My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 59: It's them



The cement wall cracked violently, and a dry corpse threw out from the wall!

Luo Xiaotian raised his axe and fell!

"Crack!" A cry!

The head of the mummy was chopped off and fell to the ground!

A smell of stench brushed over Shao Ning's face!

The fat man's arms passed through his face without any hindrance, turning into a cloud of smoke and dissipating in the air.

Shao Ning stared, staring at the dark passage in a daze.

I heard the sound of cars passing by on the street outside...

You can even hear the meaningless screams of some drunk people!

"It's over? You won?" Shao Ning blinked, feeling her face wet, not knowing whether it was sweat or tears.

"This guy released the water! Finally, he broke the wall from inside..." Luo Xiaotian's voice sounded.

In front of him, a big hole was broken in the wall, and a dry corpse fell out of the wall. His hands were stretched forward, and his fingers were full of cement residue.

His head has fallen off and rolled to the side, there seems to be a smile on his face...

"What do you mean by letting water out?" Shao Ning sat on the ground, his left hand grasping the trembling right hand, looking at the dry corpse falling out of the wall...

"I dug the wall and ran out, let me kill with an axe..." Luo Xiaotian knelt down and stroked the dry body.


Shao Ning watched Luo Xiaotian's movements, and the goose bumps all over her body exploded.

"Don't think about it, I still have a task to get the heart of the dead... I don't know which piece is the heart, should it be split?" Luo Xiaotian raised the axe in his hand.

"Wait, you are not human anymore! Treat my corpse like this? At last I let you go!" A voice suddenly sounded, and Shao Ning shivered again.

"Hi..." Shao Ning climbed a few steps again, grabbed the wooden sword on the ground, and watched the phantom that suddenly appeared warily.

"I thought you wouldn't come out anymore, just kidding you..." Luo Xiaotian put down the axe in his hand angrily, and looked at the corpse on the ground with some pity.

"A liar..." The ghost was the middle-aged man, and he scratched his head and said:

"It seems I am really a ghost now..."

"On the ground! Under the brick under the body, the heart of the dead..." Li Mo pointed to the position of Luo Xiaotian's feet.

"Thanks." Luo Xiaotian opened the bricks and saw a black stone. He picked up the stone and grabbed it...

"The task is completed, the reward points are 15,000 points... The host level can be upgraded, and the system can be upgraded." The dull and cold voice of the system sounded in his mind again.

The stone in his hand flickered and disappeared.

"You are not a night watchman..." Li Mo's voice sounded, he floated to Luo Xiaotian and looked at him carefully.

"It's not..."

"Hehe, you have been pitted by the system, the heart of the dead, how many fear crystals do you know is worth?" Li Mo smiled.

"It's always been a pit, I know." Luo Xiaotian nodded plainly, no waves in his heart.

But he wants to be angry! But you can't do it with a mask!

"I am also a rebirth. I am trapped in this place by the night watchman. I can't survive, and I can't ask for death. It is purely to create the heart of the dead. This thing is worth 100,000!" Li Mo whispered in Luo Xiaotian's ear. .

"100,000 points?" Luo Xiaotian lowered his eyes.

"Hehe, you know that I don't mean points..." Li Mo sneered.

Luo Xiaotian was silent, his heart hurts, but he was not angry at all. He sensibly gave up the idea of taking off the mask.

He was afraid that the moment he took off the mask, he would vomit blood and fail.

"This place is on the side of the road, and it has been sealed off by a floor. Wouldn't such a suspicious thing be discovered?" Shao Ning stood up tremblingly.

"Night watchers, powerful and mysterious organizations. Their energy is beyond your imagination. This kind of thing is nothing at all." Li Mo pointed to Luo Xiaotian and looked at Shao Ning with a smile: "Hundreds of watchers People are several times stronger than him... You think."

"You mean, they control everything and only let you kill people here?" Shao Ning's face was pale.

"I didn't kill anyone, I killed myself..." Li Mo smiled calmly, but his smile was extremely desolate.

"Why?" Luo Xiaotian asked Li Mo as the voice faded in the air.

"I killed one of them and snatched his watch, so they chased me, and I killed two more... Finally, more and more people chased me, but I lost..." Li Mo He looked deeply at the scarlet watch on Luo Xiaotian's wrist.

Luo Xiaotian was silent.

"Not all those who betray the system are night watchmen, you don't have to be afraid..." Li Mo comforted Luo Xiaotian.

"I don't worry about this. I'm thinking that since the fat and middle-aged people are both you, where did the person who went to the top of the building first?" Luo Xiaotian looked at Li Mo.

"Is there a third person coming up besides you? My scope of perception is only this floor. I didn't see anyone other than you coming down..." Li Mo shook his head, then he sighed and stretched out lazily. waist.

"Go, finally free."

"Why did you release the water in the end?" Luo Xiaotian asked again suddenly.

"Seeing you fighting side by side, seeing the fetters and trust between you, I think of my former companion, who is also my love..." Li Mo's figure became more and more transparent, and countless spots of light began to float out of his body.

"I'm a man! I'm not a woman!" Shao Ning couldn't help but yelled.

"I know..." Li Mo blinked at him and disappeared into the air.

"..." Shao Ning

"..." Luo Xiaotian.

"Go on, let's make such a big noise above, I don't know how that aunt will deal with the two of us." Shao Ning sighed, took out the gauze from the backpack, and began to wrap the wound on his right hand.

"This is for you." Luo Xiaotian handed him two powerful therapeutic needles.

"What's the matter?" Shao Ning took it.

"Healers, as long as they are not fatal, they should be rescued." Luo Xiaotian stepped towards the ladder in the corridor.

"Damn, this is a good thing!" Shao Ning carefully put it away.

"I was thinking, why didn't Li Mo commit suicide by himself?"

"Maybe he can't kill himself, didn't you get that stone?"

Luo Xiaotian nodded, turned and walked towards the vent in the corridor.

The two returned along the same route, followed the iron ladder back to the apartment building, turned over the fence and returned to the alley.

"Your stamina and healing needles, give me two more, I'll buy them from you!" Shao Ning suddenly grabbed Luo Xiaotian and said.

Recommended, really good, it is worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

"I paid in advance before you even opened the house. Where did you get the money?"

"You!!" Shao Ning was taken aback, just about to say something, but there was a darkness in front of him, and the whole person fell forward.

Luo Xiaotian hugged the fallen Shao Ning quickly, with a little embarrassment on his face.

I forgot to tell him that this needle has sequelae...

no way,

Can only carry him back to the apartment.

When Luo Xiaotian returned to the apartment lobby with Shao Ning on his back,

There was a sharp shout:

"It's them!!" (End of this chapter)