My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 427: What's behind the door?


The land of eternal day,

Among the endless white sand dunes,

An oasis close to the mountains appeared in Luo Xiaotian's vision...

They have been here for three full days,

The oasis in front of them with a large turquoise lake is their destination.

over there,

The hot air does not seem to have an impact on the lake water and green plants.

The mountains are still verdant, and the lake is as green as a seal...

"We're here!" Luo Xiaotian lifted his hood, looked at the oasis, and the light in his eyes flickered.

"Boss, are you really going to confront the white-robed people? There is no chance of winning..."

"I have no choice!" Luo Xiaotian pursed his lips and walked down.

"My lord, please wait a minute!"

Xiaoqing suddenly stopped Luo Xiaotian.

Luo Xiaotian turned his head and glanced at her.

"The wolf king is on the way, I suggest you wait until he comes before going down... I feel terrible in there..."

"It's too late..." Luo Xiaotian said, glanced at the oasis again, and remembered the scenery he had seen all the way over the past few days.

On their way, they saw many ground collapses and turned into big pits. Outside the range of daylight, countless mountain ranges collapsed and the ground cracked. Numerous monsters kept running on the black earth, with nowhere to return...

Some beasts who panicked and rushed directly into the range of daylight, struggling to fall down, and could not stand up again...

After Emperor Xi awoke a day ago, he left a note for Luo Xiaotian...

There is only one short line on this note:

The world collapses, leave quickly!

Di Xi didn't explain to him the reason, didn't explain the ins and outs, just the simple eight words, but Luo Xiaotian felt heartbroken!

Let me just add a sentence, the chase app I'm using recently, cache reading, offline reading!

The whole world of the dead gave him the feeling that he was already on the verge of collapse. What worries him even more is how is the world outside of the world of the dead


If all this is the training ground left by the advanced civilization, the world of the dead is probably the root of all the outside world. If this fundamental collapses, what will happen to the outside world

What the hell is this captain of the guard going to do

He did everything possible to seize control of the entire world of the dead, is it just to destroy all of this

Countless questions hovered in Luo Xiaotian’s mind, unable to find the slightest clue.

He has no choice now, so he can only continue to move forward!

Dixi sacrificed everything for him, he would not just leave him alone, help him regain control of the world of the dead, and get everything back on track!

Luo Xiaotian put the note back into the ring and walked down the sand dune resolutely.

Xiaoqing sighed and followed Luo Xiaotian's footsteps.

Chu Da followed without tears,

"It's okay to let me leave..."

He turned his head and glanced at the white sand dunes behind him. He really didn't have the courage to walk back...

Luo Xiaotian drew out his bone sickle,

It is basically impossible to sneak in under such an environment.

This place is surrounded by deserts, with unobstructed views,

If there were no accidents, the people in white robes should have also known of their arrival.

However, until Luo Xiaotian walked to the edge of the oasis, the many buildings inside were still quiet.

I didn’t even see a personal image,

"What about people? Don't you need to be on guard, and you don't need to be on guard?" Luo Xiaotian looked at the green bush maze garden in front of him with some hesitation.

Behind the garden maze are many buildings hidden behind tall trees...

Chu Da looked around with a probe, and swallowed nervously, "Boss, no one?"

"Be careful..."

The three men carefully walked into the range of the oasis,

"My lord... There is a smell of blood in the house!" Xiao Qing said suddenly.

Luo Xiaotian sniffed the air, but found nothing unusual. He turned his head and asked Xiaoqing: "Where?"

"My sense of smell is more sensitive..." Xiaoqing looked around and raised her finger in one direction: "Over there!"

Luo Xiaotian looked in the direction of Xiaoqing's fingers,

It was a small house that was handled alone by the garden. At this moment, the door of the house was open, only the dark doorway was exposed...

"Go! Go somewhere else first!"

The three of them wandered around in this building, only to find that there was really no one here.

Only many rooms are dealt with alone in this white desert!

At the back of the building complex, Luo Xiaotian found a row of neatly arranged rooms resembling small toilets.

Numbers are hung on the doors, but most of the rooms have been artificially destroyed...

Looking at these doors and the familiar doorknobs, Luo Xiaotian had a trace of understanding in his heart.

This is probably the entrance to the safe house! Emperor Xi and the others use these rooms to travel between different worlds...

I raised my hand and pushed a few rooms that are still intact. As expected, the door cannot be opened, and there is no indication on the watch...

I walked around many rooms and found nothing useful.

Luo Xiaotian led the two of them to the door that smelled of blood, and stepped into the door with all his strength on guard.

There is a staircase straight down in front of you,

The walls and ceiling on both sides are a kind of metal that Luo Xiaotian has never seen before. It feels cold and slippery, as if it were human skin...

As they slowly go down,

The more and more intense smell of blood also penetrated into the noses of Luo Xiaotian and Chu Da!

The bloody smell seemed to fill the entire space,

When they got down to the end of the stairs, they saw an incredible scene,

In this room full of tall metal cabinets, corpses lie,

The ground is covered with a layer of dry dark red viscous plasma,

Numerous metal cabinets and walls are covered with large patches of red,

Most of the corpses were people wearing white robes, and many of them were wearing blue and green robes...

Just like this, being piled up in the room at random!

And on a door that was pushed open at the end of the room, a red bloody handprint was so dazzling and conspicuous!

"This, this... What kind of people are so cruel, so many people in white robes? Kill if you say they're killed??" Chu Da shivered, trembling all over.

"do not know… "

Luo Xiaotian murmured and stepped into the room, pulling aside corpses one by one.

These people don’t know how long they have been dead,

The blood in the body seemed to be sucked dry, and the skin of the corpse showed a shriveled state.

Everyone’s face seems to be filled with infinite horror and despair,

"No trauma! The eyeballs burst, and blood is spurting out from the facial features... What is the method to make the blood in the body spurt out in this way?" Luo Xiaotian frowned and examined a corpse carefully, muttering to himself To say,

"Brother, let's go?" Chu Da's two hands tightly squeezed a huge battle axe, his teeth kept bumping.

"Help! Turn everyone over! I'm looking for someone!" Luo Xiaotian suddenly began to pull the corpses out, carefully checking everyone's face.

When Chu Da heard this, he poked his battle axe on the ground, and vomit spurted out of his fingers covering his mouth...

Xiaoqing stepped forward to help Luo Xiaotian turn over the corpse.

Two people turned over one body after another,

Finally, after checking everyone in the room to one side, Luo Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Hui is not inside!

This is a blessing in misfortune,

"What on earth happened?"

Luo Xiaotian looked at the many metal cabinets around him, saw the familiar metal blocks in the cabinets, and the frequency of his heart began to beat faster.

"This should be the control center that Dixi said! Those metal blocks are the control units..." Luo Xiaotian took out a towel from the ring and wiped the blood on his hands briefly, then turned to look at the open door.

"Go in!"

After throwing the towel on the ground, Luo Xiaotian strode towards the door.

What's behind the door? (End of this chapter)