My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 397: Four eyes face each other



The breeze is blowing,

Luo Xiaotian stood there stiffly, and the gray flame on his left hand disappeared, so Zhang Bo held him straight in his arms...

Four soldiers from the Phoenix Army also rushed over at this moment and surrounded the two of them.

The squad leader stubbornly grabbed Luo Xiaotian's hand and laughed excitedly, but when he smiled, tears flowed from the corner of his eyes...

Di Xi touched the tip of his nose, only to feel that his eyes were a little sore...

Is this friendship

The friendship I’ve never had before...

Zhang Bo took a step back, clutching Luo Xiaotian's shoulders with both hands, looking up and down at him, saying word by word:

"Xiaotian, you have grown taller... become an adult!?"

"Big Brother Zhang Bo, have you recovered?" Luo Xiaotian looked at the man in front of him who was almost like an ordinary person, and was extremely excited.

"Recovered some, and remembered some things..." Zhang Bo nodded slightly.

It’s just that his hands clung to Luo Xiaotian’s shoulders and refused to let go.

"If Brother Wish knows that you are back, he will be very happy!" Zhang Bo said word by word.

"What does Li think? Why did you come to the country of Japan?"

"I'll take you back to the camp! I won't be clear for a while!" Zhang Bo waved to the four Phoenix soldiers and made several gestures...

"Big Brother Zhang, can't go back! Our mission has not been completed yet..."

The squad leader suddenly reminded,

Zhang Bo was silent for a while, and said firmly: "Send Army Master Luo back first! There is nothing more important than this. I will bear the punishment if there is any punishment!"

Let me just add a sentence, the chase app I'm using recently, cache reading, offline reading!

Several soldiers also nodded one after another, no longer saying anything...

Just when a few people wanted to leave,

The center suddenly stopped Luo Xiaotian,

"These corpses are all recovered!"

Luo Xiaotian was taken aback and looked at the corpses of more than a dozen armored soldiers lying on the ground...

"Yeah, I almost forgot these guys..."

He waved his hand and said to Zhang Bo: "Brother Zhang wait for me for a while! I will dispose of these corpses..."

Everyone stopped and looked at Luo Xiaotian.

Luo Xiaotian did not delay, and quickly stepped forward and lit all these dozen mass-produced armored fighters with gray flames...

More than a dozen gray lines of fire rose into the air, sinking into Luo Xiaotian's left hand like a long whale sucking water...

For the first time, a trace of fear flashed in Zhang Bo's eyes.

Xiaotian's return this time, it seems like a big difference

He is no longer the kid who holds a lollipop every day... He has grown into a powerful warrior!

"I don't know, how happy will Brother Wish meet him?" Zhang Bo muttered silently in his heart, looking forward to the next meeting.

More than a dozen corpses burned very quickly, and almost turned into a mass of ashes after a few minutes.

Blowed by a gust of wind, floating in the air...

Everyone quickly returned to the off-road vehicle,

Several soldiers threw down all the supplies on the car and gave them a place for Luo Xiaotian and Di Xi.

The squad leader is responsible for driving, and the other soldier sits in the position of the co-pilot.

Zhang Bo and Luo Xiaotian sat in the back row with Di Xi.

The remaining two fighters squatted on the metal shelf behind the off-road vehicle.

The group of people drove all the way to the southwest along the main road.

"Xiaotian, where have you been during this time?" Zhang Bo asked with concern.

"It's hard to say... I was taken to another world..." Luo Xiaotian smiled helplessly, and raised his hand to introduce Zhang Bo: "Big Brother Zhang Bo, this is my good friend, Di Xi! I can come back this time. Thanks to his help, we are friends of life and death!"

"Thank you!" Zhang Bo bent over and bowed to Di Xi, the gratitude in his words was at a glance.

Di Xi's eyes lit up, he smiled embarrassedly, and said:

"It's okay, Xiaotian also helped me many times..."

Luo Xiaotian smiled and hit Dixi with his elbow: "Don't be humble, I can't come back without you..."

Dixi smiled and did not answer, but he was muttering a word in his heart:

"A friend of life and death... A friend of life and death!"

Zhang Bo intermittently talked to Luo Xiaotian about what happened after he left.

Luo Xiaotian was secretly speechless.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiang's team got bigger and bigger, and finally hit the country of Wa! Not only established a sub-base in Fukuoka...Successfully took all the areas in the southwest of the Wa country in our hands...

When the legion commander responded, half of the territory of the Japanese Kingdom was captured by the Phoenix Army...

But Zhang Bo had to rest for a while as he said, it seemed to be very strenuous...

In the end, Luo Xiaotian had to stop Zhang Bo from continuing to tell:

"Big Brother Zhang Bo, don't worry, when we get to the camp and see Li Xiang, we still have a chance to talk..."

Zhang Bo nodded helplessly, leaned on the position and started to rest...

Di Xi frowned beside him. He raised his hand and glanced at his watch, then pulled Luo Xiaotian's sleeve and whispered:

"We don't have much time... We may be dragged back at any time!"

Luo Xiaotian was silent for a few seconds, then nodded slightly.

"I want to meet him at least... Li thought, I must meet him!" Luo Xiaotian said in a deep voice.

Di Xi sighed, nodded and stopped talking.

"Drive faster! We don't have much time..."

Luo Xiaotian patted the monitor on the shoulder,

The monitor nodded,

The accelerator is almost to the bottom, and the off-road vehicle is almost flying...

Drove all the way to a gathering place,

"Brother Wish and Sister Yu are here..." Zhang Bo stood up and waved his arms vigorously against the city wall.

The guard in charge of the city wall put down the binoculars, picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Open the gate! Brother Zhang Bo is back!"

Under the black city wall, the heavy metal gate slowly rises,

The off-road vehicle rushed directly into the city gate,

Rushing forward without stopping...

"what happened?"

The soldiers on both sides of the road whispered and asked curiously,

"do not know… "

"I don't see anyone hurt?"

"I saw Squad Leader Zhou didn't mean to stop, so I rushed to the headquarters..."

Several soldiers were talking in low voices while watching the SUV that was speeding away.

"What are you doing! Go back to your posts! You guys have halved welfare items this week!"

An officer who was inspecting came over and yelled, kicking and blasting people out...

Then he looked at the off-road vehicle that was speeding away, frowned, and said to himself: "Why is that young man in the car so familiar...? Who is it? How could there be acquaintances in Waguo?"

Outside the command tent, watching from a distance the off-road vehicle coming,

The soldier in charge of the guard slammed down the rifle on his shoulder and quickly made a few gestures.

A few soldiers rushed out of the dark place next to them and pulled out the rocket launcher and aimed at the off-road vehicle.


The tires rubbed on the ground made a harsh noise, and the off-road vehicle door was pushed abruptly.

Zhang Bo jumped out of the car and shouted, "It's me! Lift the alert!"

After speaking, he rushed into the tent.

Luo Xiaotian rushed in shortly thereafter.

Inside the tent,

A group of commanders were discussing fiercely in front of the sand table. Almost everyone had a cigarette in their hands.

The entire command post was filled with smoke, like a fairyland,

"Brother Wish!" Zhang Bo rushed into the crowd in a few steps, and pulled out a red-faced young man who was arguing with others.

"What's wrong? What's the situation?" The young man looked at Zhang Bo with a dumbfounded expression.

"Look at who I brought back!" Zhang Bo flashed around and pointed to the door of the tent.

Outside the tent,

Luo Xiaotian walked in slowly, staring at the young man... (End of this chapter)