My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 413: Fuhai Inn


It was dark all around,

The ending sound of the piano abruptly stopped in the empty lobby.

Luo Xiaotian stared blankly at the darkness around him,

"what's the situation?"

In the darkness, something seems to be slowly approaching,

A faint voice rustled from behind the front desk,

Luo Xiaotian narrowed his eyes and looked at the direction of the sound.

A wooden door behind the front desk was pulled open,

A dim light came out from behind the door,

A lantern came out from the door first, followed by a thin arm holding the lantern.

"Oh hello, no one has come to live in my shop for too long... Welcome!"

A thin, thin old man in a Tang suit came out from behind the door.

Smiles are piled on his skinny face like an old tree bark, big yellow teeth in his grinning mouth,

Luo Xiaotian also smiled, raised his hand and knocked on the counter:

"What do you mean by turning off the lights as soon as I come?"

"Ahahaha, it's just time to turn off the lights..." The old man put the lantern on the counter and replied with his eyelids down.

"Is it such a coincidence?" Luo Xiaotian looked around, there was a weirdness in this Fuhai Inn.

"Do you want to stay alone?"

"Well, alone! Inquire about something by the way..."

"Here, here is the room key, 2114, how many days do you plan to stay?" The old man took out a key from the counter and placed it in front of Luo Xiaotian.

"Let's stay for two days, I'm still planning to find someone to ask something." Luo Xiaotian glanced at the key in front of him.

"A crystal of fear, stay for two days, provide three meals a day and hot baths! I can also do vehicle maintenance and weapon maintenance! If you have information, you have to ask someone yourself. I have no one here... the girl playing the piano I don’t know about this..."

"Girl?" Luo Xiaotian glanced at the empty piano subconsciously.

"Yeah, let me tell you, don't provoke her, she has a bad temper..." The old man nodded, raised his eyelids and glanced at the piano in the corner.

As if responding to what the old man said, the piano keys were slammed down, and there was a harsh sound.

"Okay, I remembered it!"

Luo Xiaotian said, he fumbled a piece of fear crystal from the ring and threw it on the counter.

These are still in the car of the seven thousand-mile express delivery guys,

He ran out of fear crystals...

"Go! Go up the stairs on the left and walk to the end. I'll ring the bell in the store when I eat. You should be able to hear..."

The old man pushed the key to Luo Xiaotian, a pair of muddy eyes watched Luo Xiaotian said:

"It's not very peaceful here. You'd better not go out and wander around at night, just come out and wander around when the blood moon descends..."

Luo Xiaotian grabbed the key and nodded? Stepping towards the stairs

"That's right! One more thing? You'd better not just enter the other rooms in this inn... and don't just accept anyone's invitation to enter their room."

"Are there many people living here? Why haven't I seen any of them?"

Luo Xiaotian looked back at the old man

"Did you live a lot? But it's hard to tell if it's human..." The old man waved his hand and walked into the wooden door

"Old man? What is your name?"

"Me? You can call me Uncle Hai..." The old man walked into the wooden door behind the front desk without looking back, carrying the lantern, and closed the door gently

"Uncle Hai?" Luo Xiaotian curled his lips? Stepped up the stairs.

The corridor is pitch black? Only the skirting line is shining with some green light

Luo Xiaotian leaned over and found that it was a sign for emergency evacuation...

Now he couldn't help but laughed out loud.

This Uncle Hai is really going to have an emergency light

Is this afraid that the fire department will come to check him

The corridor is very long? It leads straight into the darkness,

The rooms on both sides are closed tightly

There is a thick carpet in the corridor, and the foot stepping on it is like stepping on a soft piece of meat.

Luo Xiaotian went straight to the innermost point, looking up at the number on the door from time to time.

In the rooms on both sides, he could faintly hear someone moving, and the slight noise from the door panel seemed to be someone lying on the door looking at the situation in the corridor through the cat’s eyes.

Even Luo Xiaotian could hear the whispers in the rooms on both sides, but it was not very real, as if the whispers of the devil lingered in his ears...

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, you can change the source of the book \Mi\MiRead\\!

Luo Xiaotian gave a cold snort, and walked forward unhurriedly.

Finally, the last room was his 2114 room,

Luo Xiaotian twisted the key and opened the door.

With the harsh squeaking of the door shaft, a faint musty smell came over the room.

Luo Xiaotian closed the door and pressed the light switch on the wall.

The fluorescent tube above my head made a sizzling buzzing sound, and after a few flashes, it lit up with a "pop"...

The room is fairly tidy, two single beds are covered with neat white bedding, and there are two wooden chairs and a round coffee table near the window.

There is also an old-fashioned big-headed TV on the TV cabinet opposite the foot of the bed.

The style of a guest house in the 70s and 80s was directly brought out by that TV.

Luo Xiaotian put the little red fox in his arms in a puppet, then opened the curtain and looked outside.

The gray town is completely dark,

Luo Xiaotian’s figure and face are reflected on the glass, which seems a bit strange.

I opened the window, and the smelly air poured into the room.

Luo Xiaotian took a deep breath, then turned and walked into the bathroom.

Unscrew the faucet,

After a few "grumbling" sounds in the water pipe,

A stream of dark red water poured out...

Luo Xiaotian frowned and waited for a few seconds, and the water flow finally became normal...

"Is it rusty?"

Luo Xiaotian held a little water, put it in front of his nose and smelled it. There was no strange smell.

He knows this. If the pipe is not used for a long time, it will leave some rusty water in the pipe...

I simply washed my face,

Luo Xiaotian lay in another one, staring at the bright lamp on the ceiling in a daze.

He needs to confirm the direction and location of the control center,

Then find a way to enter the control center, you have to find the chief guard, and then find a chance to kill him!

Also, the metal block that Emperor Xi got in the Rubik's Cube seems to be absorbing energy.

If he is awake, he can still ask how to deal with these things...

Luo Xiaotian remembered that Di Xi said before that he can change his body, and those bodies may be somewhere in the control center.

If you find those bodies, will you be able to transfer Di Xi's consciousness

Thinking wildly, Luo Xiaotian gradually felt a little sleepy.

He shook his hand and called out the sixteen and eighteen in the Rubik's Cube, and whispered: "I'll sleep for a while, you can help me watch it, and wake me up if there is any movement..."

Sixteen looked around, then looked outside the door, and nodded silently.

Eighteen walked around in the room, walked to the door, pointed outside the door and said:

"Master, don't you care about the guys outside the door?"

"Don't worry, they are willing to stay outside the door, so they'll be fine if they don't come in..." Luo Xiaotian lay in ** and closed his eyes and said softly...

When he looked at the room through the menu vision just now, he discovered that some strange things had gathered outside the door...

That strong rancid smell has long entered the room,

It's just that they seem to be very afraid of the rules here, and they don't dare to knock on the door or come in, but they all gather at the door and wait...

"It seems that Uncle Hai is also a person with a story..." (End of this chapter)