My Senior Is Always Salivating After Me!

Chapter 115


Accept disciples

Lin Suci's head was shook round: "If you don't accept it, you won't accept it!!!"

He refused very decisively.

He is still a little boy who doesn't know anything, what kind of apprentice does he accept? Is he going to harm the apprentice, or let the apprentice to harm him

Moreover, the relationship between master and apprentice in the cultivation world is not comparable to that of ordinary ones. Approving a master and accepting apprentices is tantamount to regaining a life, a circle of hundreds or even thousands of years, and the most important inheritance.

Lin Suci was apprentice to Qing Fou, and the Sifang Gate was his root.

It can be said that half of his father Lin Bugui and half of his father Qilan add up, and there is no sense of belonging that Sifangmen can give him.

The admission of disciples is too important and has nothing to do with him.

Lin Suci waved his hand: "Go find someone else."

With tears in her eyes, the little girl looked around at a loss.

Those children were all brought on lightly, they were basically selected, and there were no stupid people. The little girl's gaze swept over, and everyone was indifferent, without expressing sympathy or ridicule.

Only a boy who was thinner than she looked beside her, patted the back of her hand lightly.

"But I like you. The smell on your body is very kind and comfortable." The little girl choked and stammered, "I can get my breath into my body. I will be very obedient. I will be very careful, please. You, accept me."

Lin Suci pulled out her hair in distress: "Little girl, you really want to find someone else. Don't say you get the breath into your body, even if you are a golden core, it is not my turn to take you."

He was very free and easy, turned around and left.

The little girl was anxious: "Hey!"

The little boy next to her slowly held her hand, and said in a low voice: "...That's it."

The girl suddenly stopped her voice, and withdrew her eyes to Lin Suci.

Lin Suci did not participate in the process of accepting a disciple.

Ruan Linglu, Huilian and Xiaolan were the main people who accepted the disciples this time.

Zhong Lizouming was young and still a demon. He was immersed in the pleasure of doing business. He didn't care about his practice, let alone teach his apprentices. As for nihilism, it is a cultivating madness. Since stepping into the Nascent Soul realm, nihilism has been looking for ways to improve all the time. In just a few years, he is about to step through the demon world. Asking him to lead his apprentice, I'm really afraid that he will directly treat his apprentice as a knife practicer.

But no one had expected Yan Baishen to accept disciples from all over the division.

These children were brought in by Qing Fou from the outside, but there were a lot of people, and Qing Fou himself couldn’t figure out which one was which. He gave all the students to the apprentices, let them choose by themselves, choose the rest, and keep it. Be an outside disciple.

When Lin Suci was resting for a few days, they saw Ruan Linglu and Hui Lian looking at these children every day, repeatedly "touching" the bones to test the roots, and took the better children out for testing. The behavior of these children.

As for Xiao Lan, it was much simpler and rude. He took out a huge sword and let the children he fancyed directly confront him face to face.

Lin Suci looked at it a few times, and found it meaningless, and went to look for the group of little demon cubs.

The little demon cubs had been on vacation for a few months, and they were all taken back by the family to take good care of them. They just came back yesterday, each carrying a large bag, stuffed with various demon world delicacies.

Lin Suci unceremoniously turned into a three-headed Xiao Suci and went to eat and drink.

The little demon cubs were warm and hospitable, and not only gave Lin Suci a lot of food, but also gave him a lot of local gadgets and local products of their monster clan, and there were many precious materials and useful things in it.

"Xiao Ci, here you are, this is my uncle's feather, don't be "confused"." Xiao Guanguan hid a beautiful tail feather and handed it to Lin Suci.

This is a good thing! But it is also a good thing that is rarely available. The life of irrigation is dense, and there is little contact with the outside world, and the "hair" of irrigation is almost absent outside. Occasionally, the ones that strayed out in two or three were dropped off when the young birds were moulting.

Lin Suci just took over and thanked him, the little "milk" monkey squeezed up and stuffed him with a hand of red berries.

"This this! One can get drunk for a hundred days! My dad said this is a thousand days drunk!"

Why can one be drunk for a hundred days if one is drunk for a thousand days? This effect is far worse!

Lin Suci hasn't thanked him yet, the little Ocelot also stuffed a box of grass leaves: "My mother said, this is good for your health. I'll give it to you."

