My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 418: Overturned


The world of the dead is always gray,

Only when the blood moon rises, the whole world will appear to be covered with a red halo,

Depressed, dead, and lifeless!

Follow the directions on the map,

Luo Xiaotian asked Chu Da to drive all the way to the west...

Chu Da had already accepted his fate at this time and drove honestly...

When he first started, he hoped that when he arrived at the next city or village, he could find an excuse to go around!

However, reality relentlessly raised a fist at him and slammed his fragile nose fiercely...

The route indicated on the map perfectly avoids all cities and villages on the road!

It seems that Emperor Xi also subconsciously asked Luo Xiaotian to avoid these places in order to reduce the chance of being discovered by the white-robed people.

Luo Xiaotian also thought of this.

He did not agree to Chu University’s request to be close to the city, but strictly follow the directions on the map to turn...

After five more blood moon rises,

Luo Xiaotian finally asked Chu Da to stop the vehicle and perform maintenance on the off-road vehicle.

But he himself looked in a daze at the strange sight in the distance,

On the distant horizon,

The sky is no longer the same kind of gray, but a kind of hot white,

A long distance away, Luo Xiaotian can imagine that there will be a hot world...

The entire sky seems to have an invisible dividing line, dividing gray and white into two different worlds...

Luo Xiaotian looked down at the map in his hand,

He has walked for more than half a year. Following the route given by Emperor Xi, they must continue to move forward and enter under the white sky!

"Where is it? Why is it white?"

"I don't know, I haven't been in... It's too dangerous over there, I just heard people say that the land of eternal day!" Chu Da shook his head, looking at the horizon in the distance and said in confusion.

"Land of Eternal Day?"

Luo Xiaotian frowned.

Change means unknown. He never knew that there was such a place in the world of the dead, and Emperor Xi never told him about this place.

On the way, he tried to call Dixi, but he never responded.

And when he was sleeping and resting at night, Dixi never showed up...

"Tell me what you know?"

Luo Xiaotian turned his head and looked at Chu Da.

Chu Da put down the engine cover, took out a towel from the ring and wiped the stains on his hands.

Slowly walked to Luo Xiaotian's side, looked at the white patch on the horizon and was silent for a long time before speaking:

"That land of eternal day is very dangerous, there are many monsters and unknown monsters living in it!"

"There is always daytime, with plenty of light and high temperatures... Unlike here, there is a place full of vitality, where various plants grow luxuriantly, and the materials are also abundant!"

Chu Da scratched his head? After thinking for a while, he continued: "Because there is no night? So the creatures over there are very irritable and aggressive. It is said that the real master of this world lives in the center of the Eternal Day... They master the operation of the entire world, like... a paradise in hell!"

"Paradise in hell?"

Luo Xiaotian repeated it again,

This example is very appropriate and vivid...

"How big is this land of eternal day?"

"Large? I heard that the Land of Everlasting Day is a circular area!" Chu Da gestured on Luo Xiaotian's map: "This map is not complete? It's just a part..."

"Who told you these things?" Luo Xiaotian asked seemingly casually? Want to verify the authenticity of Chu Da's words

"In a tavern before? I heard about it when the owner of that tavern was chatting with a man in white robe.

"Any other information? About the Land of Eternal Day?"

"No... After all, we don't want to make trouble after we survive? We just want to continue to live..." Chu Da answered with a wry smile.

"Thank you! I understand..." Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and patted Chu Da's shoulder? He jumped on the off-road vehicle and patted the steering wheel and said, "Go on? We want to enter the land of eternal day!"

"What?" Chu Da was stunned? Looking at Luo Xiaotian, his calf cramps a little: "I want to follow?"

Insert a sentence, really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, complete books, and fast updates!

"Yes, I don't know how to maintain the vehicle, and more than one person can take care of it?"

Luo Xiaotian looked at Chu Da and nodded solemnly.

"Boss, I really want to live a few more days. You can go in by yourself and leave a small way out?" Chu Da knelt on the ground with a desperate puff, crying.

"Actually, the people in the white robe have been looking for me... These days you have been with me. At this time, even if you go back and let them find you, you will definitely die. It's better to be safe with me. some!"

Luo Xiaotian said, pulling out the white robe from the ring, and began to change the equipment on the off-road vehicle.

Until now, he finally understood why those guys were wearing white robes, because the robes of other colors would be scorched to death by this eternal day, right

This time, Chu Da was completely stunned. Of course he recognized the white robe in Luo Xiaotian's hands, and what he said from his mouth, Chu Da also firmly believed at this moment...

I have never seen Luo Xiaotian approaching a city or a village in the past few days.

At that time, he wondered if Luo Xiaotian would be a wanted criminal, who was wanted,

Now it's clear that he is really wanted, and he is still in a white robe!

Chu Da hesitated again and again, after all, he did not choose to leave.

It's not that he thinks that he will hurt others after returning, but that he really feels that it will be safer to be with Luo Xiaotian!

after all,

Is this a man who even wants to catch up with the wolf king

"Okay! Then I will accompany you, Chu Da!" Chu Da gritted his teeth, got up from the ground and jumped onto the off-road vehicle.

"Don't worry, I will let you leave when I get to the place!"

"Let’s talk at that time..." Chu Da took the map from Luo Xiaotian, glanced at it, and started the off-road vehicle.

"Don't worry! Give this to you! Put it on!"

Luo Xiaotian threw a set of white robe to Chu Da, and then to Xiao Qing.

Xiaoqing looked at Baipao, shook his head and said, "This thing is ugly, I don't wear it..."

But Chu Da stripped himself clean in twos or twos like a treasure, and then put on a white robe!

This is the equipment of the white-robed man, with super defensive power!

Chu Da turned his head and looked at Luo Xiaotian, and asked with some embarrassment: "Then what, boss, do you have a mask in your robe?"

"Dang Cang"

A white mask was thrown on the dashboard by Luo Xiaotian,

Chu Da beautifully grabbed it and buckled it on his face, and then started the vehicle...

The off-road vehicle quickly approached the gray and white line,

On one side is the gray sky, on the other side is the hot white...

As the white area gets closer, the temperature of the air gets higher and higher,

Luo Xiaotian couldn't help but squeezed his fist tightly.

at last!

The off-road vehicle drove across the clear dividing line and rushed into the bright world...

A stream of extremely hot air rushed into Luo Xiaotian’s nasal cavity, and the hot air followed the collar and sleeves...

Just a few breaths,

Luo Xiaotian felt very hot all around,

At this time,

There was a puff from behind,

Xiaoqing's face flushed red and fell on the back seat...

"Haha, this young lady was fainted by the heat before she could react..."

Chu Da laughed, before he finished speaking, the smile on his face turned into horror!

Through the inverted mirror, Chu Da saw:

The figure of Xiaoqing on the back seat keeps getting bigger and bigger, directly turning into a big sturdy cyan snake...

The off-road vehicle was also crushed by the sudden emergence of the blue big snake, and it began to tilt drastically!

In the exclamation of the two people... the off-road vehicle slammed!

Turn over directly... (End of this chapter)