My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 65: The footprints of the holy gun


On the police car,

Shao Ning leaned aside and turned to look at the night outside the window.

Five red fingerprints on the delicate cheeks...

Luo Xiaotian was a little embarrassed. He really didn't expect Mo Shihan to temporarily add to the scene and slap Shao Ning.

"Sorry, I caused you trouble..."

Luo Xiaotian pushed his glasses and said with some embarrassment.

Shao Ning glanced at Luo Xiaotian, then turned his head again.

He didn't want to talk to Luo Xiaotian at all.

"Yes, these medicines are given to you, which is considered compensation!" Luo Xiaotian put the rest of the physical enhancement and healing medicines on the seat.

The corner of Shao Ning's mouth was turned upside down, but she sat up straight and put all the needles on the seat into the backpack.

"I didn't forgive you! And that damn woman!" Shao Ning said coldly.

I felt that the driver driving in front seemed to look at both of them through the rearview mirror.

Luo Xiaotian just nodded and stopped talking.

Soon Luo Xiaotian returned to the gate of Jinhangjiayuan, said hello to the policeman who was driving, and jumped down.

What surprised Luo Xiaotian was,

Shao Ning also jumped down.

"What are you doing?" Luo Xiaotian looked at him.

"Master said let me follow you to practice! My master hasn't come back yet, I have to listen to him." Shao Ning said blankly.

"...Who is your uncle? Have you asked my opinion?" Luo Xiaotian pushed his glasses.

"I will pay you..." Shao Ning was also a little embarrassed.

"Do you have any money? Pay me back the house money first." Luo Xiaotian suddenly remembered, but he still didn't ask Mo Shihan for money, so he could only exchange for gold bars.

"Just wait until I return to the teacher's door, I don't have any money now..." Shao Ning lowered his head slightly.

"When will you return to the teacher's door?"

"Follow you to finish training..."

"..." Luo Xiaotian looked at Shao Ning,

You Tie Han, you have been taken advantage of by your uncle, you are the eyeliner that brightly pierced my heart!

"Forget it, come with me..." Luo Xiaotian didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, turning his head and walking towards the community.

The two came to the door of the villa,

Everything is business as usual.

Luo Xiaotian opened the door and walked onto the lifting platform.

"You...Whose villa is built underground? Who are you?" Shao Ning was shocked from ear to ear.

"I'm from hell..." Luo Xiaotian turned his head and said gloomily.

"I stab..." Shao Ning shivered.

In the room,

Chaos as always...

"Donia!!" Luo Xiaotian missed the imperial sister who could clean up the house...

"..." The room was quiet.

People? Luo Xiaotian wandered around the room, and there was no one in the room.

Donya, Duan Lingling, Doudou, are all there

"Your house was stolen, right?" Shao Ning looked at the messy house.

How do you look like the scene where the room was stolen...

Luo Xiaotian looked at the messy room, suppressing anger in his heart.


A few laughs came into their ears,

"If Devil Luo sees that the room has been harmed by Doudou, he will have to be mad when he comes back."

"should be… "

The elevator stopped and the door was opened.

"Ah! You are back!" Seeing Luo Xiaotian, Donya jumped up happily.

Duan Lingling still looked calm, and nodded to Luo Xiaotian.

"Hi..." Shao Ning raised her eyebrows and looked at the girl jumping towards Luo Xiaotian!

Blond, blue eyes, delicate face...

Wow, you have no conscience, are you Jinwu Cangjiao

You brought my old lady, isn't it right, you brought me back to see this

Shao Ning looked coldly, contemptuously in his heart.

"Clean up the house..." Luo Xiaotian said with a cold face.

"Oh..." Donya stuck out her tongue, pointed to the ground and said: "The culprit is below... the 3rd floor, you go and have a look."

"Duan Lingling, follow along with you! Do you follow the destruction by your master?" Luo Xiaotian glared at Duan Lingling on the side.

The female ghost nodded and started to clean up the house.

"You come down with me..." Luo Xiaotian said to Shao Ning.

Shao Ning shrugged and followed Luo Xiaotian.

The two descended to the third floor by the elevator and pushed open the door.

I felt the ground shake suddenly!

It used to be a huge training field with obstacles, rocks, and various equipment.

It should be where Zhang Man trained,

but now…

A huge three-headed dog is leaping from a rock in the distance, and is coming straight towards Luo Xiaotian and Shao Ning!

"Fuck, what is this!" Shao Ning subconsciously pulled the wooden sword behind him, and looked at the three-headed dog running wildly with a look of horror!

"Go, your cultivation starts today..." Luo Xiaotian took a step back and pushed Shao Ning forward.

"??" Shao Ning turned his head, looking at Luo Xiaotian who was stuck in front of the door with a desperate expression.

"Doudou! Don't eat him!" Luo Xiaotian pointed to Shao Ning: "Play with him in the future!"

"You have no conscience!" Shao Ning avoided the three-headed dog that was rushing towards him, and ran away.

Doudou stopped, one head turned to Shao Ning who was running away, and the other two heads looked at Luo Xiaotian, blinking suspiciously, and the huge tail swept back and forth behind him.

It's a good news, it's worth installing, and even Android and Apple phones support it!

"Go chase him and play!" Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and scratched Doudou's huge chin, and pointed at Shao Ning.

"Oh!" Doudou was excited, and turned to chase Shao Ning!

The two-meter-tall body stepped on a roaring pace and joined the chasing game...

"Uncle Master... Isn't the eyeliner..." Luo Xiaotian smiled gloomily, touching his smooth chin.

Luo Xiaotian pulled over a chair, sat in front of the door, turned on the Scarlet system, and saw the random reward he hadn't received yet.

A broken silver gem floating quietly in the air.

"What is this?" Luo Xiaotian raised his hand to remove the gem, grasping it in his hand and observing it.

The gem is a regular round shape, but one piece is damaged at the edge, and it is cold in the hand.

"Scarlet System, what is this?"

"I don't know... There is no description in the item database." The Scarlet System replied.

"You don't know, how can I use it?" Luo Xiaotian held the gem in a gloomy look at the light above his head.

In front of him, Shao Ning screamed and ran towards him.

"Boom!" Doudou's huge body suddenly blocked Shao Ning's path.

"You have no conscience~ ah~ ah!" Shao Ning turned her head and started running backwards, seemingly giving herself a shot of physical enhancement.

"Put it on the watch?" Luo Xiaotian gestured to the red watch, but there was no response.

Then he grabbed the gem and placed it on the watch in his left hand.


The gem disappeared!

Luo Xiaotian abruptly sat up straight, turned on the system, and turned it around but couldn't find where the gem was!

"Necklace! This is the same as Donya's necklace! I can't find it!"

Luo Xiaotian remembered the task he had not taken, the old bell tower in the fragment of the map!

When he clicked on the fragment of the map again,

The image of the clock tower appeared in front of him again,

"Follow the footsteps of the Holy Spear, are you... and your companions ready?"

Luo Xiaotian's eyes became serious!

This word has changed! (End of this chapter)