My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 399: ask him!


Luo Xiaotian looked at the situation in front of him, his mind went blank.

Central, is it trouble finding Amuro’s and Li Xiang...


In the command room,

Amuro stood in front of the center, looking at the center that was burning with gray flames...

Luo Xiaotian found in horror that he could not retract the center into the Rubik's Cube. It seemed that the gray flame hindered his action to retract the center...

"Li thought, leave here soon! This kind of gray flame must not be touched!"

Luo Xiaotian crawled and rushed to Amuro, turned around and stopped in front of the center, yelling desperately...

Outside the tent,

Emperor Xi was the first to rush in, followed by a group of officers from the Phoenix Army.

"It's okay... It can't hurt us!" Li Xiang said, waving the Phoenix army out of the tent.

Di Xi did not leave, but stood not far behind the center, looking at everything in front of him with a complex complexion...

This situation far exceeded his expectations...

The two brothers finally met, but they actually started fighting...

Screenwriters who make movies don’t dare to do that...

And now Luo Xiaotian and Li want to stand on the same front with Amuro, are they going to contend against the center that is burning with gray flames

"Xiaotian, it's okay..." Li wanted to take a step forward, patted Luo Xiaotian on the shoulder, and stood beside him.

"Amuro, you traitor... You ruined the plan of the legion." The center yelled viciously.

"The legion is over, we are all abandoned pawns..." Amuro's voice sounded in the command room.

"We haven't failed yet! We still have a chance..." The center roared angrily, and the gray flames all around rose into the sky.

Luo Xiaotian was so shocked that he couldn't speak at this time. He had never expected that such a big ambition would have been hidden in the heart of the center...

It is actually thinking about restoring the glory of the Legion, and judging from the saying that it is Amuro Traitor, it has always resented Amuro and Li from deep in its heart...

Well, I’m afraid its purpose of returning to this world is not pure...

"It has been using me!" Luo Xiaotian's heart surged with anger,

"Amuro, why are you betraying the Legion... Why are you helping these carriers... What about your glory? What about your proud identity..."

The center is still questioning Amuro loudly.

The silver light flickered in Amuro's eyes

Immediately afterwards, he dashed forward and plunged into the blazing flame.

Luo Xiaotian was shocked, gritted his teeth and rushed over to pull Li Xiang and Amuro out.

That kind of gray flame will burn blazingly even if it touches a little bit...

Amuro just rushed in, wouldn't it be burned to ashes instantly

But when Luo Xiaotian rushed over,

In the gray flames,

The silver figure of Amuro stands proudly like a god of war. His slender and powerful right hand firmly grasped the face of the center and pressed it to the ground...

Around the silver armor, the gray flame seemed to be blocked by something, and it was tightly blocked outside...

"I used to drag you out of the subject, and I divided you into two pieces... You don't even have an armored core now. What are you clamoring with me...?"

Amuro said quietly.

The center was pinched on the face by Amuro, and his hands wanted to open Amuro’s fingers, but once its hands touched Amuro’s armor, it would slide outwards, and it didn’t take much force...

Luo Xiaotian stared blankly at the center that was rubbed against the ground.

In his mind, he used to think that the center was very difficult, but he didn't expect to be hanged after meeting Li Xiang's Amuro...

"I know that your deprivation flames are very powerful... But you can't hurt me... We're not fighting again, how can you beat me...?"

"Do you remember your name? You haven't even repaired the core... clamoring for what legion will win?"

Amuro raised his hand to pick up the center, and smashed it to the ground again...

The surrounding flames trembled, and gradually weakened...

"How long have you accumulated this deprivation flame? What is it wasting now...?"

With another impact, the gray flame weakened a bit again.

Luo Xiaotian stupidly watched Amuro as if smashing rice cakes and smashing the center.

Di Xi also came over silently, standing beside Luo Xiaotian,

"What's your identity as a friend... You are a ruthless man, for the first time I saw someone who is not afraid of gray flames..."