It was a box of cat grass, eighth grade, and each one was worth a thousand gold.

This Lin Suci can't get it.

"Well, this kind of gift is too expensive, I will pay... Ah!"

Lin Suci's words were only halfway, the anxious little tiger rushed forward, spitting out something directly on Lin Suci's body with something in his mouth.

The little tiger stepped on Lin Suci's chest with a paw, triumphantly: "This is my gift to you! It's better than theirs!"

Lin Suci took a closer look, and the little tiger spit out... it was still a little tiger.

It's just a little tiger cub who has just opened his eyes and has just been born before the full moon.

The corner of his mouth twitched: "...Where did you get it?"

This is his kind!

"The souvenir from my house." Little Tiger thought for a while, and added, "Oh, this is my brother."

And when he learned that the eldest son had taken away the younger son who was still eating "milk", Hu Niang hurriedly chased him up, and while holding the younger son back, she gave the little tiger a severe beating, making the little tiger screaming. Direct bidding.

Lin Suci was laughing and crying. After coaxing the boys, he didn't care about more. He packed all the local specialties into mustard seeds and was too lazy to sort them.

Within two days, he just forgot what was in the mustard seeds.

At Yan Baishen's request, after Lin Suci had a good rest for a few days, he had to go to the library to continue.

This time, Yan Baishen sent him.

"Look at how mysterious you are. Mysterious enough that I want to know your secrets. It takes almost a hundred years."

Lin Suci directly exaggerated the time and sighed in front of Yan Baishen.

Yan Boshen held his hand and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "It's okay, take your time. Anyway, I've been here waiting for you."

Lin Suci was very calm in his heart. Anyway, he is about to take root in the demon world. There is no such thing as Lin Fugui. The protagonist group of Bai Qingkong is still carrying out their great deeds in the human world. He only needs to practice honestly. , Read the book wholeheartedly, and get the secrets of the owner as soon as possible.

Lin Suci once again lived the life of leaving early and returning late. Every day, Yan Baishen sent him to the gate of Buyao Mountain City, and picked him up in the moonlight at night.

With a busy appearance, Lin Suci hasn't seen her masters and sisters for half a month, let alone the children who came to apprentice.

When he rested for the second time because of fatigue, he had contact with these children for the first time.

The entire Sifang Gate is now full of children. In the yard is a group of half-old children holding wooden swords, sullenly swinging their swords seriously, and a group of little demon cubs squatting next to them, seriously counting the number of swords they swing.

Lin Suci dragged a chair and sat down against Huilian.

He got a can of dried fish from the kitchen and stuffed it with Huilian. He snorted one and said vaguely: "Senior Brother, do you have one to pick?"

"Still having a headache." Huilian sighed, "Learning talisman is no better than others, it depends on talent, agility, and mind. They are not getting started now, and they can't even hold talisman paper and can't pick it."

Lin Suci beside her had a chest.

Looking at it this way, when Brother Huilian taught him back then, doesn't it mean that he is extremely talented, sensitive and mental!

Huilian seemed to know what he was thinking, and added a little: "Except you, I am an extra expense to take care of the younger brother."

Lin Suci was wronged: "... Okay."

Among this group of children, the youngest are only five or six years old, and the older ones are only eleven or twelve years old, which are the best stages of learning. Now it is Xiaolan who is responsible for training them intensively and delineating the specifics according to various qualities.

Lin Suci finished the dried fish, and suddenly saw the little girl in the crowd who had asked him to apprentice. The little girl held the wooden sword in her hand and waved it with one eye.

Especially at the side of the little girl, the sword style that the little boy wields is smooth and crisp, and it is very "splendid" among this group of children.

Comparing the two phases, Lin Suci became more aware that the little girl was acting strangely.

It's just that someone is a little girl who once wanted to worship him as a teacher. Lin Suci was too embarrassed to accuse her. She couldn't, just look away and pretend she can't see it.

In this way, his eyes fell on the little boy next to him. The more I look at it, the more I realize that he is good, and he replied next to him: "Brother, this kid is good."

Huilian looked at the situation, but was surprised at two points: "He? He has always been flat, and no one is outstanding. Why is it that he has improved a lot when he looks at it today?"

Lin Suci grinned and said, "Xu is someone who has made progress. I'm fast in elementary school at a young age, such as me."

