My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 86: This is a dead end


The deafening bell is still ringing back,

The length of the candle is rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Donya and Shao Ning worked together to blow up two stairs in the corridor behind them.

He returned to the team and looked around warily.

Luo Xiaotian kept cursing the system in his heart, but at this moment, he had no choice!

Because there is still a dead soul teammate who doesn't know where to hang around!

If it is accidentally hung up, these people will have to be buried for him!

"This heartless soul! Where is it???" Luo Xiaotian couldn't help cursing!

"Jie Jie Jie!!!" Countless black shadows rushed up from under the platform,

Densely covered the entire sky!

They hovered in groups in the air,

The strange screamed and rushed to the few people hiding in the exit of the passage!

Dakang roared and thrust the shield of his left hand into the ground.

The shield suddenly doubled and sealed at the exit of the passage.

There was a bang on the huge shield,

He gritted his teeth and stood behind the shield, his hands numb with the powerful impact!

Standing behind Dakang, Luo Xiaotian swung his knife and slashed, and the monster that got in from the gap in the shield directly smashed the city in two!

Black blood splatter,

I heard the strange cry of "Jie Jie Jie",

Outside the surrounding walls, there was a harsh rattling sound.

"They're biting the wall!" Shao Ning looked up at the surroundings, both hands constantly waving white mist over his head!

These mists clung to the floor above the head and slowly turned into ice.

A layer of ice cover slowly appeared over everyone's heads!

"There are still 8 minutes, everyone hold on!" Luo Xiaotian stabbed a monster that got in with a single knife, kicked him aside with his foot, and shouted.

"Sister Shao Ning...?" Donya looked at Shao Ning's eyes with something wrong.

I looked up and down Shao Ning twice, and seemed to be a little confused.

Why Shao Ning suddenly became a woman, still such a beautiful woman...

But then the little girl raised her finger to the dark passage behind her and said,

"I'm going to blow up those armor monsters!"

"Dodo, don't go, help Dakang here!" Luo Xiaotian stopped Donya.

"Shao Ning, the armor monsters behind, leave it to you!"

"Okay!" Shao Ning stopped building the ice cover and threw a dozen white hockey pucks into the distant passage.

Luo Xiaotian jumped up and once again slashed the two monsters that got in.

At this time, he saw clearly what those monsters were,

A bloodshot one-eyed eye on a huge head, a large mouth with a grin to the base of the ear is full of pitch-black fangs, a skinny body, a pair of fleshy wings on the back, slender limbs, and three strong sharp edges on each of the hands. Paws!

"It's ugly!" commented Duan Lingling, who helped defend.

"It's too strong..." Dakang added grinningly.

"Hello everyone!" A voice suddenly sounded from among a few people.

A figure stepped out of the void,

It was the housekeeper who received their equipment!


A knife shadow slashed directly at the housekeeper!

At the moment Luo Xiaotian appeared, he slapped his head!

The silver long knife cut across the butler's figure,

Split the figure in the air into two pieces,

The butler appeared from the other side again, raised his hands high, and smiled: "We are on the same front now, and I'm here to help you..."

Luo Xiaotian’s long knife could be stopped on top of the butler’s head.

"Proof!" Luo Xiaotian said coldly.

The butler smiled and stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers!

A black curtain of light suddenly shrouded a few people,

The big-eyed monster that rushed down from the air slammed into the light curtain, screamed and flew out.

"Thank the beauty to stop attacking. Those armors are the only ones I have left. They should be able to help in a while..." The butler smiled and pointed to Shao Ning.

Luo Xiaotian was silent for two seconds and nodded to Shao Ning.

Shao Ning stopped the attack and squatted down panting.

Donya stood beside Shao Ning angrily, staring at the housekeeper.

Luo Xiaotian knew in his heart that the other dead soul mentioned by the system was probably the housekeeper.

Just don't know,

Why is this guy in the same camp as himself now

Dakang put his shield away and sat down, reaching out and rubbing his shoulders.

Everyone nervously looked at the armor monster coming out of the tunnel,

They took a neat pace,

Passing between everyone,

Standing on the platform and the big-eyed monster rushed down into a ball!

Luo Xiaotian looked down at the countdown on his watch, there were still 7 minutes...

The resistance of these two minutes almost emptied everyone’s physical strength.

This butler...

Luo Xiaotian looked at him and asked:


"I have no choice. You released the guy who sealed me at the cost of my life..." The butler sighed helplessly.

"Then trouble you to seal it up again, right?" Shao Ning squatted on the ground and said without an image.

"I have died once, and there is no way I can die a second time... This time, there is nothing I can do." The smile on the butler's face suddenly disappeared, and he turned his head to look at the platform, and said solemnly: "He's coming!"

The big-eyed monster that had been circling outside the platform suddenly spread to the surroundings at this moment, and escaped without a trace in the blink of an eye!

A huge roar came from under the platform,

The whole castle was trembling slightly,


The ground bounced fiercely, and Luo Xiaotian took a long knife and pushed Dakang's shield away and walked out of the light curtain.



Something huge seems to be climbing up the wall step by step,

Candles on the platform,

At this time, they all went out...

The butler waved his hand, and a row of candles reappeared on all the candlesticks.

It burns violently again!

"I can only reduce his strength as much as possible, there is only so much I can do..." The butler turned his head and glanced at Shao Ning, his eyes flashed with inexplicable emotions.

"Hilda..." The butler turned his head, a bit of sadness and nostalgia under his drooping eyes.

"Boom!" A huge claw clasped the edge of the platform,

"Boom!" Another huge claw was clasped on the wall of the clock tower!

A huge head came out from under the platform!

The pale face was full of black breath,

The hideous expression contains terrible hatred!

The scarlet eyes on the skull stared at the people in the tunnel,

Above the eyes, there are three compound eyes each, which are trembling constantly at this time.

The place where the nose should have been replaced by a pair of black holes, is slowly spouting hot gas,

And his huge mouth was sewed tightly!

With the movement of opening his mouth, the dark blood spurted continuously!

He kept trying to open his mouth,

He wants to roar!

He wants to kill these guys in front of him!

Crush their bodies,

Devour their souls!

Especially that damn good-looking guy! ! !

The huge paw suddenly lifted up and slapped the black light curtain fiercely!

"Roar!!!" A huge roar sounded!

The sky is full of cracked flesh and blood, thick lines and bones!

"You guys! This is a dead end!" (End of this chapter)