My Senior Is Always Salivating After Me!

Chapter 29


Lin Suci was silent for a moment, and he bumped and touched: "Bai Shen... I... Uh..."

The big brother of his family, this is to discover that his various things are wrong.

The two were silent for a long time.


Lin Suci sighed and broke the silence, with a crackling mouth: "I am the legendary..."

Yan Boshen covered his mouth again, "Shut up."

Okay, shut up and shut up.

Lin Suci looked at Yan Bai for a long time, and saw that his expression remained unchanged, as if he would not be held accountable, and he didn't care.

His elder brother, it's true... Didn't you care about it

He is his cat, and Bai Shen only recognizes this point, so he only recognizes this point... OK


Anyway, he has nothing to do with those miscellaneous things. Even if he has something, it won't affect much.

The cat cub's drooping ears, who had been educated by Yan Baishen's little child, stood up in a moment and trembled.

Those who were rescued were disciples of a sect. When I was collecting bamboo to destroy the grass, I came across this Tier 4 thin monkey bear.

Among them, there are disciples who have been here before, know this beast, and have the confidence to go and directly knock down the beast, disassemble it and collect it. Unexpectedly, the fierce beasts went crazy, chasing them all the way for half their lives.

Those few people were badly injured, and the marks on their bodies were bloody and bloody, relying on the "medicine" on Zhong Lizou Ming's hands, they barely stopped the blood and saved their lives.

The thin monkey bear had been broken into pieces by Huilian Xiaolan's hands and feet quickly, and the flesh, claws, and internal organs were packed into mustard seeds according to their valuable grades.

When Lin Suci returned, there was a pool of blood on the ground, showing the traces of a frenzied Tier 4 beast.

The rescued girl was still weeping, covering her wound with tears, and raised her head with tears. She saw Lin Suci and Yan Baishen standing side by side. The tears were sucked back, and there were water stains on the corners of her mouth. She didn't know that the eyes saw them. What's the matter, it's shining brighter than the gleam of light hanging on the corner of her mouth.

"This brother..." The girl mourned, "Thank you for saving me and waiting for my life, for saving my life, the little girl won't repay me, it's better to..."

"It's okay, as long as you have money." Lin Suci just slipped Zhong Lizou over, and asked how much "medicine" had been spent. Faced with the girl's repaying of gratitude, he spread his hand, "Thank you for your patronage, "medicine" You can just give three thousand Lingshi the cost of materials, labor, and life-saving."

The girl's face turned red from crying, and her face became even more red, like an eggplant with her head overwhelmed, turning purple.

"How do you say it, it's no rules to reach out for money who will teach you." Zhong Lixu glared at Lin Suci, then squeezed him back to Yan Baishen, and squatted in front of the girl, the little who grew up in the abacus beads. The senior "showed" a strategizing smile.

The younger brother over there was doing diplomacy. This Lin Suci picked a berry and bit it down. It was too sour, he hesitated, and tentatively held it to Yan Baishen: "Sweet and sour, I've tasted it for you. It's not poisonous."

Yan Baishen's eyes were not very good, as if he was looking at him as a fool, as if he was confessing to a fool, and spit out a suffocating breath. In Lin Suci's nervous eyes, he took the gaping berry indifferently.

This scene fell in the eyes of others. Xiao Lan, who was squatting next to Lin Suci, was stiff for a long time. He watched Yanbai sip the berries that Lin Suci had abandoned like a human being. He shivered and pushed Lian back: "Senior Brother Three. , Help out."

"I am not responsible for picking up eyeballs."

Huilian, who turned her back, refused mercilessly.

Xiaolan is miserable. She covered her eyes and wailed.

Fortunately, there is a bell ringing in their family, and the teenager who is wandering outside can hold it at a young age. He has learned all the rogue tricks and turned the girl's eyes in circles, coaxing them to stay here. Within the forbidden area, a contract was concluded with the Sifangmen.

As soon as she learned that the life-saver was a disciple of Sifangmen, the girl seemed to have eaten bitter gourd stained with huanglian. If she hadn't been injured and could not move, she was afraid she could just get up and slip away.

