My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 78: suspension bridge


Face numerous armors!

Luo Xiaotian has no desire to fight!

Several people are like frightened rabbits, running away!

The armor monster just now was smashed with Donya's electric ball!

Now let’s not say that Donya has not recovered, even if it has recovered,

Facing a dozen or so armor monsters,

There is only one to escape!

Run out of the library, and in front of you is a sloping downward step!

The steps are very long, with walls made of huge stones on both sides!

Hard and heavy!

There is only one way down!

"What to do?" Shao Ning, who was in charge of the break, turned to ask Luo Xiaotian, looking at the armor monster rushing over in strides.

"Run! There is no other way..." Luo Xiaotian shook his head.

Since entering this ruined castle, all the way is like being led by others.

And such a bottomless step is very unreasonable!

You are built on a cliff, so sloping down, don’t you lead into the sea

Four people ran down the steps,

Many armor monsters also chased after him!

The booming sound is getting closer and closer!

"There is a suspension bridge ahead!" Donya glanced back at her back, gritted her teeth, and began to accumulate electric balls.

When Luo Xiaotian ran past her, she hugged Donya and ran towards the suspension bridge.

The suspension bridge is very long,

The broken plank was fastened by several chains,

Standing on a bottomless cliff,

In the gray space all around, the sound of "boom" and "boom" as the gravel hit the water surface!

Several people staggered to the opposite side of the suspension bridge.

Those armor monsters also rushed onto the suspension bridge behind them!

The suspension bridge creaked under the heavy body,

"Shao Ning! Duo! Find a way to dismantle the bridge! I'll block them!"

Luo Xiaotian glanced at the width of the suspension bridge, secretly calculating,

The width of the suspension bridge here is not wide, if you can block the first armored man attack, then you can give Donya and Shao Ning time to break the suspension bridge!

Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and gave himself a shot to strengthen his physique. He turned around and took the shield from Donya, carried it in his hand with difficulty, and rushed back to the suspension bridge!

Shao Ning also ran a few steps to the suspension bridge and desperately waved the long sword in his hand and chopped the iron chain!


With a sword down, the iron chain was cut with a thin gap!

"There's a show!" Shao Ning was delighted, holding the hilt in both hands and slashing the iron chain in front of him with all his strength!

Duan Lingling put Doudou on the ground, and ran a few steps to the iron chain on the other side with all her strength and began to desperately pull the iron pillar on the cliff!

All of a sudden, the suspension bridge was up and down!

Luo Xiaotian only felt that if he hadn't been carrying a shield in his hand, he would have been unable to stand still!

Poke the shield hard on the board!

The wooden board made a "click" sound, cracked into several pieces and fell under the cliff!

Under the plank, a thick iron chain was exposed,

Luo Xiaotian stuck the tip of the shield on the iron chain, his left shoulder resisted the shield forcefully, and his right hand pressed against the shield tightly!

"Boom, boom, boom!" The armor monster in the front put the shield in front, and started a charge against Luo Xiaotian!

"Boom!" A muffled sound!

Luo Xiaotian only felt that a huge force came from the shield.

The body shook suddenly, and the shoulder made a crisp sound!

"Resistant!" Luo Xiaotian slammed behind the shield, desperately fighting the power of the armor monster!


The width of the suspension bridge is not enough!


All he had to face was the armor monster at the front, and the other armors stood stupidly in a long line on the suspension bridge!

The armor monster at the front is also hard-hearted!

Lifting up the shield and hitting Luo Xiaotian's shield desperately! It seems that a pair of cards in front of strength must be regarded as a real victory!


Luo Xiaotian stuck the tip of the shield on the iron chain on the bridge deck.

Most of the power is transmitted to the suspension bridge through the iron chain,

Although his shoulder is so painful that he has lost consciousness, he can still be firmly blocked in the middle of the suspension bridge!

"Kacha! Kacha!" The voice kept coming from behind!

The wooden planks of the suspension bridge under my feet trembled like a sheep mad,

Luo Xiaotian could only grit his teeth and insist!

Don't get rid of these armor monsters here, I don't know when they will be chased!

