My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 407: reason!


Exchange a pile of food for a space to rest,

Luo Xiaotian sat at the entrance of the cave,

The fox family stayed in the depths of the cave, and the huge red fox lay outside and looked at Luo Xiaotian vigilantly.

The mutant zombie was arranged in the cave by Luo Xiaotian, he did not dare to put this guy outside,

It seems that mutant zombies are also delicious food for monsters on this mountain...

"Linus, I'm not safe now... I can't get into the Rubik's Cube. Is there any special change to that metal block now?"

Luo Xiaotian leaned on the icy rock wall and asked Linus secretly in his heart.

"Nothing has changed... It seems to be absorbing the energy in the Rubik's Cube."

"That's great! It must be Dixi! He must be alive!"

Luo Xiaotian clenched his fist hard,

Di Xi, this guy must be recuperating! He won't hang up so easily!

Luo Xiaotian thought wildly, and fell asleep unconsciously...

As the mood relaxes, a strong sleepiness strikes...

Luo Xiaotian's eyelids began to sink,

"Linus, you help me look outside, I'll sleep for a while..."

Before Luo Xiaotian finished speaking, he fell asleep.

He was really tired, and he was a heavy sleeper.

I don’t know how long I slept,

In the dimness, something seems to be touching my hand...

Luo Xiaotian opened his eyes abruptly and saw a little red fox looking up at him curiously.

Luo Xiaotian's slightly haggard face can even be reflected in the bright big eyes...

"Hi, little guy!"

Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and touched the top of the little fox's head. The smooth and smooth fur feels very comfortable...

Suddenly he realized something was wrong,

Throughout the cave,

Only three little foxes running around were left,

Are those two adult foxes away

And a mutant zombie standing beside him, at this moment, turned his back to Luo Xiaotian and looked outside the cave.

The paws lifted slightly, making a look of alert...


Luo Xiaotian climbed up to his feet.

He didn't know why this zombie looked so unusual. It should be what order Li wanted to give him, right

It’s just that this time is not the time to think of something,

Luo Xiaotian ran out of the cave in a few steps.

I saw two red foxes standing outside the cave as if they were facing enemies,

In front of them,

Two huge rock monsters are staring at this side...

"Ahuo! What's wrong?"

Luo Xiaotian quickly walked to the side of the huge fox and asked in a low voice,

The red fox glanced at Luo Xiaotian, his huge tongue filled his lips, and said coldly:

"You and your companions are food for us... Especially your companions have a strong energy response... These two giant rocks are here to hunt!"

"Why are you helping us?" Luo Xiaotian asked after taking a look at the huge fox he named Ahuo.

"Take your food? You have to keep your promise... Besides, this is our territory!"

A Huo said that he took a step forward? The fur all over his body began to roll into the heat!

"I'm coming! I haven't finished the fight with Juyan yesterday!"

Luo Xiaotian said? Going over the two foxes to the two rock monsters,

These two guys are much smaller than the guy I met yesterday... Not even facial features are formed on their faces, only two scarlet holes are emitting light...

The rock fragments on them are also that kind of blue-gray, which is not the same as the almost black giant rock that they encountered before...

When the two giant rocks saw Luo Xiaotian walking in stride? They obviously hesitated for a while

When a gray flame floated on Luo Xiaotian's left hand,

The red light in their two eyes shook violently? It seemed that they had seen something that scared them...

"It seems that there is still a memory..."

Luo Xiaotian first walked towards them quickly, and then ran quickly...

The two giant rocks are starting to panic? Want to turn around and run away

How could Luo Xiaotian let them escape so easily

He jumped straight up in one step, raised his left hand and grabbed a huge rock at the back.

When that huge rock was caught by Luo Xiaotian, a gray flame suddenly ignited on his body

This flame is getting bigger and bigger

The giant rock was also panicked, raising his hand desperately to slap the gray flames on his body,

Just a few breaths? Its hands are full of fire,

The huge rock reached out to his companion in despair,

But that huge rock was scared by Luo Xiaotian long ago, and without looking back, he left his companion and ran away...

Only this huge rock fell to the ground, and gray flames appeared all over the body, like a huge mass of coal!

A Huo's eyes shrank suddenly, and he looked at Luo Xiaotian warily.

Luo Xiaotian stood silently beside the group of gray flames, looking at the direction the giant rock was escaping from,

"Is the territory of the giant rock...?"

For some reason, Luo Xiaotian suddenly remembered the huge boulder monster and the fox that he and Di Xi had pitted to death together.

I don't know if those two guys were originally big bosses in these two territories

Luo Xiaotian looked at the burning flame quietly, raised his left hand like a ghost, subconsciously wanted to manipulate the flame.

The gray flame suddenly twisted and turned into a gray fire dragon wrapped around Luo Xiaotian’s left hand.

After circling around his forearm a few times, he disappeared under his clothes...

This time,

Luo Xiaotian was dumbfounded.

He stared at his left hand in a daze, and suddenly felt like he had missed a hundred million!

"Linus, you never told me that this gray flame can be recycled..."

"I don't know why I can recycle it here... Your gray flame is no longer my deprivation ability. It is an ability that belongs only to you. I don't know what happened to many changes..."

Linus's voice is also full of doubts, it seems that this deprivation flame has been completely out of his control...

Recommended, really good, it is worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

Luo Xiaotian squeezed his fists.

In any case, this gray flame is now his greatest support!

Except for Amuro, he has never seen a guy who can fight against this gray flame...

Taking another look at the huge rocks scattered on the ground into a pile of ashes, Luo Xiaotian turned and walked back to the two foxes.

"You are very strong!" Ah Huo carefully guarded the other fox.

"I've never said that I'm weak... I've never been afraid of anyone in a fight!" Luo Xiaotian smiled at Ahuo, took out several cans of fish from the ring, and opened it up in his hand. Before the fire,

"These are canned fish, very fragrant, do you want to taste it?"

A Huo shrugged his nose, glanced at the cans, and shook his head:

"The food you gave us is enough for us to eat for a few days, I don't need it anymore..."

"Is food so scarce?"

Luo Xiaotian walked into the cave with the canned fish.

Three little foxes ran over and jumped around Luo Xiaotian’s feet, obviously they had smelled the can in his hand.

Luo Xiaotian laughed and put the can in front of them, then turned his head to look at the Ahuo couple who followed behind him.

"It's very scarce... The creatures here are dying in large numbers. Originally, fish could be caught in the river, but now they are basically extinct..." Ahuo knelt down and looked at Luo Xiaotian.

Luo Xiaotian fell silent,

He guessed what caused this situation,

The chief guard can't guarantee the operation of the world of the dead, maybe given him enough time, he can restore order!

but now,

Luo Xiaotian didn't want to give him this opportunity, this world should have belonged to Emperor Xi...

He wants to take over the control center for Dixi and for himself...

The little fox who woke him up in the morning ran over again and licked the back of Luo Xiaotian's hand intimately.

Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and gently stroked the little fox’s silk-like fur.

Talking to himself:

"I am afraid I have added another reason now, so that you and your family can survive..." (End of this chapter)