My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 6: This woman lied


The system in his mind is still quiet, it seems that after starting the mission, he no longer responds to Luo Xiaotian's questions.

Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and pulled the iron fence on the vent. He didn't move at all. He carefully looked at the iron fences and actually they were not installed on the window frames, but directly inserted into the wall.

"Can't open it!" Luo Xiaotian looked at his watch subconsciously, the bright red color of the circle was still so dazzling, and a fast beating countdown on the surface showed 44 hours remaining...

"Time flies too slowly..." Luo Xiaotian jumped off the debris and saw several people staring at him eagerly.

"Are you going out?" Wan Hang asked.

"I can't get out. The iron fence on the vent is installed in the wall. I can't open it." Luo Xiaotian shook his head and wandered around the room a few times. Suddenly he was horrified to find that the iron door seemed to be in harmony with It was different just now...

The original wooden door has become an iron door covered with rust, but now the rust on the iron door is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the rust in some places has even begun to fall off, and a layer of brown rust has fallen on the floor.

"The door seems to be rotten!" Luo Xiaotian looked at the iron door, unconsciously grabbed the camera, and quickly glanced at the indicator light.


"Jie Jie Jie..." The enchanting woman who was lying on the ground suddenly let out a strange smile.

The few people next to him crawled and hid behind Luo Xiaotian, and the successive shocks made them scared, not to mention the sudden laughter.

"You killed my children!" The woman turned over and sat up and stared at a few people. The black eyeballs in her two eyes rolled up, leaving only the bloodshot whites of her eyes, and her mouth let out a gloomy laugh.

"You, you..." Wan Hang shivered, his teeth shaking up and down!

Luo Xiaotian frowned, took out a mop from the pile of debris, kicked off the head of the mop with a strong kick, and asked a few people around: "Who has a knife!"

"No..." Wan Hang and Mediterranean both shook their heads.

The girl in the little couple took out a multi-function saber from her pocket, handed it to Luo Xiaotian, and whispered, "Can this work?"

Luo Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, raised his hand to take the multi-function saber, and began to cut the wooden stick, which turned into a spear in three or two strokes.

"There is extra mop, everyone got a spear out! If you can't hold this door for a while, kill it!" Luo Xiaotian threw the knife to Wan Hang and said in a deep voice.

In that world, he and Li Xiang fought together, and experienced countless battles, large and small. The prolonged commanding of orders made Luo Xiaotian naturally form a kind of superior aura, and this aura was inadvertently revealed at this moment. , But made the surrounding people feel a little relieved.

In times of crisis, human beings will naturally follow orders unconsciously as long as someone takes the lead.

Wan Hang quickly made a spear after learning Luo Xiaotian's appearance, and he felt a lot of peace of mind when he carried it in his hand. He stared at the woman who was still sitting on the ground and sneered, and said fiercely: "Brother Xiaotian , This guy is still laughing here, let's kill her!"

"Why do you kill her? The monster is not her!" Luo Xiaotian stared at the door that was still puttering rust, glanced at the red light on the camera again from the corner of his eyes, and cursed inwardly: "The charging time of this camera is too long. Longer... Could it be that the battery is dead?"

Several people around also made spears one after another, standing behind Luo Xiaotian.

"Which one of you has a AA battery? I guess this camera is out of power..." Luo Xiaotian asked abruptly.

"I have batteries... I would pick them up in this city when I first came here. I don't know what to use, so I put them away..." Mediterranean suddenly cried, and took out a row of brand new batteries from his pocket.

"Thank you!" Luo Xiaotian took it, and quickly replaced the camera's battery.

"You can't run away!!" The woman suddenly shouted loudly, and fell down with a thump.

The sudden sound made everyone shiver, and the Mediterranean man standing next to Luo Xiaotian subconsciously stuck to Luo Xiaotian's side.

Luo Xiaotian changed the battery without lifting his head, but said coldly in his mouth: "Stay away from me, your body smells bad!"

The Mediterranean man smiled wryly and took two steps back.

With a crisp sound, a large piece of iron slipped off and fell to the floor.

There was a sound of inhalation in the room!

Looking out through the broken door panel, a huge one-eyed black-haired monster was lying in front of the door, looking at the people in the door with that huge compound eye, and "Jie Jie Jie" came out from the cracked huge mouth. Funny smile.

With a "click", Luo Xiaotian turned on the camera's power, and the indicator light only flickered, then quickly changed from red to green.

As if ten thousand beasts were galloping past his heart, Luo Xiaotian's teeth were biting in pain, and the battery that this cheating system gave him was really dead!

"No wonder you are a pit! You are really a real pit!" Luo Xiaotian cursed inwardly, raised the camera a few steps to the door, aimed at the huge compound eye in the door and pressed the shutter!

"Kacha"! A strong white light flashed!

"Quack!!" A heart-piercing scream sounded from outside the door, and then I heard the sound of something rolling down the steps.

The muffled sound of "bang bang" kept coming, shaking the whole room slightly, and the debris in the corner fell to the ground.

Luo Xiaotian leaned on the doorway and looked out. Due to the angle, he could only see a part of the steps, and couldn't see what was going on in the corridor now...

"How did you know that all the monsters outside were killed?" Luo Xiaotian suddenly remembered something, and asked the people behind him.

He saw that everyone behind him was rubbing his eyes desperately, and he was probably dazzled by the flash of light just now.

"What the woman said, she had been lying in the crack of the door and looking down, saying that everything underneath was dead..." Wan Hang rubbed his eyes in response to Luo Xiaotian's words.

Luo Xiaotian's face was livid, turning his head to look at the woman lying on the ground, she felt a chill in her heart: "This woman is lying, and she can't see the situation in the corridor from above... Is she a human?"

"Wan Hang, you used to tie up that woman and wake it up! She lied, and you can't see the situation in the corridor from here!" Luo Xiaotian turned his head and stared at the steps outside the door, shouting.

Regardless of what happened to Wan Hang and the others behind him, Luo Xiaotian once again saw the huge green fly monster climbing up the steps through the expanding doorway.

Luo Xiaotian glanced at the camera with the green light on after charging, and ducked to hide by the door. His experience told him that the monster outside could no longer look through the door stupidly.


A paw covered with black hair slammed in from the hole, desperately fishing for something in the air and on the ground! It seems to want to catch the person who hurt it just now!

The few people in the room who had just tied the woman looked stupid at the paw waving in the air!

A sharp look flashed in Luo Xiaotian's eyes! Suddenly raised the spear in his left hand, and stabbed the paw fiercely!

"Puff!" The spear pierced fiercely into the arm covered with black hair... (End of this chapter)