My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 412: Fuhai Inn


The seven hapless guys were dragged away by the monsters following Luo Xiaotian before they could speak...

It seems that Mangosteen has specially arranged many powerful monsters to protect Luo Xiaotian by his side.

Regardless of whether the seven people are prepared to rob or kill,

I can only say that their luck is really bad... they met this man who was taken care of.

Luo Xiaotian walked down the mountain along the trail left by them.

A modified off-road vehicle parked quietly there,

"Thousands of miles to send express delivery..." Luo Xiaotian turned over and looked at the supplies on the car.

Food, drinking water, firearms, outdoor tents and fuel are all available. What surprised Luo Xiaotian the most is that a simple manual map was also left in the off-road vehicle by these people...

With vehicles, supplies, and maps, Luo Xiaotian suddenly had an illusion of abrupt but richness.

His current location is already on the edge of the map,

It seems that the other side of the mountain is a taboo for them, all marked with the words Extremely Dangerous.

On this side, the records are much more detailed.

With rivers, mountains and hills, villages and cities, this side is like a real world...

Luo Xiaotian started the vehicle, looked back at the mountains again, stepped on the accelerator resolutely and quickly left here...

In the mist at the foot of the mountain,

Mangosteen stands on a rock,

A few shivering rebirths under their feet looked at the monsters around them at a loss, desperate...

"Why come here!"

"Ren, mission..."

"What task?"

"There is a shortage of fear crystals... Fuhai Town purchased crystals at a high price. We are thinking about robbing the hunters who came out of the mountains."

Mangosteen was silent for a while, and said coldly: "Leave all the crystals in your body, and then get out! Remember to stay away from a man!"

"Yes Yes!"

The seven rebirths were overjoyed and hurriedly poured out all the crystals of fear in the ring.

They stood up tentatively, seeing that the surrounding monsters did nothing, the seven people hurriedly climbed down the mountain...

"Who can transform into a human form?"

Mangosteen looked at a pile of crystals on the ground and suddenly asked,

The monsters around looked at each other, no one said anything.

"I don't want to ask again..." Mangosteen's voice became colder.

"I can change..."

A green snake with a thick bowl mouth swam out,

"You bring all these crystals, go to the town to find that guy, and give him everything? Let him be more careful!" Mangosteen nodded.

"Okay! Your lord!"

The green snake nodded, curled up the crystals of fear on the ground with its tail? Quickly twisted its body and slid down the mountain...

"My lord, why do you want to help that human?"

A scrawny old wolf came up beside Mangosteen? asked tremblingly.

"It was him who saved my master back then? This kindness has to be paid back..." Mangosteen turned his head slightly and glanced at the old wolf, barked his teeth and said, "This world is slowly falling apart. I believe the master and him can do it. Save here... Do you have any better suggestions?"

"No suggestion..." The old wolf lowered his head? Respectfully fell on the ground and said

Mangosteen silently watched Luo Xiaotian's departure direction? He clearly remembered how Lord Giant Rock and Lord Giant Wolf were killed by their master and this guy...


The re-arrival of the master and this guy? This is the only hope of this dying world!

Above the black wilderness,

Luo Xiaotian’s off-road vehicle drove fast,

Follow the map? He quickly approached the nearest town.

The name of this town is written on the map: Fuhai...

"The name is interesting..."

Luo Xiaotian was holding the steering wheel with one hand and resting his forehead with the other, watching the town getting closer and closer with interest...

He really did not expect that there would be human life here...

And there seems to be a lot!

Seeing the vehicles coming and going at the entrance of the town? The crowded market outside the town? Luo Xiaotian was in a daze.

"Is this really the world of the dead?"

He slowed down and slowly passed through the market at the entrance of the town...

Strange to say,

With the arrival of Luo Xiaotian,

The people in the market who were making a lot of noise invariably closed their mouths, turned their heads and looked at the off-road vehicle that was slowly passing by.

The surroundings became quiet,

Being watched by countless pairs of eyes, Luo Xiaotian also felt that something was wrong.

Soon he thought of the reason,

The car he drove should belong to the seven rebirths, and now all the vehicles and materials of the seven rebirths ran into Luo Xiaotian's hands...

To be fair, although the combat uniform he wore was replaced with a new one, his face still looked like a young man... There is no deterrent in any way!

If these guys don’t think much of him, Luo Xiaotian doesn’t believe it.

The weak eat the strong, the strong respects...

Slowly sweeping my eyes over the people around me,


All are born again, everyone has a watch on their hands, either red or orange...

"Are the reborns in every world plane gathered here?" Luo Xiaotian frowned and drove the car into the town.

The town is not too big,

You can see the head at a glance,

There are wooden two-story buildings on both sides, and the gray-brown wall panels and black glass windows all show a broken appearance...

Two main streets, one horizontally and one vertical, formed a "cross" in the middle of the town. At this intersection, an exceptionally eye-catching neon sign directly caught Luo Xiaotian's eye...

"Fuhai Inn..."

Luo Xiaotian touched his nose.

No wonder this town is called Fuhai Town. It is estimated that the name is also based on this inn.

If you say it, the owner of this inn must be... mad!

A small two-story building was abruptly turned into the entrance of a star hotel lobby by him.

Bright floor-to-ceiling windows, heavy and sturdy revolving doors, magnificent and brightly lit lobby...

However, the signboard with colorful lights on the roof has a very Chinese name: Fuhai Inn!

"Not a lunatic, but a genius..."

Luo Xiaotian parked the car in the parking lot outside the inn, swung his hand to collect all the supplies in the car into the ring, and then picked up the little red fox who was still asleep and walked towards the Fuhai Inn.

There was no one in the lobby,

Luo Xiaotian walked into the lobby, stepped on the smooth marble surface, couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"This fragrance... is orange and jasmine..."

Luo Xiaotian smashed his mouth and looked around.

The entire lobby is very high, and the two-story space is directly made into the lobby. One left and one right two semi-curved stairs lead to the back of the second floor. It is estimated that the guest room is located there...

The luxurious crystal lights illuminate the entire lobby.

A piano in the corner is still playing beautiful music...

Yes it is,

The piano is playing music by itself...

The black and white keys are beating up and down by themselves, making a beautiful melody...

Luo Xiaotian glanced at the piano where he played music, and then walked towards the front desk.

There was no one behind the front desk,

In the entire lobby, apart from a piano and Luo Xiaotian, there is no one else...

Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and knocked on the table, coughing and shouting:

"Anyone? Check in!"

As Luo Xiaotian shouted,

The piano sound in the corner stopped abruptly, and then, the bright crystal lamp suddenly went out!

The whole lobby is dark... (End of this chapter)