My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 56: The top of the building


"There was a pile of dirt on the ground we came over just now. This was brought from there." Shao Ning leaned over and looked at the dirt on the ladder.

"Let's go, this ladder should be able to take us to the fifth floor." Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and glanced at his watch. The time was 00:11. It was past midnight, but he had not entered room 516.

Two people climbed up the long iron ladder one after the other.

This iron ladder seems to be older, and it is full of crimson rust. As the two people climbed, the rust fell sloppily.

The iron ladder kept making creaking noises, making Luo Xiaotian wonder if it would suddenly break off in the next moment, and then the two of them would fall head-on

Soon they climbed to the end of the ladder...

The top of the building was right in front of him, but Luo Xiaotian was not in a hurry to go up, he carefully observed the situation on the roof with the menu vision.

The top of the building is very wide, surrounded by debris, no one seems to be ambushing around.

He didn't want to come and kill him!

After waiting for two minutes, Luo Xiaotian jumped onto the rooftop and pulled Shao Ning up again.

Seeing him panting and trembling slightly, he asked in a low voice, "Don't you practice the Dao? Climbing a ladder makes you tired?"

"I'm not tired, I'm afraid of heights..." Shao Ning panted slightly, turned the brim of the baseball cap to the back, and took out the oars from the bag behind.

"So you were like that on the roof of the factory that night?" Luo Xiaotian also pulled the oar from the ring and grabbed it in his hand.

"Yeah, I thought it was at most an office or something. Who would have thought it would go straight to the roof, but I had to chase after it! I gritted my teeth and caught up!"

"Are you sure your uncle didn't want to kill you? How did he know there was something here?" Luo Xiaotian walked forward slowly along the roof, vaguely he seemed to see a gap in the ground in front of him.

"Don't talk nonsense, my uncle and his old man are really supernatural people!" Shao Ning took the oar and stabbed Luo Xiaotian in the back.

"Haha." Luo Xiaotian just smiled and said nothing.

Two people cautiously walked to the side of the gap and found that it was a square inspection opening, and a ladder was placed on the inspection opening.

Luo Xiaotian looked inward with his probe. There was nothing within three meters of him, only a faint rancid smell and the smell of disinfectant filled his nasal cavity.

"You go down and take a look, my eyes are short-sighted, I can't see too far..."

Shao Ning glanced at him contemptuously, took out a piece of talisman paper from his close-fitting pocket, knotted a handprint, and muttered a word.

Immediately after that, the talisman suddenly ignited with a "chick" and turned into a pile of fly ash scattered in the air.

Then Shao Ning drew across her eyes with both hands into sword fingers.

At this moment, Luo Xiaotian seemed to see something suddenly melted into Shao Ning's body from behind him.

Shao Ning let out a sigh of relief and leaned on the side of the inspection opening and looked down with the probe.

"Go on! There is nothing below." Shao Ning said, instead of stepping on the ladder, but with both hands clasping the inspection port, he slowly sent the body down.

Luo Xiaotian also followed his way, slowly lowering his body.

As soon as it landed on the ground, a smell that was slightly stronger than that of the roof rushed over. All the windows here were sealed with wooden boards from the inside, but all the room doors seemed to be open.

According to the location of room 416 in the memory, the two people quietly touched it.

There was silence in the dark corridor, and there were still vehicles coming and going on the street not far away, but there was no sound in the corridor.

The surrounding air became sticky, and a feeling of being spied rose from the bottom of Luo Xiaotian's heart.

Although there were a lot of sundries on the rooftop just now, they couldn't hide under the bright moonlight.

Where is the person who came up one step ahead of them

Shao Ning, who led the way in front, stopped suddenly, and looked back at Luo Xiaotian, his face a little ugly.

In front of them, is the room marked with room number 516,

Unlike the open doors of the few rooms they passed by just now, the door of this room was vacant, revealing a gap.

A faint voice came into Luo Xiaotian's ears.

"Is the person who came in first in the room?" Luo Xiaotian thought, moving forward.

Listen carefully, in this cold and dark corridor, a slight chewing sound leaked through the crack of the door. Although the sound was soft, in this deadly environment, the rustling sound seemed to ring in Luo Xiaotian and Luo Xiaotian. Shao Ning's ears are the same!

Use the menu view to look in,

Nothing was found... It should be inside the room.

Luo Xiaotian remembered the huge black shadow that he saw upstairs.

Will it be that

Under such circumstances, Luo Xiaotian's intuitive mouth was a little dry, and an uncontrollable sense of fear slowly climbed into his heart, and he tried to calm his mind.

Luo Xiaotian tremblingly took off his glasses and put the mask on his face.

The moment the mask was covering his face, he only felt a relief in his heart, and the sense of fear disappeared instantly!

Without the influence of emotions, Luo Xiaotian suddenly thought that since this mask and respirator are together, it is very likely that they are a set.

Thinking about this, he put the respirator on his face as well.

Sure enough, the respirator merged with the mask naturally, and the surrounding smell poured into the nasal cavity again.

But this time, Luo Xiaotian didn't feel anything.

At this time, he can even see the faintly flowing smell color through the sight hole on the mask...

"The hunter suit is activated... the suit is completed 2/6!" The voice of the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The hunter... worthy of the name." Luo Xiaotian muttered to himself, slowly opened the front door, clenched the oars and walked in.

There are faint reds and rich greens all over the room, and the source of the two colors comes from a dark shadow in the corner of the room.

"Quest objective update... Kill the Soul Eater and retrieve the Heart of the Dead. Note that if the Heart of the Dead is lost, it will be deemed as a mission failure! 15000 points will be deducted. If the points are negative, the killing procedure will be triggered..."

Luo Xiaotian's pupils shrank suddenly, deducting points? 15000

The straightforward interpretation of the system is, if you don't succeed, you will die.

"It's really unexpected, something reasonable..." Luo Xiaotian slowly leaned in, and finally saw the appearance of the dark shadow.

It was huge because it was a huge fat man who was lying on the ground eating another corpse.

It was eaten very carefully, not even a bit of residue fell off...

Luo Xiaotian suddenly turned his head and looked back.

His sudden turn of his head made Shao Ning take a step back in fright and looked at Luo Xiaotian in horror.

Just now, Shao Ning's attention was focused on the room in front of him, and he hadn't noticed Luo Xiaotian's mask movement at all.

Now Luo Xiaotian turned his head, and the truth gave him a shock!

The black mask, cold eyes, this look gave him the illusion of being stared at by the ancient beast!

It's just that Shao Ning saw that Luo Xiaotian's line of sight had actually passed him, staring coldly at the location of the door.

"That person is behind us!" He raised his finger and pointed to the doorway.

In the corridor at the door, a strong red smell is hovering,

Get closer... (End of this chapter)