Huilian was interrupted, forgetting what to say, and rolled his eyes at Lin Suci: "Heh."

After watching for a while, Lin Suci yawned and got up.

"I'll take a nap for a while."

Today, Yanbai left early, and Lin Suci was the only one in their yard.

Regarding Yan Baishen, Lin Suci still doesn't know what his owner is doing.

But he doesn't care, it's not a big deal anyway.

Lin Suci didn't get up one hour, and fell asleep again.

Before long, he felt someone knock on the door.

Lin Suci put on his shoes and put on his coat and got up to open the door.


Yan Boshen wouldn't knock on the door, he could enter directly. As for his master, he called him all flying spirits. The senior brothers and sisters were all paper cranes, and they would never approach the residence of him and Yan Baishen.

This is the first time someone has knocked on the door in the years since this room was completed.

Lin Suci was a little curious, anyway, there was no danger in the square door, and he didn't have any precautions, so he opened the door directly.

Outside the door is a child and a half.

A black "colored" disciple's clothes, with a single updo, his immature face was a little deep when Lin Suci opened the door, but when Lin Suci's eyes were facing each other, he "dang" opened one. Slightly smiling face.

He held up the tray in his hand.

"Little Master, I'll give you a bowl of "milk" tea."

The child is not as tall as Lin Suci's shoulders, looks cute, and speaks politely. Most importantly, Lin Suci remembered that he was the one standing next to the little girl, swinging the sword very well.

"It's you?" Lin Suci was startled, his eyes fell on the "milk" tea in his tray, and the tip of his nose smelled an attractive "milk" fragrance.

The child smiled suddenly: "I'm afraid I won't be able to get into the eyes of the predecessors, and I will be an outer disciple in the future. I want to come to please you and flatter you, okay?"

Lin Suci was surprised: "Why did you choose me? The third elder brother, the fourth elder sister, and the fifth elder brother are the apprentices. If you go to please them, you might be able to become inner disciples."

The child shook his head obediently: "If I am to please them, I will "disorder" the order. But I am pleased with the little uncle, but I just get close to you, and will not "disrupt" the rules of choosing an apprentice."

Lin Suci heard this, but felt that this kid was quite sensible.

"Then you have chosen the wrong person, I don't care, and I can't take care of you." Lin Suci kindly reminded, "You should go to the younger brother."

The child looked at Lin Suci with big eyes, and said with a shy smile: "But I like to see the little uncle and want to get close to you. It doesn't matter if you take care of it or not. I can take care of you. As long as you Don't drive me away, let me stay by your side."

Lin Suci sounded a little bit strange, but when he met the child's sincere eyes, he felt that maybe he was too careless.

A child, an outside disciple of his own teacher, wanted to ask for more care, it seemed nothing.

Lin Suci nodded: "All right."

The child's eyes lit up, and he raised the "milk" tea in his hand: "This is what I made specially for you, the delicacy of my hometown, can you taste it?"

Lin Suci picked it up and took two sips. Delicious and delicious, it is indeed a good "milk" tea. Originally just wanted to taste it, Lin Suci couldn't hold back and finished drinking.

"It's pretty good, you have a good craftsmanship."

Lin Suci did not hesitate to praise.

The child smiled crookedly: "You can like it. Then I'll go back."

Lin Suci was taken aback: "Don't come in and sit for a while?"

The child is holding the tray, and has been standing three steps away from the door so far, and has never approached it.

"No, I'm afraid that senior knows he's unhappy." The child may have been at Sifangmen for two months, and he has learned something.

He paused, and then cautiously pleaded: "I'm here to please you, it's not something to make others comfortable, Junior Master, can I ask you not to tell others? No matter who it is."

Lin Suci thought for a while. The child was thin-skinned, and it was the first time to do this kind of thing to please people, and he was afraid that he would know it to his companions and it would be difficult to get along with in the future.

He is rarely here anyway, and there are so few opportunities for children to please him.

Lin Suci nodded: "Okay."

The child definitely looked at him and smiled.

His tone was very cheerful: "Then I will go first, and I will come to you next time."


Lin Suci suddenly thought of something, and stopped the child who turned around.

"what's your name?"

After drinking a bowl of "milk" tea, he still doesn't know the name of the child.

The child watched and slowly said: "... Xiaoxun."