My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 389: Then send us home


Luo Xiaotian slowly opened his eyes,

Seeing that Dakang and Dixi were talking with Han Yu,

"Are you awake?" Da Kang saw Luo Xiaotian sitting up, beckoning to him with a serious expression.

"what's happenin?"

Luo Xiaotian got up and walked towards them,

"Han Yu saw his dad..." Da Kang glanced at Luo Xiaotian, his tone was strange.

"Ah? Who? Where?" Luo Xiaotian was taken aback.

"The head guard..." Emperor Xi fluffed his hair and looked at Han Yu with complicated eyes.

When Luo Xiaotian heard the words, he took a step back and looked at Han Yu.

According to their previous calculations, Han Yu's father should be the boss of the dead world!

How did you become the chief guard

"Are you right?"

Luo Xiaotian asked Han Yu,

"It's not wrong... I recognize him!" Han Yu bit his lower lip.

Several people fell silent,

"Forget it, let's get out of here first..." Di Xi waved his hand, turned to look around and frowned and said: "There is something wrong here... The water level is receding..."

Luo Xiaotian noticed that the dark red water surface under the platform had faded a lot, gradually revealing the metal corridor covered with green moss...

Those human head fish and crocodiles have left the room as the water level faded,

Several people walked along the exposed ground to the entrance of the room.

Luo Xiaotian opened the door,

But I saw that the outside has changed...

As the black mist in the room dissipated and the water level faded, the entire space seemed to be slightly distorted...

The darkness in the distance seems to be devouring everything...

Luo Xiaotian thought for a moment, and recalled the door that he saw on the top floor of the base when No.143 was swaying in the dream just now... It seemed that that door was the same as the door of their studio recently...

"Come with me!" Luo Xiaotian ran quickly along the metal corridor.

Several people followed Luo Xiaotian and ran out,

In the dark passage, Luo Xiaotian led a few people quickly in series.

Soon they opened the door and came to a shaft,

The shaft is straight up, and a metal staircase spirals upwards,

"Hurry up! The darkness around is disappearing! Everything is gone too!" Da Kang, who was in charge of the queen, stood by the door and looked at the situation outside, a little anxious in his tone...

"Go up!" Luo Xiaotian pointed to the stairs.

Emperor Xi raised his hand to pull up Han Yu and ran up quickly.

Dakang and Luo Xiaotian followed them and ran up the stairs!

The surrounding darkness seems to be devouring everything around me a little bit, the speed is not very fast, but I can see countless monsters rushing out of the darkness...

"Han Yu is still in a daze. She doesn't seem to understand what's going on. She doesn't know who the chief guard is..." Dakang explained to Luo Xiaotian as he ran.

When Luo Xiaotian was in a dream just now,

Di Xi and Han Yu briefly talked about the chief guard,

"Han Yu should have heard that the outlook on life has collapsed..." Dakang sighed.

"What does Dixi mean?" Luo Xiaotian looked at the two people who were running up the stairs quickly, and asked Dakang in a low voice.

"Dixi didn't say anything, after all, this girl is not the chief guard... Even if she is used to threaten the chief guard, the effect is probably not great... after all, she is not in the same plane."

Dakang curled his lips, then said:

"However, Di Xi just said that he suspected that Han Yu was not the child of the Chief Guard... but a seedling transferred to our world by the Chief Guard..."


Luo Xiaotian repeated it strangely. This was the first time he had heard of this word. It was a little strange.

"She seems to have something hidden by the chief guard and put it in this world..." Dakang lowered his voice and underestimated it in Luo Xiaotian's ear.

"You mean, Han Yu... is also one of the replacement bodies like Dixi?"

"I guessed it, I don't know... I will ask after I get out, right?"

Dakang shrugged and looked back at the darkness under his feet.

Because the distance is too far, they can no longer see what is happening below,

But vaguely you can see many monsters rushing up the stairs and running up behind them.

Luo Xiaotian didn't speak any more, but ran up with his head down.

But my thoughts are rolling,

What on earth did the chief guard do this for? What did he hide in a girl's body

Could it be... the soul

For some reason, Luo Xiaotian suddenly appeared in his heart what he had said to him after heatstroke.

In their race, the crystalline core is what survives... Consciousness can exist in different crystalline cores,

If the consciousness is not extinguished, theoretically it will not die...

Is there another soul in Han Yu's body

In addition, the center mentioned that the world of the dead is very similar to their training ground... Then, all of this has to go back to the world of the dead again and find the control center to solve this puzzle...

"The world of the dead..." Luo Xiaotian narrowed his eyes.

It’s not easy to go back again...

In the shaft, the spiraling metal staircase is very long,

The four people ran for about half an hour before reaching the exit of the shaft.

And under them, the infinite darkness has been left far behind...

Rushed out of the shaft,

The fog disappeared a lot,

They are in a studio,

There are dusty debris and photographic equipment all around,

The door of the studio is not far away, and the two doors are quietly open...

And behind them, there is a dark utility room!

The black hole behind the open door is like a big mouth, sucking the surrounding mist into the darkness...

Luo Xiaotian closed the door of the utility room with his backhand, copied the iron chain on the side, and wrapped the doorknob a few times.

Dakang pulled out another huge padlock from the ring and buckled it on the iron chain!

After doing all this,

The four people then slowly walked towards the door of the studio.

When they stepped out of the studio,

The dazzling sunlight shone on their faces, and several of them couldn’t help raising their hands, blocking the warm and hot sunlight...

"Someone has come out!"

"It's Luo Xiaotian and the others... They are out!"

"Sir! The fog around has faded! The studio is exposed!"

The clutter of footsteps and shouts all around us,

Da Kang took out a pack of cigarettes from the ring, handed one to Di Xi, and another to Luo Xiaotian.

The three men held their cigarettes, lit their cigarettes, took a deep breath, and squatted beside the studio...

The smoke was vomited neatly... The three of them didn't speak, but silently watched the soldiers rushing around and rushed into the studio...

Han Yu also leaned over at this time, asked Dakang for a cigarette, and squatted beside them with skillful lighting...

Four people squatted side by side on the roadside,

"What should I do?" Han Yu took a puff of smoke and looked at Dakang on the side.

Since the collapse of the Three Views, this girl seems to have begun to let herself go...

Dakang squinted at Han Yu, turned his head and looked at Luo Xiaotian.

"Let's go back to the amusement park first... Let's talk about other things."

Luo Xiaotian turned his gaze to Zhao Wencheng, who was walking quickly.

"Thank you Mr. Luo... You have worked hard!" Zhao Wencheng turned a blind eye to the extra Dixi. At this time, it is better to do more than to do less.

He then said: "We have prepared the nearest room for several people to rest. I don't know what Mr. Luo means?"

"Help us contact the helicopter, we have to go back..."

Luo Xiaotian waved his hand.

"Okay... I'll send someone to take you to the helipad. I've been on standby, and I'm all ready..."

"Then send us home..." (End of this chapter)