My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 84: What is this stuff?


The platform is built from a whole block of large stones,

The dark gray stones are cold and heavy,

A circle of candlesticks stands around the wide platform.

The candle on the candlestick was burning quietly,

The wind blowing around cannot make the candlelight shake.

It seems that their existence is just a kind of image, not real in this world.

Luo Xiaotian and the three stepped onto the platform and cautiously proceeded along the edge of the platform to the opposite corridor.

The surroundings are unusually calm,

There are only three rustling footsteps,

The more calm, Luo Xiaotian's heart is more cautious.

The current situation is very much like the preparation before the appearance of the final boss in a horror movie...


This calm continued until the three of them came to the steps leading to the bell tower.

There was still silence all around,

"What about the BOSS? Didn't come out? This flat platform is just a platform?" Shao Ning turned to look at the large platform behind him, her voice full of doubts.

"I don't know, this is not the world we are familiar with, and the rules are different..." Luo Xiaotian shook his head, carefully looked at the steps in front of him, and was full of doubts in his heart.

"The steps here are not right..." Dakang leaned down and reached out to touch the steps in front of him.

The fingers passed through without hindrance...

"I guess, I can't step on it..." Da Kang turned his head and smiled bitterly.

"I will go to the middle of the steps to see, it is possible that the edge of our walking is not triggered... Stay here, be careful!" Luo Xiaotian leaned down and walked slowly towards the middle of the platform.

"Be careful," Shao Ning exhorted.

Luo Xiaotian nodded and walked to the center of the platform alone.


Several stone slabs in the center of this platform,

There is a circle of weird runes,

When Luo Xiaotian’s foot stepped on the rune, the surrounding runes began to light up.

Starting from the edge to light up layer by layer to the center,

"There is a circle of runes in the center of the platform, and now the runes are starting to light up! Be careful!" Luo Xiaotian turned his head and shouted at the two people in the distance.

"Be careful too!" The two squatted down and looked around vigilantly!

Squat down,

Luo Xiaotian held the long knife,

Staring closely at the position in the middle of the rune, waiting for the unknown monster to appear!

There is a weird circle-shaped rune, which is slowly lighting up at this time,

Finally, the middle rune lit up, emitting a dazzling white light...

The surrounding space began to change,

Everything in front of me began to twist slightly like it was in the water,

Then the distortion became larger and larger,

A powerful suction suddenly appeared above the head!

It made Luo Xiaotian float up almost instantly.

Luo Xiaotian quickly pierced his eyes on the floor to fix his body, he turned his head hard,

Only Shao Ning and Dakang were holding the candlestick on the edge of the platform and fixing their bodies.

The heads of both of them were pulled up by the huge suction!

Luo Xiaotian's eyes condensed,

Something's wrong!

Shao Ning's hair did not hang down! Instead, it hangs naturally on the chest,

Shao Ning's skirt!

It didn't fall with gravity, but straight to the sky! !

"Upside down!" Luo Xiaotian suddenly understood!

At this moment they are all hanging on the platform!

There is a dark sky under your feet!

And a bright moon poked its head out of the dark clouds,

There is a soft light under their feet...

"Upside down! The rules of gravity have changed!" Luo Xiaotian shouted desperately!

"What the hell? Then where will we fall if we let go?" Dakang's face was pale, he clung to the candlestick with both hands, and looked at Luo Xiaotian with a confused expression.

"I don't know, I suggest you don't try!"

"Steps, there is dust falling on the steps! The steps seem to be usable!" Shao Ning stood aside, and she suddenly shouted as she looked at the steps that were not far away.

"You must find a way to climb that stage first!" Luo Xiaotian raised his head and looked at the long knife inserted on the platform. It was very strong and did not seem to have slipped off!

Shao Ning pulled the candlestick and started shaking his body back and forth,

The long skirt fluttered in the air,

Her goal should be a candlestick next to the steps,

She shook her back and forth five or six times, and finally let go of her hand suddenly, grabbed the candlestick in front of her by her inertia, and then she overturned and stepped onto the steps!

Then she lay down on the steps and panted heavily.

When he raised his face again, the whole face was completely pale.

Shao Ning looked at Luo Xiaotian in the distance with extremely anxious eyes.

"Miss Gan, you give me a little bit and I will go over! Then save Luo Xiaotian!" Da Kang lay down on the candlestick with his feet tightly clamped between the sturdy candlestick, freeing his right hand and putting a touch on the ring on his left hand. , Grab a rope gun!

He wrapped the rope around the candlestick on his body a few times and tied a knot, then raised his hand and aimed at the steps not far away!

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A pitch-black crossbow arrow stabbed fiercely on the wall placed on the steps,

The arrow suddenly popped out of four fine claws and buckled on the wall!

Dakang raised his hand and pulled the rope, then took a deep breath and grabbed the rope and quickly rubbed it towards the steps!

Shao Ning watched Dakang jump onto the steps, grabbed the rope gun on his body, and began to remove the crossbow arrows on the wall.

"This thing is a one-off!" Dakang exchanged a rope gun from his watch again.

Reached out and put the rope through the tail of the arrow on the wall to tie a knot, then raised the rope spear and aimed at Luo Xiaotian.

But after taking a glance, he put down the rope spear and looked at Shao Ning with some worry.

"No, there is no place to borrow, I can't hit the crossbow arrow on him, right?"

Shao Ning bit her lower lip and stared at him tightly, with prayers in her eyes.

Dakang poked his head out and looked again, and shouted at Luo Xiaotian: "Where you have no leverage, I will hit you with a crossbow arrow! You first give yourself a powerful shot!"

"Okay!" Luo Xiaotian had been looking for the rope gun in the menu just now. He sadly discovered that the level was not enough and he didn't unlock it!

It seems that I can only get this arrow!

He rewarded the treatment shot and gestured to Dacambi.



Luo Xiaotian gritted his teeth and looked at the four-clawed crossbow arrows nailed to him.

The pain in his chest reminded him that his body armor was pierced by this crossbow arrow!

He furiously pulled the crossbow arrow out of his body,

The bright red blood spurted out and squirted towards the moon...

Luo Xiaotian wrapped the rope around his wrist a few times, and then took a deep breath!

He stretched out his palm and pressed it on the stone above his head, and pulled out the long knife forcefully!

The body fell sharply,

Luo Xiaotian gripped the rope tightly, and suddenly felt the rope tighten, his entire body slammed into the opposite wall!


His feet slammed on the gray wall, exploding a circle of rubble!

"Xiaotian, are you okay? I can't see you anymore!" Shao Ning's anxious voice came over his head.

"I'm fine, let's go up now!" Luo Xiaotian pulled the rope with both hands to prepare to climb up, and subconsciously lowered his head and glanced.

Luo Xiaotian stopped,

Not far from his feet,

It should be the top of the bell tower before it was upside down,

A glass window is open on the huge circular surface,

The window was shining with silvery white light...

"What is this?" Luo Xiaotian looked at the gleaming white light, and his heart moved slightly! (End of this chapter)