My Safe House is A Pit

Chapter 92: Soul evil


After this incident, Dakang became much more honest.

I even endured smoking until I was resting.

In the evening two days later,

The RV finally arrived at the foot of Shangyang Mountain,

There is a town here,

Luo Xiaotian decided to rest here tonight and set off to go up the mountain tomorrow morning.

This town is not too big,

But one main street is very wide,

There are all kinds of shops on both sides of the street,

In the evening, the neon lights are colorful and prosperous.

The hotel at the intersection also looks very clean,

Shao Ning proudly told Luo Xiaotian that this was all his own Shangyangmen industry.

She told several people how his master had a foresight, business acumen, and improved the strength of the whole school. Not to mention, he also helped to develop a small town at the foot of the mountain, which increased the average income of the people in the town and improved the entire town. Standard of living...

Insert an app: Perfectly reproduce the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

Hearing Dakang sighed aside,

Why didn't you have such a good master

Everyone opened three rooms in the hotel,

Three women lived in one, Da Kang and Luo Xiaotian, and Master Han himself.

In fact, deep down, Luo Xiaotian still doesn’t believe in Da Kang, so he dragged him to live with him.

It's convenient to look at him,

I am definitely not worried that he will harass Shao Ning,

Well, definitely not...

After dinner, everyone went back to the room to rest.

In the middle of the night,

Luo Xiaotian abruptly sat up from her sex,

Dakang on the side also grunted up,

The two looked at each other,

"Something's wrong!" Dakang said as he walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked outside.

The neon lights on both sides of the street went out, and the whole town was pitch black.

"Well, all the outside sounds suddenly disappeared, even the sound of insects and vehicles disappeared..." Luo Xiaotian drew a long knife from the ring.

"Someone used the enchantment... I don't know if it just covers the hotel or the whole town is covered!" Da Kang also pulled the warhammer from the ring.

"You go to wake Shao Ning and the others, I'll call Lao Han! Then we go to meet Shao Ning and the others in their room..." Luo Xiaotian walked to the door and looked outside through the scarlet menu vision. There was no one.

"This is not a night watchman, if the night watchman comes to the door directly, he won't fix these vain things!" Da Kang suddenly added.

"Well, be careful! Those policemen on the highway may also have problems, we are careless..." Luo Xiaotian nodded and gently opened the door.

The corridor was dark,

Quiet and terrible!

Luo Xiaotian didn’t know if the ghosts came in.

If it comes,

Luo Xiaotian doesn't mind sending them all to that world...

Carefully touched the door of Lao Han's room,

I cut the door lock and the anti-theft chain at the back with a knife,

Luo Xiaotian pushed open the door,

Old Han slept soundly,

The snoring sounds very rhythmic.

"Master Han, wake up!" Luo Xiaotian squatted beside Lao Han, reaching out and covering his nose and mouth.

"!!!" Old Han woke up abruptly, suddenly surprised to see a man squatting beside the bed.

"It's me, Luo Xiaotian, we may be in trouble! Master Han, don't say anything!"

"Yeah!" Old Han nodded repeatedly and started to get up and put on his clothes.

"Follow me, let's go to Shao Ning and their house to gather!" Luo Xiaotian led Lao Han out of the room and walked along the dark corridor.

The floor of this hotel has a concave layout.

Lao Han’s room is near the end of the corridor,

And Shao Ning's room was in the middle of the corridor after turning over.

The corridor was silent,

Did not hear the sound of fighting, so it seems that Dakang and the others shouldn’t have touched each other’s people.

Luo Xiaotian took Lao Han around a turn, turned the corner of the corridor and walked towards the middle.

Suddenly, the old Han behind him pulled Lalo Xiaotian’s clothes.

He trembled and said: "We, we, there seems to be something behind us, Dong,..."

Luo Xiaotian turned around,

In the scarlet menu vision,

I only saw a position less than one meter behind them, I don’t know when to follow someone,

This person is very tall, now his head is lowered, and he follows them upright.

"Here, this thing seems to be on tiptoe, the back heel didn't land..." Lao Han's face was pale, and he firmly grasped Luo Xiaotian's arm.

Luo Xiaotian looked down,

This person is on tiptoe, with his heel hanging in the air, as if stepping on a pair of invisible high heels...

Luo Xiaotian pushed Lao Han to let him continue to move forward, and he himself followed backwards.

Old Han shuddered forward step by step.

Luo Xiaotian saw the person behind him, and followed him.


Walking silently,

The stiff pace makes my heart cold,

Luo Xiaotian frowned and stepped forward with a knife!

Daoguang flashed, and the person was chopped into a cloud of black smoke.

This shadow just wanted to condense and form again,

But as if attracted by something, it turned into a black smoke and penetrated into Luo Xiaotian's ring...

"The Rubik's Cube... Absorb this thing? This is the soul?" Luo Xiaotian was taken aback, and instantly understood.

Old Han stopped in front of him, and tremblingly pointed to the row of black shadows in front of him.

"In front, it's all..."

Luo Xiaotian looked forward,

Can't help but have fun,

In the corridor, there are more than a dozen people standing on tiptoes.

Old Han was dumbfounded and watched Luo Xiaotian go up and clean up, one by one, and then all those people turned into a black smoke and got into Luo Xiaotian's hands.

"This, it's a bit fierce..." Old Han swallowed, and instantly felt that his body was not shaking anymore, his legs were strong, and he didn't pant when he went up to the fifth floor.

"Old Han, go!"

The two quickly walked towards Shaoning’s room,

Knock gently on the door,

Dakang's voice came from behind the door: "The king of heaven overwhelms the tiger!"

"Chicken stewed mushrooms!" Luo Xiaotian raised his hand and held his forehead.

This is the code he and Dakang set before they parted...

Prevent illusions,

The "click" door was opened,

Luo Xiaotian took Lao Han into the room...

10 minutes ago,

Backyard of the hotel,

In a utility room,

Squatting four men in black,

Staring at the back door of the hotel and the escape stairs on the side warily,

Prevent the people inside from escaping!

"The barrier has been activated! The entire hotel is covered!"

"Notify Group 1 and Group 2 to act!" a gray-haired old man said coldly.

"Yes!" answered a man next to him.

The old man quickly stamped his hands on his chest, and then suddenly pointed at a black jar placed in front of him.

The jar shook violently,

More than a dozen black smoke emerged from the jar and hovered in the air.

Followed the window and rushed to the floor where Luo Xiaotian and the others were.

"These fifteen soul evil spirits will definitely kill those people! Tonight we will be able to harvest so many black crystals!" The old man smiled slightly, as if he was confident.

"Old Zhen takes the shot, those guys must die without a place to die! It's a pity that the three little ladies in there..." The man in black beside him offered a flattering in time.

"If it weren't for those counselors who suddenly flinched, I wouldn't have to do it myself, and when the matter is over, I will settle accounts with them..." Old Zhen snorted, holding his hands behind him, standing proudly.

The Zhu family didn’t know what they were smoking, so they had to take action by themselves to get rid of these hairy boys. These fifteen soul evil spirits were only obtained after a lot of effort.

"It's a waste, just for a few hairy boys. Every time you use it, you need to warm up for a long time..."

Old Zhen's eyes suddenly rounded, staring at the jar in front of him.

The originally smooth surface of the pitch-black jar,

Suddenly it exploded countless cracks,

Then, in the shocked eyes of Old Zhen,

With a "poof",

It burst... (End of this chapter)