a step forward.

The white-robed man beside him grabbed him and asked anxiously:

"My lord, if you don't withdraw now, you won't be able to withdraw..."

The head guard's expression changed a few times, and finally took a deep look at Di Xi and sneered: "Your luck is really good..."

"Your luck is also good..." Di Xi looked at him calmly,

"We will meet again soon..." The chief guard looked up at Han Yu behind the barrier again, waved his hand and said, "Withdraw!"

Many people in white robes left quickly, leaving this area before many monsters surrounded...

When Emperor Xi watched the figure of the chief guard disappear into the wilderness, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Mangosteen was spinning around him excitedly, his thick tail turned into an electric fan.

Not long after,

Many wolves gathered by the river, watching the mangosteen leaned down...

Di Xi also squatted down, raised his hand to touch Mangosteen's head, and said, "Go, the mountain is where you should go..."

Mangosteen looked up at him incomprehensibly, as if he didn't understand what this sentence meant.

Di Xi pointed to the mountains in the distance, and said softly: "That's your home! Go home!"

Then he pointed to the barrier again and said, "That's where I should go, we are going to separate!"

Mangosteen grabbed Di Xi’s sleeve, sobbing to drag Di Xi away.

Emperor Xi picked up the mangosteen, stood up, put his forehead on the mangosteen's forehead, and said, "Go back to the mountains, live a good life, and grow hard! I will come back to see you!"

Mangosteen's small paws held Di Xi's arm tightly and refused to let go,

Dixi put it back on the ground, patted its forehead, then turned around and jumped to the rope across the river, stepped on the rope and jumped to the shore.

Mangosteen whimpered and wanted to jump on the rope, but it failed. It slipped and fell into the river. It came out again, swimming towards this side, and screaming at Di Xi.

Dakang couldn't bear it, and said to Di Xi: "Or you can take it with you. It just rushed out just to save you..."

"It has inherited it, it belongs here, and that big mountain is its home..." Di Xi slipped into the barrier without looking back, and ducked into the darkness.

Dakang watched the mangosteen swim ashore, screaming about to dive into the crack under the barrier.

Dixi’s silver long knife suddenly pierced the crevice with a "dole" sound, blocking Mangosteen’s path...

"Go back! You can't grow if you leave the world of the dead, and you will die miserably in the end! Go back to the mountains and grow up! I will come back to find you!"

Mangosteen was lying in front of the crack, looking up at Di Xi, eyes filled with tears.

"Go back... wait for me!" Di Xi squatted down and raised his hand to touch the mangosteen, and then pointed to the distant mountains.

Mangosteen whimpered, stepped back slowly, and walked back to the river one step at a time.

Emperor Xi drew the knife, retracted it from the ring, and watched the mangosteen leave.

Dakang sighed and got into the barrier, then picked up the Molotov cocktail on the side and continued to repair the barrier.

Di Xi was standing next to him, watching the mangosteen's figure being guarded by many wolves, and finally disappearing into the black wilderness...

"You are too cruel... let it follow you?" Luo Xiaotian lay on the ground, humming.

"It has a heritage. It can quickly grow up in that mountain range and become a new generation of wolf king. I take it away to really destroy it..." Di Xi sighed and sat down in Luo Xiaotian. Next to him, watching Luo Xiaotian said,

"Huh..." Luo Xiaotian frowned and curled his lips.

"Why? I haven't seen a good temper for a few days? Dare to frown at me?" Dixi smiled and patted Luo Xiaotian's cheek, who was unable to move.

Now I am basically using \Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\.

"Brother, you pressed my finger..." Luo Xiaotian groaned in pain, (end of this chapter)