My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 68: hero


It's cold all around!

Luo Xiaotian took out a physique booster and tied it around his neck!

A warm current spread across the limbs instantly, dispelling the cold from the body!

Luo Xiaotian yanked open the door of the cab!

A powerful air current ripped from behind!

Luo Xiaotian squeezed into the cab and exhausted all his strength to close the hatch again!

The cab is in a mess!

The front windshield on the right is missing!

Sparks flickered on the dashboard, and the co-pilot who was pulled by the seat belt had lost consciousness! Hanging his head and shaking with the bumps of the fuselage...

The driver is wearing an oxygen mask, holding the joystick firmly with one hand and the propeller in the other!

He didn't know where he was scratched, half of his body was stained red with blood...

Luo Xiaotian took out a burst of powerful therapeutic injections and hit the copilot's neck!

One hand fixed him, then stretched out his hand to unfasten the seat belt of the co-pilot, and violently pulled him off the driver's seat and fixed him on the chair behind! Pulled the oxygen mask to his face.

"Don't move, I'll heal you!" Luo Xiaotian held the driver's icy shoulder and yelled!

The driver nodded slightly! I kept my eyes on the standby compass that I pulled down, and adjusted the flight status of the aircraft slightly!

Once again, he took out a shot of powerful treatment and a shot of physique enhancer into the driver's body!

Seeing his gradually calming expression, Luo Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief!

He stepped into the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt!

"What do I need to do? I don't know how to fly a plane! But I can help you do what I can!" Luo Xiaotian yelled desperately!

The wind in the cab was blowing frantically, Luo Xiaotian's voice was blown away by the airflow, and the whirring sound made him almost unable to hear what he was yelling!

"Grab the lever! Help me stabilize the plane, my hands are almost out of sensation! I need to move my left hand! We need to drop to 3000 meters!" the pilot shouted!

"Okay!" Luo Xiaotian stretched out his hand and firmly grasped the lever!

"Don't touch the pedals under your feet, just hold the joystick..." The driver watched Luo Xiaotian grabbed the joystick, released his almost stiff left hand, and rubbed it hard on his body.

The temperature in the cab was very low. In just one minute, Luo Xiaotian almost felt that he was about to freeze. If the effect of physical enhancement was not there, he would not even be able to move his fingers!

The captain! How did you persevere

Luo Xiaotian instantly felt that this scene seemed familiar!

In the world he has always wanted to go back to, there is also such a heroic captain! Saved the entire plane by oneself!

Luo Xiaotian looked at the captain with a cold blue face! Lips pressed tightly! His eyes kept scanning the spare compass and the situation outside the window!

Suddenly, someone patted him behind him, and the co-pilot woke up!

"Come on for me! I'm fine! Thank you!" The man shouted in Luo Xiaotian's ear!

"Good!" Luo Xiaotian nodded and gave up the position of the co-pilot!

Helped the co-pilot to sit back again, buckled the seat belt, and put on the oxygen mask again!

"Can't descend anymore! There are mountains ahead!" The co-pilot desperately shouted to the captain, pointing to the rolling mountains ahead!

"Height!!" The captain's right hand propeller relaxed a little, and his left hand pulled the plane up!


"The pressure is relieved! The oxygen in the cabin can't last that long! The mountain range in front is too big!" the captain roared!

"Alternate nearby!!" The co-pilot took out the map and pointed to a place!

The captain nodded and started to adjust the course!

Luo Xiaotian noticed that the captain was trembling slightly, with only two hands!

Put it there firmly!

His firm eyes are as bright as stars!

Knife-like wind blew his skin,

Freezing his body,

But he couldn't shake him at all!

"Hero!" Luo Xiaotian was in awe!

What must he do!

Opened the points redemption, and quickly looked for something that might help them!

The temperature in the cab is too low!

Must find something to keep warm!

Luo Xiaotian's eyes quickly searched among the many objects!

At this time, the fuselage shook suddenly!

The body starts to tilt to the right!

"The engine on the right side has stopped?" Luo Xiaotian looked back at the probe.

Under the wing on the right side of the fuselage, the engine dragged out thick smoke...

The operating lever of the captain’s left hand was adjusted slightly,

The body of the plane slowly flattened!

But the height is dropping uncontrollably...

"Can't hold the airport! Find an emergency landing location nearby!" The captain yelled!

"Sand land!" The co-pilot looked for terrain on the map that might land, and finally clicked on a large piece of desert on the right side of the mountain range.

"Open the leading edge flaps and slats, we don't have enough lift!" The captain glanced at the control panel and roared!

The co-pilot stretched out his trembling hand and operated a few times on the overhead control panel.



"We are overweight! The speed is too fast! Let go of the spoiler..." The captain steered the plane down to the desert!

Looking at the rapidly growing desert outside the window, Luo Xiaotian's heart continued to sink.

The speed of the plane's descent is too fast!

Although the sand has a certain buffer, under such a strong impact, the aircraft may disintegrate directly!

Basically all points for redemption are battle items!

No effect!

"If you descend like this, the plane will disintegrate..." The scarlet system's voice suddenly sounded.

"Is there any way?" Luo Xiaotian didn't think Scarlet would talk to him at this time.

"Interface Positioner..." Scarlet System said, and passed the method of using the interface positioner to Luo Xiaotian's mind.

"..." Luo Xiaotian gritted his teeth and looked at the desert that was getting closer and closer.

"Are you willing?" Scarlet asked again suddenly.

"I'm willing! Nobody on this plane should die... Especially him!" Luo Xiaotian raised his eyes and looked at the captain who was still sitting upright.

"Have you ever considered why this happened?" Scarlet said slowly after being silent for two seconds.

"Fear... I should absorb the fear of all the people in this cabin, and turn it into the crystallization of fear, right?" Luo Xiaotian's eyes burst into flames: "Don't tell me, this is your ghost..."

"We are on one side, and I also want to go back to the original world as soon as possible..." Scarlet System said.

Luo Xiaotian was silent, he silently stuck the fear crystals in the ring on the scarlet watch piece by piece, and disappeared.

"I need your help in a while! I can't do it myself!" Luo Xiaotian took a deep breath.

"it is good!"

"Height!" The captain.

"3200!" The co-pilot.

"I need to hover and slow down to help me stabilize the fuselage!" The captain tore off the oxygen mask and shouted.

"Okay!" The co-pilot also took off the oxygen mask. Luo Xiaotian only noticed that his left eyebrow had collapsed, his entire face was swollen, and dry, condensed blood smeared on his eyelids!

Insert a sentence, really good, it is worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

"This is also a tough guy!"

Luo Xiaotian looked back and looked behind him.

Although I don’t know what is going on in the cabin, whether anyone was injured, and no one died,

But he knows that if it descends, the speed of the plane cannot be lowered!

They will all die!

As the plane hovered and descended,

The captain repeatedly reduced the power of the propeller while maintaining the stability of the fuselage!

"Don't let go!" The captain yelled, preventing the first officer from lowering the landing gear!

The heavy plane rushed to the sand sea!

At the moment when the plane is about to make contact with the sand,

Luo Xiaotian started the interface positioner!

In an instant, the world in front of Luo Xiaotian changed... (End of this chapter)