My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 7: Another rebirth


"Quack!" The whole iron gate shook violently, and the Lucky Fly with a spear on his arm desperately tried to retract his arm.

But the spear was stuck in the hole. It tried several times without success. Instead, it made the wound bigger, and the green blood was thrown everywhere!

Luo Xiaotian clung to the door, feeling the violent vibration of the wall, he was waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity to take pictures of this guy again!

"I'll go to your uncle!" Wan Hang red eyes, grabbed his spear with both hands and aimed it at the paw he was waving again!

The force of the stabbing was so great that it directly nailed the black claw to the wooden floor!

The Lucky Fly outside the door was beating desperately like crazy, trying to get his paws back!

The entire attic was tossed by its violent struggle, and there was a clicking sound on the floor, and several large cracks continued to spread around the door frame.

Luo Xiaotian tried his best to maintain the breathing rhythm, leaning forward slightly, observing the hole from the side, waiting for the moment when the green fly probed! He was holding the camera tightly with his right hand, and his nails were almost embedded in the black body.

"Quack!" The green fly yelled frantically, and finally its huge compound eyes appeared in front of the cave again, but at this moment it opened its mouth and wanted to bite its own arm!

"Kacha!" A dazzling white light flashed!

The door fell silent for an instant, and the two spears fell on the floor with a clang!

That huge monster instantly dissipated in the white flash! Only a puddle of black powder was left outside the door...

"I wiped it, this time I'm completely blind... Does the eye hurt so much! Brother Xiaotian, can you squeak in advance before you take the next time?" Wan Hang squatted on the ground with his eyes and groaned in pain.

Luo Xiaotian didn't care about answering, and quickly flipped through the gallery with his mouth pursed, 3/99, the name of the photo: "Lord of the Flies"...

The disgusting system voice in my mind suddenly sounded: "Complete the side mission, kill the leader of the green fly, and reward 10 points."

Luo Xiaotian let out a long sigh, sat down along the wall, glanced at the camera that had turned green again, shook his right hand weakly, and said in his heart: "This is the flash charging speed of a serious camera! The batteries exchanged by the cheating system are actually dead!"

"Right, dead?" The Mediterranean man crawled along the floor to Luo Xiaotian's side with his red eyes open, and looked at the iron door that was almost torn down.

"It's dead, Wan Hang will give me some water and food. Do you have a lollipop?" Luo Xiaotian shouted to Wan Hang, who was still rubbing his eyes.

"I have chocolate." The girl in the couple also climbed over and handed Luo Xiaotian a bar of chocolate.

"Thank you." Luo Xiaotian took the chocolate, carefully opened the package, poured the residue into his mouth, and sipped the chocolate.

"Give you water and food, there is only so much left..." Wan Hang crawled over with tears, took out water and bread from his bag, and placed it at Luo Xiaotian's feet.

"Why are you all crawling?" Luo Xiaotian was a little strange.

"Damn, brother! My legs are weak! I can't stand up anymore." Wan Hang helped the door panel to look out through the big hole, and wiped the tears on his face with his backhand: "This situation is not bad if you don't urinate. Up..."

"Hahahaha..." Luo Xiaotian couldn't help laughing. The laughter was full of the feeling of being left behind. He had not directly participated in the fight in that world before he was reborn. Every time he looked at Li and thought they were there. There is no special feeling in the front of the massacre.

And today's battle, he feels very cool! After the release of this tension, the adrenaline surges, and the heartbeat feels very refreshing!

"Brother Xiaotian, you are really awesome. You said you died on the battlefield before. Are you a special soldier?" Wan Hang sat down opposite Luo Xiaotian and gave him a thumbs up.

"I used to lead troops and commanded battles, but we were fighting zombies. Millions of zombies made us win..." Luo Xiaotian was in a very good mood, eating and chatting with a few people.

"What are you guys binding me for!"

Just as a few people were chatting with each other, the woman on the ground suddenly screamed.

"You stinky girl, the monster outside the door was killed by us! Why did you lie to us just now? Looking down from the door, you can't see the corridor at all!" Wan Hang also slowed over at this time, carrying it. He lifted the spear on the ground and walked over, staring at the woman on the ground fiercely.

Insert a sentence, really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, complete books, and fast updates!

Just now Luo Xiaotian told everyone about the speculation. Several people have gradually become acquainted with each other. Only this woman who has been in a coma, everyone is not sure what to do, and now she is awake? Did you pretend to be faint, or was it really faint

"What's outside the door is dead? Hahaha, my mother's mission is completed?" The woman suddenly laughed, tears streaming out of her smile.

"Wang Jinlong, what does this lady mean?" Wan Hang looked at the Mediterranean man with a confused expression.

"I don't know? I don't know her." Wang Jinlong was also confused. He turned his head to look at the couple and asked: "Luotai, Miao Xinnuo, you came earlier than me, do you know how to return? thing?"

The two shook their heads together.

"What is your mission?" Luo Xiaotian looked at this woman, knowing in his heart that she was also a rebirth with a safe house system.

"Why do you think this ghost place has such a place to hide?" The woman struggled to sit up, her makeup turned black and white with tears, and she looked extremely hideous.

"This is the hiding place for the old lady! If it weren't for the timid guy to open the door and let the monsters in, it would always be safe here!" the woman yelled hysterically.

"What is your mission?" Luo Xiaotian asked again with a cold face, his eyes cold.

"Under the siege of Lucky Fly, rescue 5 or more survivors, not counting myself." The woman also looked at Luo Xiaotian coldly and smiled: "You also have a mission, don't you?"

Luo Xiaotian nodded: "Live for 48 hours."

"Living for 48 hours... You are still a novice, let me go now! Otherwise I will let this hiding place disappear immediately!" The woman sneered at Wan Hang.

Wan Hang looked at Luo Xiaotian.

"Let her go, she is not a monster." Luo Xiaotian nodded and continued to lower his head to eat the food in his hand.

The woman was released from the rope, moved her hands and feet, and after a few seconds of silence, she suddenly laughed and said, "This Green Fly leader gave me 15 points... You have a good camera in your hand."

Luo Xiaotian raised his eyes and glanced at her without answering. He continued to concentrate on eating, but he murmured in his heart: "Why give her 15 points and me 10 points?"

"Do you need my sister to tell you the rules? Are you very confused and scared now?" The woman squatted in front of Luo Xiaotian without looking at the other people.

"No, I'm leaving now." Luo Xiaotian swallowed the food in his mouth, raised his head and drank the water, clapped his hands and stood up.

"There are monsters outside. You will have to die when you go out." The woman put her arms on her chest and looked at him indifferently.

"When you were in a coma just now, you were controlled by a monster... You ask for good luck." Luo Xiaotian glanced at her, picked up the spear on the ground and opened the door and walked out. (End of this chapter)