My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 426: Because he is Dakang!


A deafening roar came from behind, and Dakang quickly glided through the air with his belt.

A fishy sea breeze swept past his ears, swaying the ends of his hair again,

Yan Huai was so anxious on the platform that his face was pale, and he naturally saw the waves on the horizon that covered the sky in the distance.

"Go!" Dakang staggered when he landed, and Yan Huai grabbed his arm, turned his head and ran to the shore.

Several military cards full of soldiers and survivors have rushed out of the city frantically.

Only the red Seabird No. 3 helicopter was left waiting for them... At this time, the helicopter hovered at a height of about half a meter from the ground, and was swayed by the sea breeze...


The hatch of the helicopter opened wide, and a soldier was desperately waving his hands at the two.

He naturally saw the huge waves overwhelming the sky in the distance, and his face was no longer bloody, pale as paper...

But their task is to pick up Dakang and Yan Huai and evacuate together.

These two people just saved so many people, they two are heroes!

Heroes, should not be left alone...

Yan Huai and Dakang cat rushed to the helicopter with their waists down, and were dragged onto the plane by the soldier.

The sea breeze became more intense, and the helicopter pilot gritted his teeth and desperately stabilized the plane until the soldier in the cabin yelled with a hoarse voice: "Go! Go! Go!"

The red fuselage of Seabird 3 suddenly rose up, swaying into the distant sky in the frenzy sea breeze!

Dakang and Yan Huai got up in embarrassment, grabbed the handles on both sides to fix their bodies, looked at the street below, and felt sad...

At this moment, the city is in a mess, almost no one can be seen, and occasionally one or two people are still looting the store without fear of death, without knowing that the tsunami in the distance is already in sight...

A tyrannical wind blew across the city, and a strong air current stirred between the high-rise buildings...

"Higher, higher! Leave the building area!" The soldier in the cabin yelled, looking at the floor that was almost sticking to his face, and couldn't help but yell.

"No, the plane can't be pulled up! The turbulence is too big!" the pilot shouted profusely.

The helicopter seemed to be drunk, shaking between the buildings,

The surrounding wind is getting stronger and stronger, and there are constantly various debris on the stairs on both sides being rolled up by the hurricane? One after another, they are flying up in the air...

"Snapped… "

A metal plate was rolled up by the wind and slammed into the fuselage, making a shocking and crisp sound!

"If you can't pull it up, let's go down! The wind is too big!" Dakang yelled desperately, grabbing his hand? The stench of sea breeze poured into the cabin, and he could only make a sound by covering his mouth with his arm

"The roads below are all blocked? We can't get out of the city without a car!!" The soldier pointed to the chaotic road below, and panicked completely

He stepped forward to close the hatch,

At this moment

The outside of the sloping front staircase? A metal plate was swept directly by the wind and shot towards the helicopter like a rag.

The pilot subconsciously manipulates the plane to change direction to the side,

The body shook suddenly!

That soldier was thrown out of the cabin before he even had time to scream

Dakang quickly swooped with eyesight? Half of his body rushed out of the cabin, and grabbed the seat belt that was buckled on the soldier

The soldier hung under the fuselage like a spinning top and flew up and down

"Hold on! I'll pull you up!!" Dakang roared, wrapping the seat belt around his wrist twice? One hand desperately pulled the soldier up!

Behind Dakang, Yan Huai firmly grasped Dakang’s back waist? Both feet stepped on the side of the hatch and pulled the two of them back.

That seat belt was wrapped around Dakang’s wrist? Almost all of his wrists were strangled, and a sharp pain came from his wrists and palms...

Scarlet blood scattered in the air with the frantic air current,

Dakang gritted his teeth and pulled the soldier up little by little.

When he grabbed the body armor on the soldier, his right hand began to twitch uncontrollably, and his eyes turned black...

"I rely on..." Dakang yelled, "Old Yan, give me a shot for physical enhancement and treatment! My side effects are coming!"

Yan Huai knelt on the ground and quickly hit two injections on Dakang’s back waist.

Dakang gasped violently, gritted his teeth, and again used force to raise the soldier's body as high as possible so that Yan Huai could reach him.

Yan Huai pulled the soldier's seat belt and dragged him back into the cabin.

However, before he got up and pulled Dakang,

The fuselage shook suddenly and began to tilt to one side.

In front of them,

A half-built building is slowly falling to one side...

And the helicopter is just below this building,

Dakang hung on the landing gear of the helicopter with one hand and saw the scene that broke his heart!

Too late to think about it,

Dakang directly raised his hand and pulled down a pendant that had been hanging around his neck, crushed it hard, and slapped it in Yan Huai's hand, who had already stretched out half of his body to pull him!

"Old Yan, live! Tell Xuewei... I... love her!"

Da Kang smiled and let go of his hand, and fell down.

Tousled hair is flying in the air...

Before Yan Huai had time to react, there was a flower in front of him, and a strong tearing sensation came, and then the whole person knelt on the ground...

When he comes back again,

Standing in front of her was Du Xuewei with a look of horror, and beside her stood Shao Ning, Jiu Shu and others...

And on her neck, there is a pendant that is exactly the same as Dakang...

This is the resettlement base on the mountain

"Da, where's Da Kang?" Du Xuewei clutched the pendant around her neck tightly with one hand, staring at Yan Huai.

Yan Huai knelt on the ground blankly, as if he was stupid, still holding the broken pendant in his hand!

"Dakang! He left the pendant for me!!" Yan Huai's mind was buzzing, and the smile in front of Dakang's hands flashed in front of him, and his flying hair!

This rich man, at the most dangerous moment, left his hope of life to himself

Yan Huai opened his mouth with difficulty, but he spewed a big mouthful of blood, and he fell to the ground with a grunt!

Dakang is dead!

He died to save himself?

Just to save a wimpy self? died! !

Seeing Yan Huai's appearance, Du Xuewei shook her body, and squeezed the necklace around her neck, her eyes instantly lost the light, and her whole body weakened and sat down on the ground!

Jiu Shu and the others rushed to treat Yan Huai,

However, Shao Ning squatted down while biting her lower lip, holding on to Du Xuewei who was like a statue, squeezing her thin shoulders, and said firmly:

"Dakang must be fine! They are not ordinary people, he must... must be alive! He must have gone to help Xiaotian!"

"Go to help Xiaotian?" Du Xuewei whispered, big tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Well! They can all pass it back and forth! Dakang must be fine!" Shao Ning repeated again.

"Yes, he must be fine! But... Why, this concentric pendant in my hand is also broken?"

Du Xuewei stretched out her palms in tears, the originally beautiful red heart pendant was broken into countless scarlet pieces at this moment...

"He must be fine, believe me, because he is Dakang!" Shao Ning's eyes were flushed, but she still said very firmly.

Shao Ning's shawl and long hair that was originally black and bright is losing its color at a speed that is visible to the naked eye...

It's just that her eyes are surprisingly bright! (End of this chapter)