My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 4: This big brother is too tiger


Luo Xiaotian couldn't help but look back at Li thought, but the corridor was empty, the iron door was open, the door leaf was still shaking slightly, and the people sitting in the corridor were gone.

"That Li didn't think he was a survivor, but he didn't seem to be a rebirth. He thought, who is it?" Luo Xiaotian shook his head, sighed secretly in his heart, and turned his head to look up the stairs.

A greasy face almost touched his face!

"Pop" a crisp voice sounded!

Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and gave him a slap, then took the big face back!

"Why are you hitting me!" the middle-aged man couldn't help shouting, covering his face.

"Next time you come here so close again, I might just kill you!" Luo Xiaotian gave him a cold look and walked upstairs.

"I'm sick! I just want to see what's going on in the corridor!" The middle-aged man murmured, rubbing the beaten place, and following Luo Xiaotian.

At the end of the stairs was a small attic, where several people gathered. As soon as Luo Xiaotian stepped into the room, he smelled an unpleasant smell, which was the smell of rotting corpses.

He looked around and noticed a corpse covered with white cloth lying in the corner of the room.

"Is it only you? Little brother? Did you kill all the monsters below yourself?" A coquettish woman took the initiative to post and looked at the stairs leading downstairs.

"He is the only one below, don't look at it!" The middle-aged man pushed the woman in disgust, and closed the door with his backhand.

"Actually, I still have a companion, but he may be too scared, he opened the door and ran out." Luo Xiaotian touched the bridge of his nose, wondering whether to exchange for a pair of glasses from the system

"What!!" The people in the room changed their expressions almost at the same time, looking at Luo Xiaotian with horror.

"What's the matter?" Luo Xiaotian felt a little in his heart. He didn't think that these people's behavior was like admiring Li and wanted to open the door, more like the door couldn't be opened!

"Open the door, the monsters outside will come in! Last time it was because a man opened the door, so this room was full of monsters!" The coquettish woman who spoke just now couldn't help but began to shiver.

"It has changed! This wooden door is also rusty!" The Mediterranean cried out in horror at the wooden door that was slowly being eroded by rust.

Luo Xiaotian looked down at the camera's indicator light, it was still red, and the charging was not complete! The camera cannot be used! His gaze swept across the room quickly, and a narrow vent at the top of the corner of the room fell into his sight.

"Can you climb out of this vent?" Luo Xiaotian pointed at the vent.

"This vent, adults shouldn't be able to get in... Besides, after getting out, no one knows what it looks like outside!" A hoarse voice sounded.

Luo Xiaotian pays attention to speaking is a burly man!

With thick curly hair and cold eyes, he stared at Luo Xiaotian like a wolf.

"How did you kill the monster below?" The strong man noticed that Luo Xiaotian was also looking at him, and asked again.

"You see that I don't even have blood in my hand, how could it be me? It was my companion who killed the monster and left by himself." Luo Xiaotian stretched out his hand and said helplessly.

The brawny man nodded and didn't say anything, but just fixed his eyes on the door of the rusty iron door.

Luo Xiaotian found a corner and sat down slowly, carefully observing the people in the room, a coquettish woman, a bald middle-aged man, a strong man, a pair of young lovers hugging each other, and a corpse. , And myself...

"Who is this corpse? Why didn't you see the fear in their eyes? If it is a normal person, there is a corpse lying on the ground, it will not be this reaction! Or are these people actually not human?" Luo Xiaotian suddenly found out Although the expressions of these people were very scared, the fear was concentrated on the iron gate.

And the corpse that was so close at hand that it would be kicked almost as soon as the foot was lifted, none of them cared!

Luo Xiaotian frowned, the strong smell of corpses covered the whole room, and they didn't seem to smell it!

He subconsciously looked down at the camera hanging on his neck, the dazzling red on the indicator light was still on, and he turned on the display screen like a ghost. Luo Xiaotian pointed the camera at the corpse in the corner.

A corpse with a pulpy face on the screen is grinning at him...

Luo Xiaotian's heart beat violently!

"Everyone... Didn't you find something wrong here?" Luo Xiaotian put down the camera and turned to look at the people around him.

Everyone turned their heads to look at him, with some doubts in their eyes.

"Does anyone smell a corpse in this room?" Luo Xiaotian touched the bridge of his nose and asked softly.

"Smelly corpse? No!" Several people shook their heads together.

"Then you must have not seen a corpse covered with white cloth in the corner?" Luo Xiaotian's gaze fell in the corner.

There were horrified expressions on everyone's faces. They turned their heads and followed Luo Xiaotian's gaze. Then they shook their heads one after another: "I didn't see the corpse..."

"Come, take a look..." Luo Xiaotian greeted the others to gather, raised the camera and pointed it at the corner.

Several people gathered around cautiously, and looked down at the camera screen...

"Ah!!!" The coquettish woman suddenly covered her mouth, took a few steps backward, staring at the empty floor with her eyes wide open.

The faces of the others were not pretty, and they couldn't say a word when they looked at each other.

The strong man glanced at Luo Xiaotian coldly, then turned to look at the floor, and sneered: "Who knows what's going on? You can come up from the hallway full of monsters and watch. Seeing what we can’t see, there can still be a corpse in the camera in our hand, but we can’t see it? You want me to say that the person who made the ghost is you!"

After he finished speaking, he strode to the floor, leaned down and fished a few with his hands! Nothing feels in the hand!

The burly man turned his head and wanted to question Luo Xiaotian a few more words, but saw Luo Xiaotian and a few others looking at him with pale faces, and the glamorous woman fainted even more with her eyes rolled.

"What are you doing! Scared like this! There is obviously nothing here!" A thin layer of sweat oozes from the strong man's forehead, but he still bites his scalp and walks back.

"Don't move! Don't move!" The Mediterranean man yelled, his voice shrill.

The brawny man stopped abruptly, looked at the people on the opposite side, swallowed and tremblingly asked, "What the hell is going on! Don't fucking scare me!"

Luo Xiaotian stared at the camera screen with an ugly expression. The corpse on the ground on the screen was gone. Two pale hands hugged the brawny man’s neck, and a bloody face leaned against the brawny man’s shoulders. Staring at them... (End of this chapter)