The berries in Lin Suci's hand were stuffed to him by Yan Baishen. The juice was sweet and watery, and it was so delicious that he ate it with a bite.

With the flesh still in his mouth, Lin Suci looked at the disciples who were desperate for life, and vaguely pounded Dao Yan Bai Shen: "Are you against us again?"

"Yeah." Yan Baishen didn't say much, but with one word, the heartache of Sifangmen was also ready to come out.

Only then came across two sects, both of whom had hatred. Lin Suci threw the core away and hesitated very much. Will they dare to go on a crowded road later

Wouldn't be besieged

Or... Do you want to find Xiaobaicai to stay safe with the hero

Lin Suci was itchy, looking around these other disciples, wondering how to open this mouth.

"Okay, enough "medicine" should be left, let's go." Zhong Li Xuanying solved the problem, got up and clapped his hands, and asked his senior brother and three senior brothers, "Where shall we go?"

There are two roads here, one is west and the other is south.

The south road was where these disciples were chased all the way. There was a wild beast, and no one could guarantee that there would be a second one.

Except for Yan Baishen, Fu Lu's response is strong, and the one who can fight is barely considered Xiaolan. Zhong Li Liming and Lin Suci are not capable of fighting with the naked eye. They really hit, and they may be stripped of their skin.

"Go west."

It was Huilian who made the decision, and he said, "I should be sleepy right now. Let's go to a place where there are people and rest for the night. We'll talk about everything tomorrow."

Lin Suci raised his hand: "Aren't you afraid of another enemy?"

"What's so scary about." Hui Lian was very calm, "As long as we don't declare ourselves, who knows where we are."

That's why, other people's martial arts have embroidered badges on their shoulders, but their clothes don't even have embroidered corners.

From the east to the west, there are fewer and fewer spiritual plants along the way. There are even more traces left by pedestrians, and there are even many traces of fighting left.

In Zijinliu, there are many fascinations, and there are many sects, and some of them have hatred. Other sects do not act as wretched as the Sifangmen, they are generous with shoulder embroidery, and when encountering people with hatred, they have not even made a greeting, and they will never be ambiguous when they do it.

That is, Lin Suci and his party, with no traces on their bodies, and generously "touched" them all the way from inaccessible places to a densely crowded place, passing in front of the many disciples of the sect who had been enemies before.

When the last glimmer disappeared, and Zi Jinluu was completely in the darkness that was hard to discern with the naked eye, where Lin Suci and the others arrived, there was no visible bamboo to destroy the grass on the ground. There were not even any old-aged spiritual plants left around, the branches were on fire, and the pearls were shining down. The disciples in twos and threes around this place either watched their surroundings or gathered together to discuss cooperation with other disciples of the school.

Choosing a place to build a fire, these things were all handled by Huilian, and their party settled not far away from the others. Huilian had already started to cook skin and flesh, Zhong Li Xuming and Xiaolan were calculating the money exchange.

Lin Suci didn't participate in the whole process. He was so sleepy that he couldn't lift his eyelids and couldn't sleep. He didn't want to become cat-shaped in front of these people.

Yan Boshen was wiping his sword.

His sword is three fingers wide and three feet long. Its body is dull and has a strong texture. When the wipes pass, a ray of light moves with it.

He wiped the blade back and forth twice with the towel, and when it fell halfway, Yan Bai had a deep hand and raised his eyes.

The little kitten sitting in front of him, with his pupils under the firelight, water gleaming in the "color" of Youyoucui, blinked and looked at him.

Lin Suci curled up her legs, wrapped her hands around her knees, and put her chin on her knees, making a look like "I'm sleepy and like saying, but I just don't say I just look at you quietly."

Yan Bai's deep sword body returned to its sheath, Zheng Ming Buzzing was locked in the sheath.

He stretched out his hands helplessly.

This signal made Lin Suci's eyes brighten, and he quickly crawled into Yanbai's arms.

"Here, big brother, taste how it tastes." Huilian grilled a piece of meat, looked at Yanbai's deeply spread hand, and handed the wooden sign wearing the meat to him.

Lin Suci: "..."