"Duan Lingling, you will pull out the pillars later! I'm still two times short of here!" Shao Ning saw Duan Lingling about to pull out the iron pillars, shouting desperately in his mouth.

"Devil Luo, hurry back! They hurry up and the bridge is broken!" Donya was madly anxious, shouting loudly from the suspension bridge.

"Okay! I'll be back!" Luo Xiaotian lifted the shield, and found that the tip of the shield was stuck in the gap between the chains and couldn't be pulled out!

Let me just add a sentence, the chase app I'm using recently, cache reading, offline reading!

Making a decisive decision, Luo Xiaotian let go of his hand and ran toward the suspension bridge desperately!

The armor monster behind him slammed forward and knocked the shield that had lost its support on the bridge!

"Roar!!" It raised its shield and stepped on the shield on the bridge, roaring loudly, as if sighing that it had finally won a victory in strength!

"Quick, quick!" Shao Ning held up the long sword in his hand and waited for Luo Xiaotian to run here to cut the chain with a single sword!

On the other side, Duan Lingling had already pulled Tie Zhu out a lot, ready to throw it down at any time!

Luo Xiaotian looked at the edge of the cliff just a few steps away,

I was a little bit proud, and finally relying on the right time and place to kill a wave of armor monsters!

"Jumping!!!" The three people on the cliff suddenly shouted desperately!

Luo Xiaotian stepped down and was about to jump up.

But I feel empty at my feet!


The chain in front of Shao Ning broke apart suddenly!

Blasted out black iron filings!

The iron pillar in Duan Lingling's arms was pulled apart abruptly and turned into two pieces!

It was the dozen or so armor monsters who ran through the middle section of the suspension bridge, and all their weight was on the suspension bridge on Luo Xiaotian's side!

The iron chain can no longer bear the huge weight!


Luo Xiaotian stretched out his hand!

Suddenly grabbed Donya by the arm and hung her whole body on the edge of the cliff!

Duan Lingling quickly hugged Donya who was sliding forward, and the two of them held Luo Xiaotian who was falling down with an embarrassment!

Luo Xiaotian let out a long breath, just about to talk!

I just felt that my left hand slammed tight, and then a sharp pain came from my wrist!

A sturdy chain hammer was wrapped around his wrist!

The other end was actually held in the hands of an armor monster!

The armored monster hung under Luo Xiaotian and struggled desperately, trying to climb up.

The bodies of Donya and Duan Lingling quickly slid forward again!

Shao Ning rushed over and hugged Duan Lingling tightly, thrusting the long sword into the rock with one hand! Survivingly stopped their downward trend!

Donya desperately grabbed Luo Xiaotian's arm with both hands, the huge tearing sensation almost made her faint with pain, but she gritted her teeth and pulled upwards hard, trying to pull Luo Xiaotian up!

"Xiaotian, hold on! We will drag you up!"

Luo Xiaotian looked at Donya's pale face due to pain, and a few drops of sweat fell on his dark mask!

Turning his head and looking around, the smooth stone walls have nothing to borrow!

I silently estimated the current situation in my heart,

They can't pull themselves up! Instead, they will be exhausted and pulled down together!

Luo Xiaotian said calmly: "Duo Duo, let go!"

"I don't!" Donya gritted her teeth, her eyes flushed.

"There is an armor monster under me, you can't pull me up!" Luo Xiaotian released the right hand that was holding Donya's arm, and his body began to slowly slide.

"I don't, I don't, I don't! Don't let go! You bastard!" Donia's eyes burst into tears, and big tears fell on Luo Xiaotian's mask!

"Continue to the clock tower! Wait for me there! I can't die!" Luo Xiaotian's tone was calm, he gently patted Donya's arm.


He jerked his wrists and broke free of Donya's hands.

Falling heavily to the cliff!

"No!!!" Donya was struggling desperately on the edge of the cliff, trying to break free from Duan Lingling's hands!

"I'll save him! Our bell tower meets! Protect yourself!"

Shao Ning's flat voice rang in his ears.

Immediately after,

A figure suddenly jumped off the cliff! (End of this chapter)