My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 77: Dakang


Donya ran over and grabbed the people on the ground.

Duan Lingling's hair is messy, and there are a few hideous wounds on her arms and shoulders...

"Go! Go and see!" Luo Xiaotian jumped up and rushed into the glass door.

Behind the door is a huge room,

The lights in the room are brilliant,

Several huge crystal chandeliers hanging from the roof illuminate the entire room.

There are many tall bookshelves lined up in the room,

You can't see the head in densely packed...

Luo Xiaotian suddenly felt a bit familiar, but for a while, he couldn't remember where he had seen this scene.

"What's going on? Tell me about what happened to you..." Donya asked Duan Lingling as she ran.

Duan Lingling recounted her encounter with Doudou while running:

She and Doudou, at the moment the mysterious guy beckoned,

I felt a flower in front of me, and then appeared in a disgusting room,

There are green flowers flowing everywhere, and the walls are full of flesh-colored vines that are squirming.

"It's like intestines hanging on the wall!" Duan Lingling frowned and said in disgust.

"What's next?" Shao Ning asked disgustingly.

Doudou and I walked out of the room, as if we were in a passage dedicated to garbage disposal!

There are green ** and black things everywhere, I don’t know what it is,



Doudou took me to find a passage and ran up.

Along the way, we encountered many inexplicable things attacking us!

Green vines with tongues,

Skeleton soldiers carrying weapons,

Fortunately, their speed is relatively slow,


We met an armored soldier!

Holding a shield and a long sword!

Doudou is injured!

It was cut in the stomach by that armored soldier to cover me!

We ran to this library desperately,


"Then the two of them were saved by me..." a strange voice sounded.

Luo Xiaotian looked up, his pupils tightened suddenly.

On a platform behind a bookshelf,

A man in black is looking at them,

On his left wrist,

There is a watch with scarlet light!

"Night watcher?" Luo Xiaotian stopped and asked coldly.

"That's right, but I don't have the same ideas as those old antiques..." The man in black shrugged his shoulders.

"My name is Dakang, you are... Luo Xiaotian?"

Luo Xiaotian looked at him,

Dakang's short black hair looked very capable, with a gentle smile on his face.

There was no smile in his eyes,

He is also looking at Luo Xiaotian,

When his gaze swept across Luo Xiaotian's two watches, the smile on the corners of his mouth increased.

"Where is my three-headed dog?" Luo Xiaotian retracted his gaze and looked at the position behind him.

"Here... But I think it may not last long." Dakang turned sideways and stepped aside.

Doudou hasn't returned to the golden retriever appearance,

It was lying on the ground covered in blood, and its chest was slowly rising and falling.

Luo Xiaotian took out a powerful therapeutic injection and prepared to inject it into his body.

"I advise you not to do this... It is a three-headed dog, and this treatment is poison for it." Da Kang said suddenly.

Luo Xiaotian frowned and hesitated.

He didn't believe Dakang's words, but he really didn't dare to fight.

What if

"Doudou!!" Donya knelt on the ground, stroking the wound on Doudou's body tremblingly.

"Is there a way to save it?" Luo Xiaotian looked at Dakang.

Dakang shook his head slowly: "This place is too weird. Many rules have been changed. I'm sorry I can't do anything."

"Devil Luo, you step back, I'll try it!" Donya's eyes were red.

"Do you still heal spells?" Luo Xiaotian stood up, looking surprised.

"I used it for you, did you forget?" Donya stretched out her hands and started to mutter.

A blood-red light shrouded Doudou,

"Bleed it!" Donya sat on the ground with a pale face, turning her head to look at Luo Xiaotian.

"Okay!" Luo Xiaotian made a cut in his arm with an axe.

The blood rushed out,

Bright red blood sprang out along Luo Xiaotian’s arm,

It turned into a blood-red mist in the air and was directly sucked into the body by the bucket!

At this moment, Luo Xiaotian only felt that his strength was taken away in an instant!

I knelt on the ground with a soft foot,

The wound is constantly spewing bright red blood!

"Xiaotian!" Shao Ning quickly grabbed Luo Xiaotian and dragged him away!

After leaving the bucket of 10 meters,

The blood on Luo Xiaotian’s wound finally stopped spewing out,

It's just that the whole person has fallen into a groggy state.

Shao Ning hit Luo Xiaotian’s neck for a while with a powerful treatment,

Luo Xiaotian's complexion looks a little better...

"This magic is too overbearing... You'll have to die in a few seconds later!" Shao Ning looked at Donya with jealousy.

"Demon Luo, are you okay? Who let you make such a big hole? You forgot how did that guy die?" Donya also staggered over, looking at Luo Xiaotian with a worried expression.

Luo Xiaotian sat on the ground, panting heavily,

He lowered his head and watched the wound gradually healed, flipped his right hand and pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Da Kang.

"I'm sorry, you may need to stay away from us during this period of time before we recover..."

Luo Xiaotian secretly blamed himself, the current situation is very dangerous!

Just now because he wanted to fight, he made the wrong move!

Dakang around me,

It is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend,

In this situation, he and Duo Duo lost their combat effectiveness at the same time,

Duan Lingling doesn't know if she can still fight. As for Shao Ning...

Don't expect what he can do.

and so,

Luo Xiaotian must make the worst plan!

"Hehe, I don't plan to stay anyway, since your people are here, then I will leave." Da Kang smiled, glanced at Donya, and slowly retreated to the doorway on the other side of the library. .

Luo Xiaotian nodded and said, "Sorry..."

It's just that the gun in his hand has been steadily pointed at Dakang.

"By the way, I'll give you a piece of advice. In this, firearms... use it, no, no!" Dakang walked out the door, suddenly came back and shouted, then turned and left.

In addition, the reading app I am using recently has a lot of books, full of books, and fast updates!

Luo Xiaotian frowned and raised his hand to aim at the roof and pull the trigger to the ceiling!


The bullets fired almost disappeared into the air as soon as they were out of the barrel!

Except for the gunshots that went back around,

Nothing at all!

"Since this gun can't be used, why did he retreat?" Shao Ning stared at the place where Dakang disappeared, and said in a low voice.

"I don't know, it's meaningless to guess his purpose now, so be careful anyway!"

Luo Xiaotian struggled to stand up, waited until the wound on his arm was completely healed, and then slowly walked towards Doudou again.

The wound did not crack open again. It seems that this blood-sucking magic will only take effect after being injured...

"Duo Duo, this kind of magic is terrible... I'll use it sparingly in the future. If I accidentally suck my companions fighting next to me, right?"

"Okay." Donya nodded with a pale face, her mental strength just hit the bottom, and now she is slowing down.

Seeing the three-headed dog breathing gradually and steadily, Luo Xiaotian let go of his heart.

Fortunately, my blood didn't flow in vain, and Doudou was saved!

"Xiaotian, listen, there seems to be a voice in the hall behind us..." Shao Ning, who was in charge of the guard, suddenly turned her head and stared behind her.

In the hall where they walked over, there was a roaring sound at the moment.

The multicolored glass door suddenly exploded,

A set of tall armor pushed open the glass door with only the door frame left, and stepped in!

The heavy footsteps seemed to be in the hearts of several people,

And behind it, more armors poured in!

Luo Xiaotian stood up and said to Duan Lingling:

"Hold on to fight and run!" (End of this chapter)