Yan Baishen held the greasy barbecue, glanced at Lin Suci, and hooked him.

Lin Suci quickly took the position in Yanbo's arms, and at the same time, Yanbo held the meat skewers in his deep hand and fed it to his mouth.

Lin Suci doesn't even eat barbecued meat to the mouth.

He opened his mouth, chewed the meat, and gave Huilian a thumbs up: "Senior brother is good at craftsmanship, this meat is really fresh."

"I feel it too," Hui Lian said after tasting it as the chef, "Let's go find it tomorrow, the thin monkey bear meat is very delicious, so get more and take it back to honor Master."

"Okay, let's take a look at others by the way, and get some muscles for Senior Sister Si, she can use it." Xiao Lan suggested, holding the meat.

Zhong Liliu didn't care about so much. He just immersed himself in a meal, and didn't stop his mouth for a while.

Yan Boshen held a few strings of wooden sticks in his hand, and fed them to Lin Suci's mouth. When he was full, the rest would be fed backhand to himself. But just a few mouthfuls, there is no more food.

The fresh barbecue made Lin Suci’s belly round, but the sprinkled ingredients seemed to be heavier. He hugged the water sac for a long time and filled his stomach with water before patted Yan Baishen’s arm. I found a position in my arms, adjusted my posture, and fell asleep comfortably.

The noise outside gradually became quiet. The people here come from different sects. That's why they restrain each other. At this time, there are guards and rest, calm down and sleep.

The temperature of Yan Boshen's body was low, and Lin Suci was used to sleeping on the ice bed. At this moment, she left Yan Boshen's body for half a step. Thanks to Yan Boshen's adjustment, he leaned against the tree trunk behind him, wrapped his hands around him, so that he almost lay on Yan Boshen's body, unable to touch the ground.

Lin Suci's head was tilted on the deep neck of Yanbai. I don't know how long he slept, the noisy sounds disappeared, and the body's reaction became more and more obvious.

In the end, Lin Suci frowned and slowly opened his eyes.

He raised his eyes and saw Yan Baishen who was holding him at a glance. He closed his eyes, breathing evenly, as if he was already asleep.

Lin Suci looked around, several of his own senior brothers, Huilian took Zhong Likuuming as a pillow and leaned against him. Xiaolan was watching the night with the giant sword in his arms, and soon noticed Lin Suci and gestured: "Wake up." Up?"

Lin Suci carefully shook off the hands that Yanbai was holding his waist deeply, and gently got out of his arms.

When the cool breeze blew, he almost shivered.

The people who are awake here are all guards who stayed to watch the night.

Lin Suci walked to Xiaolan and said quietly, "I'll let the water go."

The taste I just ate is heavy, and the water is too much, and my stomach is not compatible now.

Xiao Lan pointed to a short distance: "Don't go far, pay attention to safety."

At night, Zi Jinliu was very quiet, or quiet.

There are no insects and beasts in the distance, and no grass blades rolling in the wind nearby. Lin Suci stepped on the withered grass and walked into the woods. Looking back, many of the night watchmen on the ground were looking at him.

Lin Suci thought for a while, and flirted with her clothes openly.

Half of them looked down at the same time.

However, there are still girls here, unrestrained.

There are still some painted talisman in the Lin Su porcelain coat, which are now in use.

He raised his hand, and a talisman twisted a few times, staying still in the air. At the same time, a thick mist gradually floated, just to surround his lower body.

Lin Suci then untied the belt.

Lin Suci lowered his head, tidying up his clothes.

The dense fog is getting heavier and heavier, and it is about to block his own sight tightly.

Lin Suci turned around and was on the ground not far behind him. At this moment, he could not see anything. The dense fog was all around him, blocking all the areas within his sight.

He raised an eyebrow.

In terms of strength, he is not so good yet.

Doesn't it seem right

Lin Suci raised his hand and was about to recall the talisman he threw. Suddenly, a golden light flashed in front of his eyes, and the next moment, it was like a grid of gold streamers coming rashly, not giving Lin Suci the slightest response. Time, suddenly put him into it, and stayed firmly in the net!

"Meow wailing?!!!"