My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 58: Middle-aged people


As the door was pushed open,

A soft light appeared in front of them.

Is there electricity in this room

Luo Xiaotian dragged Shao Ning into the room and closed the door gently.

In the room, a middle-aged man is sitting on the sofa with his back facing them watching a black and white movie...

"The body?" Shao Ning asked in a low voice, wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"There is a high probability, but not 100% sure..."

The two slowly walked over and looked at the middle-aged man from the side.

"Bring me the cigarette, thank you..."

Luo Xiaotian looked at the person in front of him speechlessly. To be precise, it was a skeleton with his head on top. Above the neck was the middle-aged man, and below the neck were bones.

Fortunately, Xiaoye put on a mask, I am not afraid!

Luo Xiaotian turned his head and looked around. There was a pack of cigarettes and a lighter on the cabinet by the wall.

He grabbed it and put it in the hands of the skeleton man, and sat down on the sofa next to him.

Shao Ning was dumbfounded as Luo Xiaotian sat down beside the skeleton, swallowing uncontrollably.

Doesn't this guy be afraid

Don't lose face to the cultivator! !

The face is still needed! ! !

Shao Ning took a vain step, with his knees close together, sitting gently beside Luo Xiaotian.

The middle-aged man lit a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, took a sip, turned his head and looked at Luo Xiaotian and Shao Ning.

Noting the mask on Luo Xiaotian's face, the corners of his eyes twitched.

"The night watchman? Come to kill me?" The middle-aged man turned his head and continued to watch the movie.

"Night watchman?" Luo Xiaotian silently remembered the name in his heart, then nodded and said: "I really want to kill you."

There was silence in the room, and even the movies played on the TV had only pictures and no sound.

"Great, I have been trapped here for 50 years, and I have had enough of suffering..." The middle-aged man breathed out a breath of smoke in a relaxed tone.

"Come on, kill me and take what you want!" The middle-aged man stood up and took another deep breath.

The surrounding scenery quickly distorted, and he was sucked into his mouth.

Only a thick black was left all around!

Luo Xiaotian suddenly jumped up and raised his hand with an axe, cutting directly to the skeleton's neck!

Shao Ning's long sword also struck a light blue brilliance and pierced his head.

"Night watchman! You have been sleepy with Li Mo for 50 years, want to get the fruit back so easily? It's ridiculous!!" The skeleton's figure gradually faded and disappeared.

The two hit the air with one axe and one sword.

The green smoke that kept pouring into the ground began to roll and boil,

More than a dozen fat people tore through the darkness around them and stood around them.

"Day after day, repeating the process of being eaten by myself! Ha ha ha... Why do you decide my destiny?" Li Mo's voice was crazy.

Luo Xiaotian grabbed Shao Ning next to him, not letting him run around!

In the menu field of vision, he can see that there are only five big fat guys around, and the rest are black phantoms...

"The Promise of the Universe, the wind and thunder are ordered; the dragon fights in the wild, and all directions are destroyed! Taiyi Tianzun, anxious as a law!!" Shao Ning took out another talisman from his pocket and stuck it on the wooden sword!

The entire body of the sword began to gleam with blue light...

"Don't be impulsive, only five in front of you are real, the others are fake! Follow me!" Luo Xiaotian stood in front of Shao Ning, with his left hand backhand grabbing Shao Ning's left!

"Okay! I'm getting bigger!" Shao Ning shouted sharply.

"Follow me!" Luo Xiaotian forcefully rushed to one of the big fat guys. He swung a hatchet in his hand and cut off the big hand he had caught!

A cat waist went under the big fat man!

It's still on the 5th floor, but the surrounding area seems to be covered by a black mist, and you can't see your fingers outside of the menu!

It's like absolute darkness, but the sound is not blocked!

"Can you see something? Is your vision blocked?" Luo Xiaotian rushed into the illusion of a big fat man and ran into the corridor!

"I can see the surrounding 3 meters clearly, and I can't see it anymore! Another rushed over from the right!" Shao Ning followed Luo Xiaotian with his sword.

"Fake, follow me!" Luo Xiaotian stepped forward and ran forward,

Soon, the two people ran along the corridor to the end of the corridor.

But nothing!

Li Moyin's cold laughter kept coming back all around,

As if laughing at their ignorance!

where is it

Where is Li Mo's ontology

I have searched almost all the rooms,

Can't find his body

Looking at the five fat guys living along the corridor, they have killed the five fat guys twice!

But it will still be reborn, and the endless green smoke on the ground seems to be able to repair their bodies endlessly!

Why is there only green smoke? What about the red one

Luo Xiaotian suddenly lay down on the ground, closely observing the surroundings against the ground.

Finally, he found out, a thin red line covered with green smoke against the wall, looming...

"I found the clue, Shao Ning, you cover me..." Luo Xiaotian crawled on the ground, crawling forward along the red line.

"Good!" Shao Ning replied.

Without Luo Xiaotian's instructions, Shao Ning could only carry a sword to protect him, and when he saw the fat man who rushed over, he stabbed with all his strength! Regardless of whether it is true or not, let's take a sword first.

Going around in the corridor, 20 minutes passed.

"Have you found it? I'm almost out of energy..." Shao Ning said breathlessly.

"Hold on!" Luo Xiaotian crawled on the ground without raising his head, chasing the thin line in the corner.

"It's easy for you to be below, I can't lift my arms anymore, you insist on taking a look!" The sweat on Shao Ning's forehead was dense, and the hands holding the wooden sword were trembling slightly.

Luo Xiaotian stopped suddenly, took out an injection on his waist and handed it to Shao Ning.

"Hit on the neck!" As he said, he fell down again and continued to crawl forward.

Shao Ning took the injection, hit the neck without hesitation, and suddenly a stream of heat poured into his body.

"Good stuff! Don't bring it out soon!" Shao Ning felt that his physical strength was recovering quickly, still complaining in his mouth.

"Forget..." Luo Xiaotian led him forward. He had already passed 511 and leaned toward the elevator hall.

"..." Shao Ning.

The five big fat guys behind him chased up with heavy steps!

Shao Ning yelled, and the long sword flew to cut them into black mist again!

"Found it! Behind this wall!" Luo Xiaotian knelt up from the ground, pressing his hands on the thick wall.

"Take it down? Don't hesitate!" Shao Ning stood with a sword, looking at the big fat men gradually forming in the corridor, with a righteous expression.

Luo Xiaotian waved the axe in his hand and slashed fiercely on the wall, exploding a piece of wall covering!



Pieces of cement were smashed open, small fragments collapsed on Luo Xiaotian's mask, crackling.

In front of the wall, Luo Xiaotian swung his axe vigorously!

Before the corridor, Shao Ning fully resisted the five fat guys taking turns to attack!

Shao Ning saw that the talisman on the wooden sword had become bleak, and the blue light surrounding the wooden sword was gradually fading.

Sweat like rain,

He clenched his teeth and persisted, obviously still having physical strength, but the hand holding the sword began to tremble slightly!

Every second, this moment is so long!

He has no energy to inquire about Luo Xiaotian's situation!

The fat guy in the tunnel attacked more powerfully every time,

How many attacks have been blocked? How many fat guys did you kill? Was I so fierce

Shao Ning fiercely split a fat man's waving hand, and there was a piercing pain in his right hand!

The long sword is let go,

Fell to the ground!

A thick palm in front of him suddenly grabbed his head!

"It's over..." Shao Ning's eyes showed despair!

"Boom!" A sound of cracked wall covering sounded from beside! (End of this chapter)