My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 71: Bullying men and women


Manager Luo saw the fat man walk towards Luo Xiaotian, his face turned green.

I just wanted to stop him, but he was pushed down on the sofa by the fat man's bodyguard!

Luo Xiaotian had just been attracted by Shao Ning’s cry, and he hadn’t spoken yet.

I saw a chunky body rushing to Shao Ning's side and grabbed Shao Ning's hand!

"Beauty! Go to my room for a cup of tea? The bed in my suite is big and comfortable!"

"..." Shao Ning

"..." Luo Xiaotian

"..." Donya

"???" Duan Lingling and Doudou

"Are you sick? I'm a man!" Shao Ning shook his wrist, shook the fat man's hand away, and rubbed Luo Xiaotian disgustingly.

"???" Luo Xiaotian looked at Shao Ning's movements, speechless for a while, why don't you rub yourself on yourself

"It's okay for a man? I, Zhu Pingsan, do it, do it!" The light in the fat man's eyes became stronger, and he licked the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

"I stab!... You Oreo eats too much, right?" Shao Ning raised his eyebrows and started to roll up his sleeves.

Luo Xiaotian stopped him and took a step forward, blocking Zhu Pingsan and Shao Ning.

"Who are you? Have you asked the owner's opinion?" Luo Xiaotian looked at the fat man in front of him with cold eyes.

"Who are you so special? Do you know who I am? This hotel belongs to me!" Zhu Pingsan looked at Luo Xiaotian slantingly, and then looked at Shao Ning who was standing behind him.

Suddenly, the bodyguards around Zhu Pingsan surrounded him, blocking Zhu Pingsan behind him!

Because at the same time, they felt a faint killing intent from Luo Xiaotian.

"Two uncles, for the sake of my face, let's forget it today, okay? It's in the hotel lobby, I can't handle it, I can't handle it..." Manager Luo approached tremblingly and pleaded. .

"Forget it, let him have a cup of tea with me... forget it." Zhu Ping pointed at Shao Ning three times and said with a smile.

"Your uncle!" Shao Ning was mad, raised his hand and knotted a sword finger, before he had time to recite the spell.

Luo Xiaotian raised his hand to stop him,

Shao Ning looked at Luo Xiaotian with anger, gritted his teeth and said: "Why are you stopping me?"

"Those bodyguards all have guns on them, are you going to pass them quickly?" Luo Xiaotian raised his chin and pointed to the bodyguards who had been pressed to his waist.

"Hey, little beauty, your boyfriend knows more about the current affairs than you..." Zhu Pingsan laughed and cast a wretched look at Shao Ning.

Luo Xiaotian glanced at the hotel door, the corners of his mouth cocked.

After taking a step back, blocking in front of Shao Ning, he slowly said to Zhu Pingsan: "I don't believe you have a gun, and what if you have a gun? Can you kill us?"

"This is so brilliant, can you still bully men and women?"

The righteous words in these few words are full of air!

For a while, the lobby fell silent, and the piano player also stopped playing, and stood up with some horror.

"I have to show you today, what is domineering! Tell you! I am the one who has the final say!" Zhu Ping smiled three times, and without turning his head back, he pulled out a pistol from the bodyguard's waist and raised his finger to point it. Luo Xiaotian.

Under the recommendation, it is really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, complete books, and fast updates!

"Come on, I see you continue to be arrogant and let the little beauty behind you come over!" Zhu Pingsan pointed at Luo Xiaotian with the muzzle.

"Cut, have you used a gun? Will it be loaded? Pull the trigger? Your gun hasn't even opened the safety..." Luo Xiaotian put his hands on his chest and let out a sneer.

"I'm damn your lungs, you are so kind! Come here and kneel down for Laozi!" Zhu Pingsan's evil fire rushed into his forehead, raised his hand to open the insurance, pulled the sleeve to load, raised the muzzle to the ceiling and shot it. !


A crisp sound!

The fat man grinned,

However, the panic in his imagination did not seem to appear!

Everyone, including Manager Luo, who was standing next to Luo Xiaotian, looked at Zhu Pingsan with a weird look.

Even Zhu Pingsan felt that there seemed to be a smile across the corner of the big-backed mouth.

what's the situation

Zhu Pingsan seemed to feel that something was wrong, and he turned his head subconsciously...

A dark butt hit his face directly!

The pistol in his right hand was also snatched over!

