My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 437: Finale (1)


Luo Xiaotian saw the angle and rushed forward with a crowd of fierce souls!

Although the attacks of the evil spirits cannot cause actual damage to Amos, their successive possessions will always affect Amos’ judgment.

at last,

One of Amos's movements was deviated, and the spikes of his elbows almost swept past the top of Da Kang's head!

Dakang drew close to his side, and the long knife in his hand stabbed into the unarmored place under Amos' ribs with great precision!

With great force this time, the long knife was almost halfway in, and Dakang twisted his wrist and stirred the blade half a circle in the wound!

Amos snorted and kicked Dakang out.

Tan Weiye immediately rushed forward, waving his long knife, and all the knives greeted Amos!

Amos wanted to withdraw, but was stopped by Luo Xiaotian with many fierce souls.

Countless evil souls were swept by the scarlet light on Amos's chest, and they turned into a cloud of black smoke and disappeared into the air...

Amos didn't have time to pull out the long knife with his backhand, but he was cruel, and slammed his elbow backward through the gap of the fight. The spike on his elbow cut off the blade that leaked outside.

Da Kang clutched his chest and rushed forward again. He and Tan Weiye surrounded Amos with a fierce attack, preventing him from having a chance to pull the blade out of his body!

Bright red blood poured out along Amos’s wound, half of the blade was broken in his body, which made it impossible for him to mobilize armor energy to repair it.

Amos was already in a hurry at the moment, and the wound under his ribs caused him a lot of damage.

Originally he wanted to concentrate on dealing with Dakang, but as soon as Tan Weiye saw him change his target, he would give up defensively and rush forward!

And Luo Xiaotian would approach him quietly, raising his hand at the right time and hitting a gray fire dragon under his ribs!

Finally, after being attacked by Luo Xiaotian's two sneak attacks, Amos yelled angrily.

The scarlet metal block on the chest suddenly exploded countless red rays,

The fierce souls who had surrounded him were almost destroyed in an instant.

Chung Chengyun and Wu Zizhen were at the forefront. One was cut off half of his body, the other was beaten into a sieve, and fell to the ground feebly...

Tan Weiye quickly blocked Dakang with his hand and eyes, and carried most of the red rays for him. The left arm protecting his chest was almost beaten into a pile of rotten meat...

Even so, Dakang was pierced by two red rays as his chest, a big mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, and fell to his knees on the ground!

Luo Xiaotian was also pierced in a leg by this sudden red ray, and fell not far from Amos...

Taking advantage of this gap, Amos stepped aside, raised his hand and pulled out the bloody half of the blade from under his ribs!

"Dang Cang!"

The blade fell on the floor with a crisp sound,

Luo Xiaotian staggered to reach Kang's side, raised his hand and gave him a therapeutic injection.

Dakang coughed and struggled to stand up with the arm supporting Luo Xiaotian...

Tan Weiye's left hand was hanging by his side and trembling slightly. The silver-white armor was slowly repairing his barely muscled left arm...

"sucker Punch… "

Amos sneered and stood not far from the three of them.

"My lord, we help you maintain the foundation of the entire test site, help you manage and run the entire system... Let's stop here!" Tan Weiye walked slowly forward a few steps and said sincerely.

Amos looked up to the sky and smiled. He wanted to say something, but his face changed suddenly.

Behind Luo Xiaotian and Dakang, a yellow barrier suddenly appeared. After the barrier gradually melted, a person walked in slowly.

"Han Yu?" Luo Xiaotian and Dakang also heard the footsteps behind them, turned their heads and looked behind them.

"you guys… "

Han Yu's whole body seemed to be thinner, and the originally white cheeks were all haggard at this time...

She looked at the two embarrassed people, pursed her lips, nodded lightly, and walked towards Amos.


Han Yu’s voice was not loud, but it was very clear in this messy hall.

Amos looked at Han Yu in silence, no one knew what he was thinking.

"I have been looking for you, and my mother has been looking for you. Before she died, she had never forgotten you..." Han Yu said, walking step by step towards Amos, big tears rolling down his cheeks.

Tan Weiye looked at Han Yu with a complicated look in his eyes.

"Father, don't fight, come home with me..." Han Yu was sobbed, and slowly stood in front of Amos, raising his hand to touch Amos's cheek...


An arm came out from Han Yu’s back, and Han Yu’s slightly beating heart was still pinched on his right hand.

Han Yu’s originally beautiful eyes were full of tears and despair at this time, and the hands raised in the air trembled slightly, and finally landed on the dark red visor of Amos. After a light stroke, he fell feebly. Down...

Foamy blood poured out of her mouth,

Han Yu's lips squirmed and wanted to say something, but finally she had no strength, and the whole person hung on Amos's arm, and the blood under his feet gradually converged into a pool of blood...

Dakang and Luo Xiaotian didn't expect that Han Yu's appearance would end like this!

Amos, killed his daughter himself

"I'm not your father, your father is just a clone of me..." Amos withdrew his arms, opened his arms, and gently caught Han Yu's fallen body.

He raised his dark red armbands and gently stroked Han Yu's hair.

Amos turned around and placed Han Yu's body next to the incubation chamber. He looked at Han Yu, who had lost his breath, and smiled softly: "Anyway, everyone is going to die. I killed you by myself. It's better than being sucked up. The energy is deadly comfortable..."

The hearts of Dakang and Luo Xiaotian kept sinking,

Amos is completely crazy!

He just wants to destroy it all with determination!

Amos turned to look at Tan Weiye and slowly said, "Soldier, what else do you want to tell me?"

"Nothing to say, sir..." Tan Weiye shook his head, and walked forward thinking of Amos, and he removed the armor as he walked.

In this way, he walked in front of Amos without any precaution, and he glanced at Han Yu who was lying next to the cultivation cabin.

This girl,

He grew up little by little, with a strong nature and hard work... In the end he ended up like this.

Tan Weiye thought of his underage little princess, and felt as if a big rock was blocked in his heart!

"grown ups!"

Tan Weiye still looked at Han Yu, stared at the dazzling red pool of blood under her, and said in his mouth:

"I also have a daughter, she hasn't grown up yet! I... can't let this happen!"

Amos also took a step forward, looked at Tan Weiye condescendingly, and said, "What can you do? Kneel down and beg me?"

"Do not!"

Tan Weiye turned his head abruptly, and suddenly wanted Amos to rush over.


Amos’s arm passed through Tan Weiye’s body again, pinching out his heart,

It’s just that Tan Weiye didn’t seem to feel the pain, so he rushed forward and opened his arms to hug Amos.

"Old man! It's up to you!"

Tan Weiye shouted with all his strength, and the blood spray from his mouth was like red fireworks moving gorgeously!

"Old man, I'm very happy to live with you for so long! Farewell..." Tan Weiye's mind only left the last faint voice of Canello.

Under Tan Weiye’s left palm, a silver-white crystal suddenly pierced out of the skin, directly following the wound under Amos’ ribs and into Amos’s body... (End of this chapter)