"This is a long story..."

The two of them watched Amuro side by side and continued to smash the center.

The gray flame is getting smaller and smaller,

In the end, only the body entangled by the black shadow was still pinched by Amuro.

"If you smash it again, you will be gone... You are saying something..." Amuro picked up the center and snorted coldly.

"So what, Amuro, you hold its face, it should want to speak but can't speak..." Luo Xiaotian still couldn't help but reminded him.

"..." Di Xi,

"..." Amuro,

As if throwing garbage, Amuro directly threw the center on the ground,

"You... bastard! Give me some more time, I will find... more core crystals, replenish energy... Repair the armor core, it will definitely... defeat you!" The center got up from the ground and shouted.


Amuro raised his hand to touch his belt, and threw a handful of crystals directly to the ground, and sneered: "Come on, I will give you the crystals. You can repair them... I'm waiting for you!"

The corner of Di Xi's eyes jumped, and he turned his head and glanced at Luo Xiaotian on the side.

"The two of them have this temper... I dare to single out a group of people." Luo Xiaotian touched the tip of his nose.

The center stared at the crystal in front of him, and said nothing for a while.

Amuro moved the crystal forward again with his foot, and said: "Our comrades in arms are all dead... Now there are only a few left and still lingering... I don't want to kill you, so don't make trouble for me! "

"When I kill the corps commander and finish all this, I will find a place to recuperate again... So, you should be alive..."

"I found the training ground left by the legion... The control center must have a training slot! We still have a chance..."

The center suddenly raised his head, looked at Amuro, and said excitedly:

"You are a prototype, you can rebuild the entire legion..."

Amuro squatted down, looked at the center and said slowly:

"What then? Take the newly formed legion and kill it back? Are you planning to show up and continue to be hunted down?"

"But... the hatred of the people..." The center silently raised his hand and stroked the many crystals in front of him.

"It's all gone, only the crystal core is left. Everyone's consciousness has disappeared..." Amuro raised his hand and patted the shoulder of the center, and his voice was rare and gentle: "Live well, guard us. Let’s live on my friend...until the day when our consciousness dissipates..."

"Absorbed their remnants and let them be with us... Mother God is with us!" Amuro stuffed the pile of crystals into the hands of the center, turned and stood up, walking towards Luo Xiaotian and Dixi,

As we walked, the silver-white armor faded like a tide,

Li thought with a complicated complexion...

Luo Xiaotian opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

Li Xiang waved his hand and said:

"It's the same as watching a drama of bitter love... Amuro told me that there are few people left... so he doesn't want to kill Linus..."

"Linus?" Luo Xiaotian blinked and looked at the center that was still sitting on the ground in a daze.

"Well... he doesn't remember his name... The center hasn't been repaired in the first place. I guess there is no crystal energy supplement on your side... So Amuro gave him some crystals..."

"My monsters and ghosts can still replenish some energy!" Luo Xiaotian nodded, he suddenly remembered something and grabbed Li to say: "There is another person on my side who has biological armor... His armor ability is Foresee..."

Luo Xiaotian just finished speaking,

A white parrot appeared on Li Xiang's shoulder and said:


"Yes, it should be called by this name..."

"Very troublesome guy, but he is suitable for pretending to be gods and ghosts... The combat power is scum, and the ability of the predictor is limited to the number of times a day... I guess he should be the one who guided you here..."

"Yes... We came to this world according to his guidance!"

Amuro wanted to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by the big bald head that rushed into the tent.

"Brother Wish, the army of the Gods Association has broken through... It is the direction that Army Master Luo said, and the whole army is assaulting, and the target is directly at the gathering place of our mid-levels..."

Li Xiang scolded, just about to speak, his eyes rolled, and Luo Xiaotian smiled and said:

"Ask him, if there is a little sky, I won't have to lose my hair!" (End of this chapter)