Zhu Pingsan's eyes turned black for a while, and his mind buzzed!

A stream of heat ran down his cheeks,

He knelt on the ground with a soft thump in his legs.

"Huh?... Wait a minute... Where's my bodyguard?" A trace of doubt flashed in Zhu Pingsan's mind!

Zhu Pingsan covered his face, opened his eyes in pain, and looked before him with tears in his eyes.

A jet-black muzzle was pointed directly at his forehead,

His six bodyguards all hold their heads in their hands, squatting on the ground like a quail,

Behind them, a group of soldiers armed to their teeth stood densely!

On each bodyguard’s head, there are at least five gunpoints,

There are so many that can't let go!

Zhu Pingsan's brain buzzed, his nose bleeds, and his entire face is swollen.

A puff of air in my chest was stuck in my throat, and I couldn’t vomit it out, and I couldn’t swallow it.

Simply, dizzy!

Zhu Pingsan rolled his eyes and fell to the ground with a grunt.

"Little brother, you can surprise me wherever you go... Did you deliberately let me vent your anger?" Li Zhaoan walked over with a smile and waved his hand to the back.

A group of soldiers dragged Zhu Pingsan's ankle out of the lobby, and the five bodyguards followed out shivering.

"Brother Li, why are you here?" Luo Xiaotian also said with a smile. This Li Zhaoan is really transparent.

"This is not a place to talk..." Li Zhaoan said with a smile.

Just now Li Zhaoan took someone into the lobby, and the two only made eye contact.

Li Zhaoan perfectly understood Luo Xiaotian's meaning.

"Are you cool?" Luo Xiaotian turned around and asked Shao Ning.

"Cool!" Shao Ning nodded.

"This is also part of the cultivation practice. You can defeat the soldiers without fighting! Did your master teach you?" Luo Xiaotian blinked at him.


"To win with wisdom, you can't do it without doing it." Luo Xiaotian sighed when he thought of the smashed training ground.

"I'll take a few people upstairs..." Lao Luo tidied his head, bent over and bowed in a please gesture.

A group of people Haohao left the lobby.

The melodious piano sound rang again,

The luxurious and extravagant lobby has once again restored tranquility,

In the corner, two figures quickly walked out of the lobby...

Luxurious top-level suite on the top floor of the hotel.

More than a dozen heavily armed soldiers stood at the door,

Manager Luo is introducing the room to Luo Xiaotian and his group.

The suite is very large, two master bedrooms, equipped with three second bedrooms, bar counter, kitchen, gym, garden swimming pool, extremely luxurious...

"If the Zhu family are still asking for trouble, do you know what to do?" Li Zhaoan turned around and asked Manager Luo.

"Understand, understand..." Manager Luo nodded repeatedly and walked out.

Li Zhaoan winked at Little Angel Luo.

The two walked to the roof garden.

"What's the matter?" Luo Xiaotian asked Li Zhaoan.

"I want to know how you saved the plane, the conditions are up to you..." Li Zhaoan didn't go around in circles, and replied straightforwardly.

Luo Xiaotian pondered for a while and looked up at the sky.

He forgot,

The eyes soaring in the sky, there is only one country on this planet, which means that the entire sky is theirs...

"I want to say, I don't know..."

"I saw the picture of you suddenly appearing outside the plane before the plane crashed. I saw the layer of things that suddenly appeared on the plane. You want to... No need to say anything, you understand..."

"... I ran out of it, and now I'm out of my hand."

"Well... The above analysis should be a kind of super armor, but what I want to ask personally is, are you a member of the night watch?" Li Zhaoan nodded.

"I am not a night watcher. To be precise, I and them should be regarded as enemies..." Luo Xiaotian pushed his glasses.

"I guessed that the weird kidnapping case was against you..." Li Zhaoan smiled: "This is a good thing. The enemy's enemy is a friend, at least we are on one side..."

"In a short time, I can't come up with that kind of armor for you to study, I have something to do..."

"I understand, at least your wishes are good! Position is very important..." Li Zhaoan nodded and patted Luo Xiaotian on the shoulder: "Wait until you finish what you have at hand, let's talk about it."

"What's at hand..." Luo Xiaotian looked down at the countdown on his watch: "Are you familiar with this neighborhood?"

"is acceptable… "

"Take me to find tomorrow, an abandoned clock tower..." (End of this chapter)